예제 #1
 public function test_StoreTwoIncrementalValues_RetrievesDifference()
     $resolution15min = Resolution::FIFTEEEN_MINUTES;
     $someAggregation = Aggregation::SUM;
     $storage = new Storage();
     $storage->setDefaultMiddleware($this->conn, new Logger(null), $resolution15min);
     $pipelineFactory = new Factory($this->conn);
     $pipeline = new Pipeline();
     $someSid = 1;
     $someNid = 1;
     $someValue1 = 600;
     $someValue2 = 700;
     $expectedDifference = $someValue2 - $someValue1;
     $firstDatetime = new DateTime('2015-02-18 15:00:00');
     $secondDateStr15MinAfterFirst = '2015-02-18 15:15:00';
     $secondDatetime15MinAfterFirst = new DateTime($secondDateStr15MinAfterFirst);
     $incrementalIsTrue = true;
     $expectedValsByDate = array($secondDateStr15MinAfterFirst => $expectedDifference);
     $storage->store([new CounterValue($someSid, $someNid, $firstDatetime, $someValue1, $incrementalIsTrue)]);
     $storage->store([new CounterValue($someSid, $someNid, $secondDatetime15MinAfterFirst, $someValue2, $incrementalIsTrue)]);
     $sequence = $pipelineFactory->createMultiAction($someSid, $someNid, $secondDatetime15MinAfterFirst, $secondDatetime15MinAfterFirst, $resolution15min, $someAggregation);
     $sequence[] = new ConvertToDateStringKeys();
     $valsByDate = $pipeline->run($sequence);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedValsByDate, $valsByDate);
예제 #2
  * @dataProvider useCases
  * @param $config
 public function test_UseCase($config)
     $timezone = new DateTimeZone($config['timezone']);
     $start = new DateTime($config['start'], $timezone);
     $end = new DateTime($config['end'], $timezone);
     $storage = new Storage();
     $storage->setDefaultMiddleware($this->conn, new Logger(null));
     $pipelineFactory = new Factory($this->conn);
     $pipeline = new Pipeline();
     $cvs = [];
     $dateperiod = new DatePeriod($start, DateInterval::createFromDateString($config['insertResolution'] . ' seconds'), $end);
     foreach ($dateperiod as $datetime) {
         $cvs[] = new CounterValue($config['sid'], $config['nid'], $datetime, $config['val'], $config['incremental']);
     $sequence = $pipelineFactory->createMultiAction($config['sid'], $config['nid'], $start, $end, $config['retrieveResolution'], $config['aggregation']);
     $sequence[] = new ConvertToDateStringKeys();
     $valsByDate = $pipeline->run($sequence);
     $msg = $config['description'];
     $msg .= "\nExpected\n";
     $msg .= json_encode($config['expected'], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
     $msg .= "\nActual:\n";
     $msg .= json_encode($valsByDate, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
     $this->assertTrue($valsByDate === $config['expected'], $msg);
예제 #3
 public function test_StoreAnomaly_RetrieveGroupedAndSortedByNofAnomalies()
     /* This tries to test something that's a bit difficult to test.
      * The anomalies should be retrieved in sorted order from highest number of anomalies to lowest,
      * and contain all the anomalies for each group.
      * We don't test limit and minCount here
     $start = new DateTime('-5 minutes');
     $end = new DateTime('now');
     // Group 1
     $this->conn->col('anomalies')->insert(['nid' => '1', 'sid' => '1', 'predicted' => 30, 'actual' => 70, 'mongodate' => new MongoDate($start->getTimestamp())]);
     $this->conn->col('anomalies')->insert(['nid' => '1', 'sid' => '1', 'predicted' => 40, 'actual' => 80, 'mongodate' => new MongoDate($end->getTimestamp())]);
     $this->conn->col('anomalies')->insert(['nid' => '1', 'sid' => '1', 'predicted' => 45, 'actual' => 85, 'mongodate' => new MongoDate($end->getTimestamp())]);
     // Group 2
     $this->conn->col('anomalies')->insert(['nid' => '2', 'sid' => '1', 'predicted' => 50, 'actual' => 90, 'mongodate' => new MongoDate($start->getTimestamp())]);
     // Group 3
     $this->conn->col('anomalies')->insert(['nid' => '2', 'sid' => '2', 'predicted' => 60, 'actual' => 100, 'mongodate' => new MongoDate($start->getTimestamp())]);
     $this->conn->col('anomalies')->insert(['nid' => '2', 'sid' => '2', 'predicted' => 60, 'actual' => 100, 'mongodate' => new MongoDate($end->getTimestamp())]);
     $pipeline = new Pipeline();
     $pipelineFactory = new Factory($this->conn);
     $sequence = $pipelineFactory->createAnomalyAction($start, $end, ['1', '2'], ['1', '2'], 1, 3);
     $res = $pipeline->run($sequence);
     $this->assertEquals(3, count($res), 'Expected number of groups were wrong');
     $this->assertEquals(3, count($res[0]['anomalies']), 'Expected number of anomalies in grp1 were wrong');
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($res[1]['anomalies']), 'Expected number of anomalies in grp3 were wrong');
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($res[2]['anomalies']), 'Expected number of anomalies in grp2 were wrong');
예제 #4
 public function test_StoreValues_RetrieveAsFormula_FormulaIsCorrectlyCalculated()
     $formula = '[sid=1,agg=1] + [sid=2,agg=1]';
     $sid1 = 1;
     $sid2 = 2;
     $someNid = 1;
     $valSid1 = 15;
     $valSid2 = 30;
     $expectedSum = $valSid1 + $valSid2;
     $someDateString = '2015-02-18 15:00:00';
     $datetime = new DateTime($someDateString);
     $someFormulaResolution = Resolution::FIVE_MINUTES;
     $someResultResolution = Resolution::FIVE_MINUTES;
     $sumResultAggregation = Aggregation::SUM;
     $someResolution = Resolution::FIVE_MINUTES;
     $isIncremental = false;
     $padding = false;
     $storage = new Storage();
     $storage->setDefaultMiddleware($this->conn, new Logger(null), $someResolution);
     $pipeline = new Pipeline();
     $pipelineFactory = new Factory($this->conn);
     $expected = array($someDateString => $expectedSum);
     $cvs = [];
     $cvs[] = new CounterValue($sid1, $someNid, $datetime, $valSid1, $isIncremental);
     $cvs[] = new CounterValue($sid2, $someNid, $datetime, $valSid2, $isIncremental);
     $sequence = $pipelineFactory->createMultiAction($formula, $someNid, $datetime, $datetime, $someResultResolution, $sumResultAggregation, $padding, null, null, null, true, $someFormulaResolution);
     $sequence[] = new ConvertToDateStringKeys();
     $output = $pipeline->run($sequence);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $output);
예제 #5
 protected function getState(array $anomalies)
     $statesByTimestamp = [];
     foreach ($anomalies as $anomaly) {
         $statesByTimestamp[$anomaly->cv->datetime->getTimestamp()] = 1;
     $series = new Series($statesByTimestamp);
     $pipeline = new Pipeline();
     return $pipeline->run([new RollupTime($this->resolution, Aggregation::MAX), new Pad($this->resolution, $this->start, $this->end, 0)], $series)->vals;
예제 #6
  * @dataProvider rollupTimeAndPadProvider
  * @param $config
 public function test_RollupTimeAndPad($config)
     $vals = [];
     foreach ($config['vals'] as $dateStr => $value) {
         $vals[(new DateTime($dateStr))->getTimestamp()] = $value;
     $series = new Series($vals);
     $find = $this->getMockBuilder('Mongotd\\Pipeline\\Find')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $pipeline = new Pipeline();
     $output = $pipeline->run([$find, new RollupTime($config['resolution'], $config['aggregation'], $config['padding']), new Pad($config['resolution'], new DateTime($config['start']), new DateTime($config['end']), $config['padding']), new ConvertToDateStringKeys()]);
     $this->assertEquals($config['expected'], $output);
예제 #7
 public function createFormulaAction($formula, $nid, DateTime $start, DateTime $end, $resolution, $padding)
     $parser = new Parser();
     $ast = $parser->parse($formula);
     $astEvaluator = new AstEvaluator();
     $astEvaluator->setVariableEvaluatorCallback(function ($options) use($nid, $start, $end, $resolution, $padding) {
         if (!isset($options['sid'])) {
             throw new Exception('sid was not specified in variable. Need this to determine which sensor to get for the calculation of the formula.');
         if (!isset($options['agg'])) {
             throw new Exception('agg was not specified in variable. Need this in order to aggregate up to the correct resolution before calculating formula.');
         $pipeline = new Pipeline();
         return $pipeline->run([new Find($this->conn, $options['sid'], $nid, $start, $end), new RollupTime($resolution, $options['agg'], $padding), new Pad($resolution, $start, $end, $padding)])->vals;
     return new Formula($ast, $astEvaluator);
예제 #8
 public function getWindowedVals($sid, $nid, DateTime $end, $nDays)
     // NB: Each window includes 0...N-1. We want to include the ending (N), so start at 1 instead of 0.
     $start = clone $end;
     $start->sub(DateInterval::createFromDateString($nDays . ' days'));
     $start->sub(DateInterval::createFromDateString($this->windowLengthInSeconds - 1 . ' seconds'));
     $pipeline = new Pipeline();
     $series = $pipeline->run([new Find($this->conn, $sid, $nid, $start, $end), new FilterWindow($start, $this->windowLengthInSeconds, 86400)]);
     return array_values($series->vals);
예제 #9
use Mongotd\Storage;
use Mongotd\StorageMiddleware\FilterCounterValues;
use Mongotd\StorageMiddleware\InsertCounterValues;
$config = json_decode(file_get_contents('retrievalLoadTestConfig.json'), true);
$start = new \DateTime($config['starttime']);
$end = new \DateTime('now');
$conn = new Connection($config['dbhost'], $config['dbname'], $config['dbprefix']);
$sid = '1';
$nid = '1';
$pipelineFactory = new Factory($conn);
$pipeline = new Pipeline();
$storage = new Storage();
$storage->addMiddleware(new FilterCounterValues());
$storage->addMiddleware(new InsertCounterValues($conn));
if ($config['doInsertion']) {
    $dateperiod = new \DatePeriod($start, DateInterval::createFromDateString($config['insertIntervalInSeconds'] . ' seconds'), $end);
    $cvs = [];
    foreach ($dateperiod as $datetime) {
        $cvs[] = new CounterValue($sid, $nid, $datetime, rand());
    echo "Insertion done\n";
$timerStart = microtime(true);
$sequence = $pipelineFactory->createMultiAction($sid, $nid, $start, $end, $config['retrieveResolution'], $config['retrieveAggregation']);
$totalTime = microtime(true) - $timerStart;
echo 'Retrieved in: ' . $totalTime . " seconds\n";
예제 #10
파일: load.php 프로젝트: magnusjt/mongotd
    $combinedNodeAggregation = aggregationStrToEnum($_GET['combinedNodeAggregation']);
if (isset($_GET['nodeResolution'])) {
    $nodeResolution = resolutionStrToEnum($_GET['nodeResolution']);
if (isset($_GET['formulaResolution'])) {
    $formulaResolution = resolutionStrToEnum($_GET['formulaResolution']);
$flotData = array();
$start = new DateTime($start);
$end = new DateTime($end);
DateTimeHelper::normalizeTimeRange($start, $end, $resolution);
foreach ($sids as $sid) {
    $sequence = $pipelineFactory->createMultiAction($sid, $nids, $start, $end, $resolution, $aggregation, false, $nodeResolution, $singleNodeAggregation, $combinedNodeAggregation, $asFormula, $formulaResolution);
    $sequence[] = new ConvertToFlotFormat();
    $data = $pipeline->run($sequence);
    $flotData[] = array('data' => $data, 'label' => 'Sensor ' . $sid, 'xaxis' => 1, 'yaxis' => 1);
$sequence = $pipelineFactory->createAnomalyAction($start, $end, $nids, $sids, 0, count($nids) * count($nids));
$sequence[] = new AddAnomalyState($start, $end, $resolution);
$res = $pipeline->run($sequence);
$anomalyStates = [];
$anomalies = array();
foreach ($res as $row) {
    $anomalies = array_merge($anomalies, $row['anomalies']);
    foreach ($row['state'] as $timestamp => $state) {
        $anomalyStates[$timestamp] = $state;
$data = array_map(function ($timestamp, $value) {
    return array($timestamp * 1000, $value);
예제 #11
 $expectedAnomaly = false;
 if (rand() % 1000 == 0) {
     $persist = $config['anomalyPersistIntervals'];
 if ($persist > 0) {
     $expectedAnomaly = true;
     $data['value'] *= 2;
 $storage->store([new \Mongotd\CounterValue(1, 1, $data['datetime'], $data['value'])]);
 $datetimeStartInterval = clone $data['datetime'];
 $datetimeStartInterval->sub(DateInterval::createFromDateString($config['insertIntervalInSeconds'] - 1 . ' seconds'));
 $sequence = $pipelineFactory->createAnomalyAction($datetimeStartInterval, $data['datetime']);
 $anomalyList = $pipeline->run($sequence);
 $isAnomaly = count($anomalyList) > 0 and count($anomalyList[0]['anomalies']) > 0;
 if ($isAnomaly or $expectedAnomaly) {
     echo $data['datetime']->format('Y-m-d H:i') . ' - ' . $data['value'];
     if ($isAnomaly) {
         echo ' Detected anomaly! (predicted avg ' . $anomalyList[0]['anomalies'][0]->predicted . ')';
     if ($expectedAnomaly) {
         echo ' Actual anomaly!';
     if ($isAnomaly and $expectedAnomaly) {
     } else {
         if ($isAnomaly) {
         } else {