public function linkRefactoring(Application $app, Request $request)
     $data = $request->get('refactoringBlocks');
     try {
         /** @var \Model\Url $oldUrl */
         $oldUrl = $app['em']->find('\\Model\\Url', $request->get('oldUrl'));
     } catch (Expcetion $e) {
         return new Response($app['admin.message_composer']->exceptionMessage($e), 500);
     if (!isset($oldUrl) || is_null($oldUrl)) {
         return new Response($app['admin.message_composer']->failureMessage("Url to be refactored does not exist"), 400);
     $newUrl = new Url();
     $blockIds = array();
     foreach ($data as $blockId => $val) {
         $blockIds[] = $blockId;
     $blocks = $app['em']->getRepository('\\Model\\ContentBlock')->findBy(array('id' => $blockIds));
     $lass = new LinkAssistant();
     try {
         $updatedBlocks = $lass->refactorLinks($blocks, $oldUrl, $newUrl);
         //Saving blocks
         foreach ($updatedBlocks as $block) {
         //Update url row with new url refactored
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return new Response($app['admin.message_composer']->exceptionMessage($e), 500);
     return new Response($app['admin.message_composer']->successMessage(), 200);
예제 #2
  * @param $em \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager
  * @param $data array
  * @param null $pageid int
  * @return int Id of processed page
 protected function insertUpdateProcessing($em, $data, $pageid = null)
     $update = !is_null($pageid);
     if ($update) {
         $page = $em->find('Model\\Page', $pageid);
     } else {
         $page = new Page();
     if ($update) {
         $deleteurl = $em->createQueryBuilder()->delete()->from('Model\\Url', "url")->where("" . $page->getId())->getQuery();
         $deletepageblock = $em->createQueryBuilder()->delete()->from('Model\\PageBlock', "pb")->where("" . $page->getId())->getQuery();
     $language = $em->find('Model\\Language', $data['language']);
     //Url insertion
     foreach ($data['url'] as $urlstring) {
         if (strlen($urlstring) > 2) {
             $url = new Url();
     if (!$update) {
     //Processing Blocks
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($data['block']['id']); $i++) {
         $blockid = $data['block']['id'][$i];
         //If block is new and content is empty, skip the block
         //Iterates over remaining blocks
         if (!($blockid == 0 && strlen($data['block']['content'][$i]) == 0)) {
             $isContentBlock = isset($data['block']['content'][$i]) && strlen($data['block']['content'][$i]) > 0;
             if ($blockid == 0) {
                 //Insert new block
                 $block = new \Model\ContentBlock();
             } else {
                 //Update existing block
                 if ($isContentBlock) {
                     $block = $em->find('Model\\ContentBlock', $blockid);
                 } else {
                     $block = $em->find('Model\\Block', $blockid);
             if (is_null($block)) {
                 print "IS CONTENT BLOCK ->" . $isContentBlock . "\n";
                 print $data['block']['content'][$i];
                 print "BLOCK ID -> " . $blockid;
             //Sets block properties
             $bgrepeatx = !(strlen($data['block']['bckrepeatx'][$i]) <= 0 || $data['block']['bckrepeatx'][$i] == 'false');
             $bgrepeaty = !(strlen($data['block']['bckrepeaty'][$i]) <= 0 || $data['block']['bckrepeaty'][$i] == 'false');
             // If is set content field, this block is a content block
             // If content is not set, I can work directly with block object
             if ($isContentBlock) {
             if ($blockid == 0) {
             } else {
             //Adding block to page
             $page->addBlock($block, $i);
     if ($update) {
     } else {
     return $page->getId();