예제 #1
 // For each subscribed user in this twf and discussion, copy over per-discussion subscriptions if required.
 $discussiongroup = $discussion->groupid == -1 ? 0 : $discussion->groupid;
 $potentialsubscribers = \mod_twf\subscriptions::fetch_subscribed_users($twf, $discussiongroup, $modcontext, 'u.id', true);
 // Pre-seed the subscribed_discussion caches.
 // Firstly for the twf being moved to.
 // And also for the discussion being moved.
 $subscriptionchanges = array();
 $subscriptiontime = time();
 foreach ($potentialsubscribers as $subuser) {
     $userid = $subuser->id;
     $targetsubscription = \mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($userid, $twfto, null, $cmto);
     $discussionsubscribed = \mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($userid, $twf, $discussion->id);
     $twfsubscribed = \mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($userid, $twf);
     if ($twfsubscribed && !$discussionsubscribed && $targetsubscription) {
         // The user has opted out of this discussion and the move would cause them to receive notifications again.
         // Ensure they are unsubscribed from the discussion still.
         $subscriptionchanges[$userid] = \mod_twf\subscriptions::FORUM_DISCUSSION_UNSUBSCRIBED;
     } else {
         if (!$twfsubscribed && $discussionsubscribed && !$targetsubscription) {
             // The user has opted into this discussion and would otherwise not receive the subscription after the move.
             // Ensure they are subscribed to the discussion still.
             $subscriptionchanges[$userid] = $subscriptiontime;
 $DB->set_field('twf_discussions', 'twf', $twfto->id, array('id' => $discussion->id));
 $DB->set_field('twf_read', 'twfid', $twfto->id, array('discussionid' => $discussion->id));
 // Delete the existing per-discussion subscriptions and replace them with the newly calculated ones.
예제 #2
  * Test that providing a context_module instance to is_subscribed does not result in additional lookups to retrieve
  * the context_module.
 public function test_is_subscribed_cm()
     global $DB;
     // Create a course, with a twf.
     $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_FORCESUBSCRIBE);
     $twf = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('twf', $options);
     // Create a user enrolled in the course as a student.
     list($user) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 1);
     // Retrieve the $cm now.
     $cm = get_fast_modinfo($twf->course)->instances['twf'][$twf->id];
     // Reset get_fast_modinfo.
     get_fast_modinfo(0, 0, true);
     // Call is_subscribed without passing the $cmid - this should result in a lookup and filling of some of the
     // caches. This provides us with consistent data to start from.
     $this->assertTrue(\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $twf));
     $this->assertTrue(\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $twf));
     // Make a note of the number of DB calls.
     $basecount = $DB->perf_get_reads();
     // Call is_subscribed - it should give return the correct result (False), and result in no additional queries.
     $this->assertTrue(\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $twf, null, $cm));
     // The capability check does require some queries, so we don't test it directly.
     // We don't assert here because this is dependant upon linked code which could change at any time.
     $suppliedcmcount = $DB->perf_get_reads() - $basecount;
     // Call is_subscribed without passing the $cmid now - this should result in a lookup.
     get_fast_modinfo(0, 0, true);
     $basecount = $DB->perf_get_reads();
     $this->assertTrue(\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $twf));
     $calculatedcmcount = $DB->perf_get_reads() - $basecount;
     // There should be more queries than when we performed the same check a moment ago.
     $this->assertGreaterThan($suppliedcmcount, $calculatedcmcount);
예제 #3
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
if ($user) {
    if (!has_capability('mod/twf:managesubscriptions', $context)) {
        print_error('nopermissiontosubscribe', 'twf');
    $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $user), '*', MUST_EXIST);
} else {
    $user = $USER;
if (isset($cm->groupmode) && empty($course->groupmodeforce)) {
    $groupmode = $cm->groupmode;
} else {
    $groupmode = $course->groupmode;
$issubscribed = \mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $twf, $discussionid, $cm);
// For a user to subscribe when a groupmode is set, they must have access to at least one group.
if ($groupmode && !$issubscribed && !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context)) {
    if (!groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id)) {
        print_error('cannotsubscribe', 'twf');
require_login($course, false, $cm);
if (is_null($mode) and !is_enrolled($context, $USER, '', true)) {
    // Guests and visitors can't subscribe - only enrolled
    if (isguestuser()) {
        echo $OUTPUT->header();
        echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string('subscribeenrolledonly', 'twf') . '<br /><br />' . get_string('liketologin'), get_login_url(), new moodle_url('/mod/twf/view.php', array('f' => $id)));
        echo $OUTPUT->footer();
예제 #4
$includetext = optional_param('includetext', false, PARAM_BOOL);
$twf = $DB->get_record('twf', array('id' => $twfid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $twf->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$discussion = $DB->get_record('twf_discussions', array('id' => $discussionid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('twf', $twf->id, $course->id, false, MUST_EXIST);
$context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
require_login($course, false, $cm);
require_capability('mod/twf:viewdiscussion', $context);
$return = new stdClass();
if (is_guest($context, $USER)) {
    // is_guest should be used here as this also checks whether the user is a guest in the current course.
    // Guests and visitors cannot subscribe - only enrolled users.
    throw new moodle_exception('noguestsubscribe', 'mod_twf');
if (!\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribable($twf)) {
    // Nothing to do. We won't actually output any content here though.
    echo json_encode($return);
if (\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($USER->id, $twf, $discussion->id, $cm)) {
    // The user is subscribed, unsubscribe them.
    \mod_twf\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($USER->id, $discussion, $context);
} else {
    // The user is unsubscribed, subscribe them.
    \mod_twf\subscriptions::subscribe_user_to_discussion($USER->id, $discussion, $context);
// Now return the updated subscription icon.
$return->icon = twf_get_discussion_subscription_icon($twf, $discussion->id, null, $includetext);
echo json_encode($return);
예제 #5
 public function test_automatic_with_unsubscribed_discussion()
     // Create a course, with a twf.
     $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE);
     $twf = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('twf', $options);
     // Create two users enrolled in the course as students.
     list($author, $recipient) = $this->helper_create_users($course, 2);
     // Post a discussion to the twf.
     list($discussion, $post) = $this->helper_post_to_twf($twf, $author);
     // Unsubscribe the 'author' user from the discussion.
     \mod_twf\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user_from_discussion($author->id, $discussion);
     $this->assertFalse(\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($author->id, $twf, $discussion->id));
     $this->assertTrue(\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($recipient->id, $twf, $discussion->id));
     // We expect only one user to receive this post.
     $expected = 1;
     // Run cron and check that the expected number of users received the notification.
     $messages = $this->helper_run_cron_check_count($post, $expected);
     $seenauthor = false;
     $seenrecipient = false;
     foreach ($messages as $message) {
         // They should both be from our user.
         $this->assertEquals($author->id, $message->useridfrom);
         if ($message->useridto == $author->id) {
             $seenauthor = true;
         } else {
             if ($message->useridto = $recipient->id) {
                 $seenrecipient = true;
     // Check we only saw one user.
예제 #6
$draftid_editor = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('message');
$currenttext = file_prepare_draft_area($draftid_editor, $modcontext->id, 'mod_twf', 'post', $postid, mod_twf_post_form::editor_options($modcontext, $postid), $post->message);
$manageactivities = has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $coursecontext);
if (\mod_twf\subscriptions::subscription_disabled($twf) && !$manageactivities) {
    // User does not have permission to subscribe to this discussion at all.
    $discussionsubscribe = false;
} else {
    if (\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_forcesubscribed($twf)) {
        // User does not have permission to unsubscribe from this discussion at all.
        $discussionsubscribe = true;
    } else {
        if (isset($discussion) && \mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($USER->id, $twf, $discussion->id, $cm)) {
            // User is subscribed to the discussion - continue the subscription.
            $discussionsubscribe = true;
        } else {
            if (!isset($discussion) && \mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($USER->id, $twf, null, $cm)) {
                // Starting a new discussion, and the user is subscribed to the twf - subscribe to the discussion.
                $discussionsubscribe = true;
            } else {
                // User is not subscribed to either twf or discussion. Follow user preference.
                $discussionsubscribe = $USER->autosubscribe;
$mform_post->set_data(array('attachments' => $draftitemid, 'general' => $heading, 'subject' => $post->subject, 'message' => array('text' => $currenttext, 'format' => empty($post->messageformat) ? editors_get_preferred_format() : $post->messageformat, 'itemid' => $draftid_editor), 'discussionsubscribe' => $discussionsubscribe, 'mailnow' => !empty($post->mailnow), 'userid' => $post->userid, 'parent' => $post->parent, 'discussion' => $post->discussion, 'course' => $course->id) + $page_params + (isset($post->format) ? array('format' => $post->format) : array()) + (isset($discussion->timestart) ? array('timestart' => $discussion->timestart) : array()) + (isset($discussion->timeend) ? array('timeend' => $discussion->timeend) : array()) + (isset($post->groupid) ? array('groupid' => $post->groupid) : array()) + (isset($discussion->id) ? array('discussion' => $discussion->id) : array()));
if ($mform_post->is_cancelled()) {
    if (!isset($discussion->id) || $twf->type === 'qanda') {
        // Q and A twfs don't have a discussion page, so treat them like a new thread..
        redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/twf/view.php', array('f' => $twf->id)));
    } else {
예제 #7
  * Test subscription using disallow subscription on create.
 public function test_twf_disallow_subscribe_on_create()
     global $CFG;
     $usercount = 5;
     $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
     $users = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $usercount; $i++) {
         $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
         $users[] = $user;
         $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id);
     $options = array('course' => $course->id, 'forcesubscribe' => FORUM_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE);
     // Subscription prevented.
     $twf = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('twf', $options);
     $result = \mod_twf\subscriptions::fetch_subscribed_users($twf);
     // No subscriptions by default.
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($result));
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $this->assertFalse(\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $twf));
예제 #8
     // there should not be any links leading to this place, just redirect
     redirect(new moodle_url('/mod/twf/index.php', array('id' => $id)), get_string('subscribeenrolledonly', 'twf'));
 // Can proceed now, the user is not guest and is enrolled
 foreach ($modinfo->get_instances_of('twf') as $twfid => $cm) {
     $twf = $twfs[$twfid];
     $modcontext = context_module::instance($cm->id);
     $cansub = false;
     if (has_capability('mod/twf:viewdiscussion', $modcontext)) {
         $cansub = true;
     if ($cansub && $cm->visible == 0 && !has_capability('mod/twf:managesubscriptions', $modcontext)) {
         $cansub = false;
     if (!\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_forcesubscribed($twf)) {
         $subscribed = \mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($USER->id, $twf, null, $cm);
         $canmanageactivities = has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $coursecontext, $USER->id);
         if (($canmanageactivities || \mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribable($twf)) && $subscribe && !$subscribed && $cansub) {
             \mod_twf\subscriptions::subscribe_user($USER->id, $twf, $modcontext, true);
         } else {
             if (!$subscribe && $subscribed) {
                 \mod_twf\subscriptions::unsubscribe_user($USER->id, $twf, $modcontext, true);
 $returnto = twf_go_back_to("index.php?id={$course->id}");
 $shortname = format_string($course->shortname, true, array('context' => context_course::instance($course->id)));
 if ($subscribe) {
     redirect($returnto, get_string('nowallsubscribed', 'twf', $shortname), 1);
 } else {
예제 #9
 * Adds module specific settings to the settings block
 * @param settings_navigation $settings The settings navigation object
 * @param navigation_node $twfnode The node to add module settings to
function twf_extend_settings_navigation(settings_navigation $settingsnav, navigation_node $twfnode)
    global $USER, $PAGE, $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    $twfobject = $DB->get_record("twf", array("id" => $PAGE->cm->instance));
    if (empty($PAGE->cm->context)) {
        $PAGE->cm->context = context_module::instance($PAGE->cm->instance);
    $params = $PAGE->url->params();
    if (!empty($params['d'])) {
        $discussionid = $params['d'];
    // for some actions you need to be enrolled, beiing admin is not enough sometimes here
    $enrolled = is_enrolled($PAGE->cm->context, $USER, '', false);
    $activeenrolled = is_enrolled($PAGE->cm->context, $USER, '', true);
    $canmanage = has_capability('mod/twf:managesubscriptions', $PAGE->cm->context);
    $subscriptionmode = \mod_twf\subscriptions::get_subscription_mode($twfobject);
    $cansubscribe = $activeenrolled && !\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_forcesubscribed($twfobject) && (!\mod_twf\subscriptions::subscription_disabled($twfobject) || $canmanage);
    if ($canmanage) {
        $mode = $twfnode->add(get_string('subscriptionmode', 'twf'), null, navigation_node::TYPE_CONTAINER);
        $allowchoice = $mode->add(get_string('subscriptionoptional', 'twf'), new moodle_url('/mod/twf/subscribe.php', array('id' => $twfobject->id, 'mode' => FORUM_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE, 'sesskey' => sesskey())), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
        $forceforever = $mode->add(get_string("subscriptionforced", "twf"), new moodle_url('/mod/twf/subscribe.php', array('id' => $twfobject->id, 'mode' => FORUM_FORCESUBSCRIBE, 'sesskey' => sesskey())), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
        $forceinitially = $mode->add(get_string("subscriptionauto", "twf"), new moodle_url('/mod/twf/subscribe.php', array('id' => $twfobject->id, 'mode' => FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE, 'sesskey' => sesskey())), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
        $disallowchoice = $mode->add(get_string('subscriptiondisabled', 'twf'), new moodle_url('/mod/twf/subscribe.php', array('id' => $twfobject->id, 'mode' => FORUM_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE, 'sesskey' => sesskey())), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
        switch ($subscriptionmode) {
                // 0
                $allowchoice->action = null;
            case FORUM_FORCESUBSCRIBE:
                // 1
                $forceforever->action = null;
                // 2
                $forceinitially->action = null;
                // 3
                $disallowchoice->action = null;
    } else {
        if ($activeenrolled) {
            switch ($subscriptionmode) {
                case FORUM_CHOOSESUBSCRIBE:
                    // 0
                    $notenode = $twfnode->add(get_string('subscriptionoptional', 'twf'));
                case FORUM_FORCESUBSCRIBE:
                    // 1
                    $notenode = $twfnode->add(get_string('subscriptionforced', 'twf'));
                case FORUM_INITIALSUBSCRIBE:
                    // 2
                    $notenode = $twfnode->add(get_string('subscriptionauto', 'twf'));
                case FORUM_DISALLOWSUBSCRIBE:
                    // 3
                    $notenode = $twfnode->add(get_string('subscriptiondisabled', 'twf'));
    if ($cansubscribe) {
        if (\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($USER->id, $twfobject, null, $PAGE->cm)) {
            $linktext = get_string('unsubscribe', 'twf');
        } else {
            $linktext = get_string('subscribe', 'twf');
        $url = new moodle_url('/mod/twf/subscribe.php', array('id' => $twfobject->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
        $twfnode->add($linktext, $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
        if (isset($discussionid)) {
            if (\mod_twf\subscriptions::is_subscribed($USER->id, $twfobject, $discussionid, $PAGE->cm)) {
                $linktext = get_string('unsubscribediscussion', 'twf');
            } else {
                $linktext = get_string('subscribediscussion', 'twf');
            $url = new moodle_url('/mod/twf/subscribe.php', array('id' => $twfobject->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'd' => $discussionid, 'returnurl' => $PAGE->url->out()));
            $twfnode->add($linktext, $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
    if (has_capability('mod/twf:viewsubscribers', $PAGE->cm->context)) {
        $url = new moodle_url('/mod/twf/subscribers.php', array('id' => $twfobject->id));
        $twfnode->add(get_string('showsubscribers', 'twf'), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
    if ($enrolled && twf_tp_can_track_twfs($twfobject)) {
        // keep tracking info for users with suspended enrolments
        if ($twfobject->trackingtype == FORUM_TRACKING_OPTIONAL || !$CFG->twf_allowforcedreadtracking && $twfobject->trackingtype == FORUM_TRACKING_FORCED) {
            if (twf_tp_is_tracked($twfobject)) {
                $linktext = get_string('notracktwf', 'twf');
            } else {
                $linktext = get_string('tracktwf', 'twf');
            $url = new moodle_url('/mod/twf/settracking.php', array('id' => $twfobject->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()));
            $twfnode->add($linktext, $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
    if (!isloggedin() && $PAGE->course->id == SITEID) {
        $userid = guest_user()->id;
    } else {
        $userid = $USER->id;
    $hascourseaccess = $PAGE->course->id == SITEID || can_access_course($PAGE->course, $userid);
    $enablerssfeeds = !empty($CFG->enablerssfeeds) && !empty($CFG->twf_enablerssfeeds);
    if ($enablerssfeeds && $twfobject->rsstype && $twfobject->rssarticles && $hascourseaccess) {
        if (!function_exists('rss_get_url')) {
            require_once "{$CFG->libdir}/rsslib.php";
        if ($twfobject->rsstype == 1) {
            $string = get_string('rsssubscriberssdiscussions', 'twf');
        } else {
            $string = get_string('rsssubscriberssposts', 'twf');
        $url = new moodle_url(rss_get_url($PAGE->cm->context->id, $userid, "mod_twf", $twfobject->id));
        $twfnode->add($string, $url, settings_navigation::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('i/rss', ''));