setEventDispatcher() 공개 메소드

Set event dispatcher
public setEventDispatcher ( Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher ) : GearmanExecute
$eventDispatcher Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface
리턴 GearmanExecute self Object
예제 #1
 public function testDispatchingEventsOnJob()
     // Worker mock
     $worker = $this->getMockBuilder('\\GearmanWorker')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     // Wrapper mock
     $workers = array(0 => array('className' => "Mmoreram\\GearmanBundle\\Tests\\Service\\Mocks\\SingleCleanFile", 'fileName' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/Mocks/SingleCleanFile.php', 'callableName' => null, 'description' => "test", 'service' => false, 'servers' => array(), 'iterations' => 1, 'timeout' => null, 'minimumExecutionTime' => null, 'jobs' => array(0 => array('callableName' => "test", 'methodName' => "test", 'realCallableName' => "test", 'jobPrefix' => NULL, 'realCallableNameNoPrefix' => "test", 'description' => "test", 'iterations' => 1, 'servers' => array(), 'defaultMethod' => "doBackground", 'minimumExecutionTime' => null, 'timeout' => null))));
     $wrapper = $this->getMockBuilder('Mmoreram\\GearmanBundle\\Service\\GearmanCacheWrapper')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     // Prepare a dispatcher to listen to tested events
     $startingFlag = false;
     $executedFlag = false;
     $dispatcher = new \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher();
     $dispatcher->addListener(GearmanEvents::GEARMAN_WORK_STARTING, function () use(&$startingFlag) {
         $startingFlag = true;
     $dispatcher->addListener(GearmanEvents::GEARMAN_WORK_EXECUTED, function () use(&$executedFlag) {
         $executedFlag = true;
     // Create the service under test
     $service = new GearmanExecute($wrapper, array());
     // We need a job object, this part could be improved
     $object = new \Mmoreram\GearmanBundle\Tests\Service\Mocks\SingleCleanFile();
     // Finalize worker mock by making it call our job object
     // This is normally handled by Gearman, but for test purpose we must simulate it
     $worker->method('work')->will($this->returnCallback(function () use($service, $object) {
         $service->handleJob(new \GearmanJob(), array('job_object_instance' => $object, 'job_method' => 'myMethod', 'jobs' => array()));
         return true;
     // Execute a job :)
     $service->executeJob('test', array(), $worker);
     // Do we have the events ?