/** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager'); $array_projects = array(array('nom' => '315GLA', 'description' => 'Realisation site web', 'statut' => 1, 'nbrJEH' => 9, 'duree' => 5, 'dateCC' => 'ok', 'prospect' => array('entreprise' => 'Gladiator Consulting', 'adresse' => '3 rue du chene noir', 'codePostal' => 33100, 'ville' => 'Toulouse', 'entite' => 2, 'email' => '*****@*****.**')), array('nom' => '316BLA', 'description' => 'Electronique avancee', 'statut' => 2, 'nbrJEH' => 5, 'duree' => 3, 'dateCC' => 'ok', 'prospect' => array('entreprise' => 'Blackwater', 'adresse' => '1020 5th Avenue', 'codePostal' => 92200, 'ville' => 'Neuilly', 'entite' => 3, 'email' => '*****@*****.**')), array('nom' => '317IMU', 'description' => 'Design Base de donnes', 'statut' => 4, 'nbrJEH' => 8, 'duree' => 4, 'dateCC' => 'ok', 'prospect' => array('entreprise' => 'Imuka', 'adresse' => 'Kuruma San', 'codePostal' => 91000, 'ville' => 'Evry', 'entite' => 4, 'email' => '*****@*****.**')), array('nom' => '319UNI', 'description' => 'Conception Radar recul', 'statut' => 4, 'nbrJEH' => 12, 'duree' => 8, 'dateCC' => 'ok', 'prospect' => array('entreprise' => 'Universal rad', 'adresse' => '2 rue Marie Curie', 'codePostal' => 35000, 'ville' => 'Rennes', 'entite' => 5, 'email' => '*****@*****.**')), array('nom' => '320TEK', 'description' => 'Refactorisation code Java', 'statut' => 2, 'nbrJEH' => 10, 'duree' => 8, 'dateCC' => 'ok', 'prospect' => array('entreprise' => 'Teknik studio', 'adresse' => '10 impasse sunderland', 'codePostal' => 35000, 'ville' => 'Rennes', 'entite' => 6, 'email' => '*****@*****.**')), array('nom' => '321DUV', 'description' => 'Calcul de flux thermique', 'statut' => 2, 'nbrJEH' => 9, 'duree' => 4, 'dateCC' => 'ok', 'prospect' => array('entreprise' => 'Duvilcolor', 'adresse' => '600 la pyrennene ', 'codePostal' => 33100, 'ville' => 'Labege', 'entite' => 4, 'email' => '*****@*****.**')), array('nom' => '322NIL', 'description' => 'Application Android', 'statut' => 1, 'nbrJEH' => 8, 'duree' => 12, 'dateCC' => 'ok', 'prospect' => array('entreprise' => 'Nilsen Industries', 'adresse' => '2 rue saint-louis', 'codePostal' => 31000, 'ville' => 'Bordeaux', 'entite' => 7, 'email' => '*****@*****.**')), array('nom' => '323PRR', 'description' => 'Etude de faisabilite', 'statut' => 3, 'nbrJEH' => 4, 'duree' => 4, 'dateCC' => 'ok', 'prospect' => array('entreprise' => 'PRR', 'adresse' => 'PRR', 'codePostal' => 35000, 'ville' => 'Rennes', 'entite' => 4, 'email' => '*****@*****.**'))); $inserted_projects = 0; $inserted_prospects = 0; foreach ($array_projects as $etude) { //create project $e = new Etude(); $inserted_projects++; $mandat = rand(2013, 2016); $month = rand(1, 10); $day = rand(1, 30); $e->setMandat($mandat); $e->setNom($etude['nom']); $e->setDescription($etude['description']); $e->setDateCreation(new \DateTime($mandat . '-' . $month . '-' . $day)); $e->setStateID($etude['statut']); $e->setAcompte(true); $e->setPourcentageAcompte(0.3); $e->setFraisDossier(90); $e->setPresentationProjet('Presentation ' . $etude['description']); $e->setDescriptionPrestation('Describe what we will do here'); $e->setSourceDeProspection(rand(1, 10)); $em->persist($e); $c = $em->getRepository('N7consultingRhBundle:Competence')->find(rand(1, 12)); if ($c !== null) { $c->addEtude($e); } /** Prospect management */ $p = new Prospect(); $inserted_prospects++; $p->setNom($etude['prospect']['entreprise']); $p->setAdresse($etude['prospect']['adresse']); $p->setCodePostal($etude['prospect']['codePostal']); $p->setVille($etude['prospect']['ville']); $p->setEntite($etude['prospect']['entite']); $pe = new Personne(); $pe->setPrenom(self::PRENOM[array_rand(self::PRENOM)]); //whitespace explode : not perfect but better than nothing $pe->setNom(self::NOM[array_rand(self::NOM)]); $pe->setEmailEstValide(true); $pe->setEstAbonneNewsletter(false); $pe->setEmail($etude['prospect']['email']); $pe->setAdresse($etude['prospect']['adresse']); $pe->setCodePostal($etude['prospect']['codePostal']); $pe->setVille($etude['prospect']['ville']); $emp = new Employe(); $emp->setProspect($p); $p->addEmploye($emp); $emp->setPersonne($pe); $em->persist($emp->getPersonne()); $em->persist($emp); $em->persist($p); $e->setProspect($p); //create phases $g = new GroupePhases(); //default group $g->setTitre('Random generated' . rand()); $g->setNumero(1); $g->setDescription('Automatic description'); $g->setEtude($e); $em->persist($g); $ph = new Phase(); $ph->setEtude($e); $ph->setGroupe($g); $ph->setPosition(0); $ph->setNbrJEH($etude['nbrJEH']); $ph->setPrixJEH(340); $ph->setTitre('Default phase'); $ph->setDelai($etude['duree'] * 7); $ph->setDateDebut(new \DateTime($mandat . '-' . $month . '-' . $day)); $em->persist($ph); //manage project manager $pm = new Personne(); $pm->setPrenom(self::PRENOM[array_rand(self::PRENOM)]); $pm->setNom(self::NOM[array_rand(self::NOM)]); $pm->setEmailEstValide(false); $pm->setEstAbonneNewsletter(false); $em->persist($pm); $m = new Membre(); $m->setPersonne($pm); $m->setPromotion($mandat + 2); $em->persist($m); if ($c !== null) { $c->addMembre($m); } $e->setSuiveur($pm); //manage AP & CC if ($etude['dateCC'] !== null && $etude['statut'] > 1) { $ap = new Ap(); $ap->setEtude($e); $em->persist($ap); $cc = new Cc(); $cc->setEtude($e); $cc->setDateSignature(new \DateTime($mandat . '-' . $month . '-' . $day)); $cc->setSignataire2($pe); $em->persist($cc); } //manage intervenant if ($etude['statut'] > 1 && $etude['statut'] < 5) { //manage developper $dev = new Personne(); $dev->setPrenom(self::PRENOM[array_rand(self::PRENOM)]); $dev->setNom(self::NOM[array_rand(self::NOM)]); $dev->setEmailEstValide(false); $dev->setEstAbonneNewsletter(false); $em->persist($dev); $mdev = new Membre(); $mdev->setPersonne($dev); $mdev->setPromotion($mandat + rand(1, 2)); $em->persist($mdev); if ($c !== null) { $c->addMembre($mdev); } $mi = new Mission(); $mi->setSignataire2($dev); $mi->setEtude($e); $mi->setDateSignature(new \DateTime($mandat . '-' . $month . '-' . $day)); $mi->setDebutOm(new \DateTime($mandat . '-' . $month . '-' . $day)); $mi->setAvancement(rand(90, 100)); $mi->setIntervenant($mdev); $em->persist($mi); } //manage PVR if ($etude['statut'] > 1 && $etude['statut'] < 5) { $pv = new ProcesVerbal(); $pv->setEtude($e); $pv->setDateSignature(new \DateTime($mandat . '-' . ($month + 1) . '-' . $day)); $pv->setSignataire2($pe); $pv->setType('pvr'); $em->persist($pv); } } $em->flush(); $output->writeln('Done.'); }
/** * Set cc. * * @param Cc $cc * * @return Etude */ public function setCc(Cc $cc = null) { if ($cc !== null) { $cc->setEtude($this); } $this->cc = $cc; return $this; }
/** * @param UploadedFile $file resources file contzaining data to import. * @return mixed Process Import. * Process Import. */ public function run(UploadedFile $file) { if ($file->guessExtension() == "txt") { //csv is seen as text/plain $i = 1; $inserted_projects = 0; $inserted_prospects = 0; if (($handle = fopen($file->getPathname(), "r")) !== FALSE) { $array_manager = array(); //an array containing references to managers. $array_prospect = array(); //an array containing references to projects. //iterate csv, row by row while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ",")) !== FALSE) { if ($i > 1 && $this->readArray($data, 'Intitule') != "") { //first row is column headers $etude = $this->em->getRepository('MgateSuiviBundle:Etude')->findOneByNom($this->readArray($data, 'Intitule')); if ($etude === null) { //create project if it doesn't exists in DB $e = new Etude(); $inserted_projects++; $e->setMandat($this->readArray($data, 'Exercice comptable')); // $e->setNum($this->readArray($data, 'No Etude')); //untrusted, can be duplicated in siaje. $e->setNom($this->readArray($data, 'Intitule')); $e->setDescription($this->readArray($data, 'Domaine de compétence')); $e->setDateCreation($this->dateManager($this->readArray($data, 'Date d\'ajout'))); if (array_key_exists($this->normalize($this->readArray($data, 'Statut')), self::SIAJE_AVAILABLE_STATE)) { $e->setStateID(self::SIAJE_AVAILABLE_STATE[$this->normalize($this->readArray($data, 'Statut'))]); } else { $e->setStateID(self::SIAJE_AVAILABLE_STATE['Contact initial']); } $e->setAcompte(true); if ($this->readArray($data, 'Acompte') !== null) { $rate = explode(',', $this->readArray($data, 'Acompte')); //acompte is a percentage such as "30,00%". $e->setPourcentageAcompte($rate['0'] / 100); } $e->setFraisDossier($this->readArray($data, 'Frais de dossier HT')); $e->setPresentationProjet('Etude importée depuis Siaje'); $e->setDescriptionPrestation($this->readArray($data, 'Domaine de compétence')); $e->setPourcentageAcompte($this->readArray($data, 'Acompte')); $this->em->persist($e); /** Prospect management */ // Check if a prospect with same already exists in database if ($this->readArray($data, 'Entreprise', true) !== "") { $prospect = $this->em->getRepository('MgatePersonneBundle:Prospect')->findOneByNom($this->readArray($data, 'Entreprise', true)); if ($prospect === null) { //check if prospect already exist in local objects if (array_key_exists($this->readArray($data, 'Entreprise', true), $array_prospect)) { $prospect = $array_prospect[$this->readArray($data, 'Entreprise', true)]; } } } else { $prospect = null; } if ($prospect !== null) { $e->setProspect($prospect); } else { $p = new Prospect(); $inserted_prospects++; if ($this->readArray($data, 'Entreprise', true) !== "") { $p->setNom($this->readArray($data, 'Entreprise', true)); } else { $p->setNom('Prospect sans nom ' . rand()); } $p->setAdresse($this->readArray($data, 'Adresse')); $p->setCodePostal($this->readArray($data, 'Code Postal')); $p->setVille($this->readArray($data, 'Ville')); $contact = explode(' ', $this->normalize($this->readArray($data, 'Contact', true))); $pe = new Personne(); $pe->setPrenom($contact[0]); //whitespace explode : not perfect but better than nothing unset($contact[0]); if (implode(' ', $contact) == "") { $pe->setNom('inconnu'); } else { $pe->setNom(implode(' ', $contact)); } $pe->setEmailEstValide(true); $pe->setEstAbonneNewsletter(false); $pe->setEmail($this->readArray($data, 'Email')); $pe->setAdresse($this->readArray($data, 'Adresse')); $pe->setCodePostal($this->readArray($data, 'Code Postal')); $pe->setVille($this->readArray($data, 'Ville')); $emp = new Employe(); $emp->setProspect($p); $p->addEmploye($emp); $emp->setPersonne($pe); $this->em->persist($emp->getPersonne()); $this->em->persist($emp); $this->em->persist($p); $e->setProspect($p); $array_prospect[$this->readArray($data, 'Entreprise', true)] = $p; } //create phases $g = new GroupePhases(); //default group $g->setTitre('Imported from Siaje'); $g->setNumero(1); $g->setDescription('Automatic description'); $g->setEtude($e); $this->em->persist($g); $ph = new Phase(); $ph->setEtude($e); $ph->setGroupe($g); $ph->setPosition(0); $ph->setNbrJEH($this->readArray($data, 'JEHs')); if ($this->readArray($data, 'JEHs') > 0) { $ph->setPrixJEH(round($this->floatManager($this->readArray($data, 'Montant HT')) / $this->floatManager($this->readArray($data, 'JEHs')))); } $ph->setTitre('Default phase'); $ph->setDelai($this->readArray($data, 'Durée en semaine') * 7); $ph->setDateDebut($this->dateManager($this->readArray($data, 'Date signature CC'))); $this->em->persist($ph); //manage project manager $contact = explode(' ', $this->normalize($this->readArray($data, 'Suiveur principal', true))); $firstname = $contact[0]; unset($contact[0]); $surname = implode(' ', $contact); $pm = $this->em->getRepository('MgatePersonneBundle:Personne')->findOneBy(array('nom' => $surname, 'prenom' => $firstname)); if ($pm !== null) { $e->setSuiveur($pm); } else { //create a new member and a new person if (array_key_exists($this->readArray($data, 'Suiveur principal', true), $array_manager) && $this->readArray($data, 'Suiveur principal', true) != '') { //has already been created before $e->setSuiveur($array_manager[$this->readArray($data, 'Suiveur principal', true)]); } else { $pm = new Personne(); $pm->setPrenom($firstname); if ($surname == "") { $pm->setNom('inconnu'); } else { $pm->setNom($surname); } $pm->setEmailEstValide(false); $pm->setEstAbonneNewsletter(false); $this->em->persist($pm); $m = new Membre(); $m->setPersonne($pm); $this->em->persist($m); $e->setSuiveur($pm); $array_manager[$this->readArray($data, 'Suiveur principal', true)] = $pm; } } //manage AP & CC if ($this->dateManager($this->readArray($data, 'Date signature CC')) !== null) { $ap = new Ap(); $ap->setEtude($e); $this->em->persist($ap); $cc = new Cc(); $cc->setEtude($e); $cc->setDateSignature($this->dateManager($this->readArray($data, 'Date signature CC'))); if (isset($pe)) { //if firm has been created in this loop iteration $cc->setSignataire2($pe); } $this->em->persist($cc); } //manage PVR if ($this->dateManager($this->readArray($data, 'Date signature PV')) !== null) { $pv = new ProcesVerbal(); $pv->setEtude($e); $pv->setDateSignature($this->dateManager($this->readArray($data, 'Date signature PV'))); $this->em->persist($pv); } } } $i++; } fclose($handle); $this->em->flush(); } return array('inserted_projects' => $inserted_projects, 'inserted_prospects' => $inserted_prospects); } return array('inserted_projects' => 0, 'inserted_prospects' => 0); }