  * Populate this item with the data from a specific unit.
  * @param  Unit   $unit The unit to populate from
  * @return Item         Returns $this for chainability
 public function populate(Unit $unit)
     $product = $unit->getProduct();
     if ($this->order instanceof Order) {
         $this->listPrice = $unit->getPrice('retail', $this->order->currencyID);
         $this->rrp = $unit->getPrice('rrp', $this->order->currencyID);
         $this->actualPrice = $this->actualPrice ?: $this->listPrice;
     $this->productTaxRate = (double) $product->getTaxRates()->getTotalTaxRate();
     $this->taxStrategy = $product->getTaxStrategy()->getName();
     $this->productID = $product->id;
     $this->productName = $product->name;
     $this->unitID = $unit->id;
     $this->unitRevision = $unit->revisionID;
     $this->sku = $unit->sku;
     $this->barcode = $unit->barcode;
     $this->options = implode($unit->options, ', ');
     $this->brand = $product->brand;
     $this->weight = (int) $unit->weight;
     $this->_taxes = [];
     foreach ($product->getTaxRates() as $taxRate) {
         $this->_taxes[$taxRate->getType()] = $taxRate->getRate();
     return $this;
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function getProduct()
     if ($this->_productID && !parent::getProduct() && $this->_loaders->exists('product')) {
         $product = $this->_loaders->get('product')->getByID($this->_productID);
     return parent::getProduct();
  * @param string | array $data              Product data submitted by form
  * @throws TransformationFailedException    Exception thrown if invalid type given
  * @return Product                       Returns instance of Product object
 public function reverseTransform($data)
     $product = new Product($this->_locale, $this->_priceTypes, $this->_defaultCurrency, $this->_taxStrategy);
     // setting prices
     foreach ($data['prices']['currencies'] as $currency => $typePrices) {
         foreach ($typePrices as $type => $price) {
             $product->setPrice($type, $currency, $price);
     // create the unit
     if (!empty($data['units'])) {
         foreach ($data['units'] as $unitData) {
             $unit = new Unit($this->_locale, $this->_priceTypes, $this->_defaultCurrency);
             $unit->setStockForLocation($unitData['stock'], $this->_defaultLocation);
             $unit->revisionID = 1;
             foreach ($unitData['variants'] as $option) {
                 $unit->setOption($option['key'], $option['value']);
     return $product;
  * Creates an adjustment for the given unit and location, with a new
  * value the stock level will be set to.
  * No conversion into a positive value will be made!
  * @param Unit 		$unit 		the unit the adjustment will effect
  * @param Location 	$location 	the stock location
  * @param int 		$value 		the new stock level
  * @throws \IllegalArgumentException if the value is negative
  * @return StockManager $this for chainability
 public function set(Unit $unit, Location $location, $value)
     if ($value < 0) {
         throw new \IllegalArgumentException("Value set for stock adjustment must be positive!");
     $adjustment = new Adjustment\Adjustment();
     $curStockLevel = $unit->getStockForLocation($location);
     $adjustment->unit = $unit;
     $adjustment->location = $location;
     $adjustment->delta = $value - $curStockLevel;
     return $this;
 public function create(Product\Product $product, array $options = [], Product\Unit\Unit $unit = null, $variantName = null)
     if ($unit && !$variantName) {
         throw new \LogicException('You must set a variant name to make pages for individual variants');
     $options = $options + $this->_defaults;
     if (empty($options[Options::CREATE_PAGES])) {
         return false;
     $variantValue = $unit ? $unit->getOption($variantName) : null;
     if (!$this->_allowDuplicates && $this->_exists->exists($product, $variantName, $variantValue)) {
         return false;
     $page = $this->_getNewProductPage($product, $this->_getParentPage($product, $options), $variantValue);
     $page->publishDateRange = new DateRange(new \DateTime());
     $this->_setProductPageContent($page, $product, $options, $variantName, $variantValue);
     return $this->_dispatcher->dispatch($page, $product, $options[Options::CSV_PORT], $unit);
 private function _getProductPrice($type, $currency)
     return (double) $this->_unit->getPrice($type, $currency);
  * Set the return item from a ProductUnit.
  * @param  ProductUnit $unit
  * @return Assembler
 public function setReturnItemFromProductUnit(ProductUnit $unit)
     $this->_return->item = $returnItem = new OrderReturnItem();
     $retailPrice = $unit->getPrice('retail', $this->_currencyID);
     $rrpPrice = $unit->getPrice('rrp', $this->_currencyID);
     $returnItem->listPrice = $retailPrice;
     $returnItem->actualPrice = $retailPrice;
     $returnItem->returnedValue = $retailPrice;
     $returnItem->calculatedBalance = 0 - $retailPrice;
     $returnItem->rrp = $rrpPrice;
     $returnItem->productTaxRate = (double) $unit->product->taxRate;
     $returnItem->taxStrategy = $unit->product->taxStrategy;
     $returnItem->productID = $unit->product->id;
     $returnItem->productName = $unit->product->name;
     $returnItem->unit = $unit;
     $returnItem->unitID = $unit->id;
     $returnItem->unitRevision = $unit->revisionID;
     $returnItem->sku = $unit->sku;
     $returnItem->barcode = $unit->barcode;
     $returnItem->options = implode($unit->options, ', ');
     $returnItem->brand = $unit->product->brand;
     $returnItem->status = $this->_defaultStatus;
     $address = $this->_return->getPayableAddress('delivery') ?: $this->_defaultAddress;
     $taxRates = $this->_taxLoader->getProductTaxRates($unit->product, $address);
     foreach ($taxRates as $rate) {
         $returnItem->taxes[$rate->getType()] = $rate->getRate();
     return $this;
  * Returns the last stock-level in the stock-history, using the internal
  * $_counter-array.
  * Uses _checkUnitsSet-method to make sure a product was already set!
  * @return int last stock level, if never adjusted the current stock level is returned
 public function getLastStock(Unit $unit, Location\Location $location)
     if (!isset($this->_counter[$unit->id][$location->name])) {
         $this->_counter[$unit->id][$location->name] = $unit->getStockForLocation($location);
     return $this->_counter[$unit->id][$location->name];
 public function saveStockForLocation(Unit $unit, Location $location)
     return $this->_saveStockLevel($unit->id, $location->name, $unit->getStockForLocation($location));