private function _buildQuery($revisionID = null) { $getRevision = $revisionID ?: $this->_queryBuilderFactory->getQueryBuilder()->select('MAX(revision_id)')->from('product_unit_info')->where('unit_id = product_unit.unit_id'); $this->_queryBuilder = $this->_queryBuilderFactory->getQueryBuilder()->select(['product_unit.product_id AS productID', 'product_unit.unit_id AS id', 'IFNULL(product_unit.weight_grams, product.weight_grams) AS weight', 'product_unit_info.sku AS sku', 'product_unit.barcode AS barcode', 'product_unit.visible AS visible', 'product_unit.created_at AS createdAt', 'product_unit.created_by AS createdBy', 'product_unit.updated_at AS updatedAt', 'product_unit.updated_by AS updatedBy', 'product_unit.deleted_at AS deletedAt', 'product_unit.deleted_by AS deletedBy', 'product_unit.supplier_ref AS supplierRef', 'IFNULL(product_unit_info.revision_id,1) AS revisionID', 'product_unit_info.sku AS sku', 'product_unit_stock.stock AS stock', 'product_unit_stock.location AS stockLocation', 'product_price.type AS priceType', 'product_price.currency_id AS currencyID', 'IFNULL(product_unit_price.price, product_price.price) AS price', 'product_unit_option.option_name AS optionName', 'product_unit_option.option_value AS optionValue'])->from('product_unit')->join('product', 'product_unit.product_id = product.product_id'); if (is_numeric($getRevision)) { $this->_queryBuilder->leftJoin('product_unit_info', ' product_unit_info.unit_id = product_unit.unit_id AND revision_id = :revisionID?i ')->addParams(['revisionID' => $getRevision]); } else { $this->_queryBuilder->leftJoin('product_unit_info', ' product_unit_info.unit_id = product_unit.unit_id AND revision_id = (:revisionID?q) ')->addParams(['revisionID' => $getRevision]); } $this->_queryBuilder->leftJoin('product_unit_stock', 'product_unit.unit_id = product_unit_stock.unit_id')->leftJoin('product_price', 'product_unit.product_id = product_price.product_id')->leftJoin('product_unit_price', ' product_unit.unit_id = product_unit_price.unit_id AND product_price.type = product_unit_price.type AND product_price.currency_id = product_unit_price.currency_id ')->leftJoin('product_unit_option', ' product_unit_option.unit_id = product_unit.unit_id AND product_unit_option.revision_id = product_unit_info.revision_id '); if (!$this->_loadInvisible) { $this->_queryBuilder->where('product_unit.visible = ?b', [true]); } if (!$this->_loadOutOfStock) { $this->_queryBuilder->where('product_unit_stock.stock > 0'); } if (!$this->_loadDeleted) { $this->_queryBuilder->where('product_unit.deleted_at IS NULL'); } }
/** * Find results based on the search term * * @param string $term search terms * @return array|File Array of File objects, or a single File object */ public function getBySearchTerm($term) { // Turn the terms into an array $terms = explode(' ', $term); // Set a bunch of arrays which are used below, seems a lot but it's // becasue we have to pass through an array to the sql query so we have to do it twice $whereName = []; $whereTag = []; // Loop over the terms and add them to an array to implode in the query foreach ($terms as $key => $term) { $whereName[] = ' LIKE ?s'; $whereTag[] = ' file_tag.tag_name LIKE ?s'; $terms[$key] = '%' . trim($term) . '%'; } $this->_setQueryBuilder(); $this->_queryBuilder->leftJoin('file_tag', 'file.file_id = file_tag.file_id')->where('(' . implode(' OR ', $whereName) . ' OR ' . implode(' OR ', $whereTag) . ')', array_merge($terms, $terms)); $this->_returnAsArray = true; // Return the array of results. return $this->_loadFromQuery(); }