  * @param   array   $matches    A set of results of the `transform` function
  * @return  string
 protected function _url_callback($matches)
     $url = Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':EncodeAttribute', $matches[1]);
     Kernel::addConfig('urls', $url);
     $block = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('link', $url, array('href' => $url));
     return parent::hashPart($block);
  * Build `<pre><code>` blocks.
  * @param   array   $matches    A set of results of the `transform()` function
  * @return  string
 protected function _callback($matches)
     $codeblock = Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':Outdent', $matches[1]);
     $codeblock = Helper::escapeCodeContent($codeblock);
     # trim leading newlines and trailing newlines
     $codeblock = preg_replace('/\\A\\n+|\\n+\\z/', '', $codeblock);
     $codeblock = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('preformatted', $codeblock);
     return "\n\n" . parent::hashBlock($codeblock) . "\n\n";
  * Build each blockquote block
  * @param   array   $matches    A set of results of the `transform()` function
  * @return  string
 protected function _callback($matches)
     $blockq = $matches[1];
     $cite = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : null;
     // trim one level of quoting - trim whitespace-only lines
     $blockq = preg_replace('/^[ ]*>[ ]?(\\((.+?)\\))?|^[ ]+$/m', '', $blockq);
     $blockq = Lexer::runGamut('html_block_gamut', $blockq);
     # recurse
     $blockq = preg_replace('/^/m', "  ", $blockq);
     // These leading spaces cause problem with <pre> content,
     // so we need to fix that:
     $blockq = preg_replace_callback('{(\\s*<pre>.+?</pre>)}sx', array($this, '_callback_spaces'), $blockq);
     $attributes = array();
     if (!empty($cite)) {
         $attributes['cite'] = $cite;
     $block = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('blockquote', $blockq, $attributes);
     return "\n" . parent::hashBlock($block) . "\n\n";
예제 #4
  * Process ATX-style headers
  * @param   array   $matches    The results from the `transform()` function
  * @return  string
 protected function _atx_callback($matches)
     $level = strlen($matches[1]) + $this->_getRebasedHeaderLevel();
     $domid = !empty($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : Helper::header2Label($matches[2]);
     $domid = Kernel::get('DomId')->set($domid);
     $title = Lexer::runGamut('span_gamut', $matches[2]);
     Kernel::addConfig('menu', array('level' => $level, 'text' => parent::unhash($title)), $domid);
     $block = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('title', $title, array('level' => $level, 'id' => $domid));
     return "\n" . parent::hashBlock($block) . "\n\n";
예제 #5
  * @param   array   $matches    A set of results of the `transform` function
  * @return  string
 protected function _inline_callback($matches)
     $alt_text = $matches[2];
     $url = $matches[3] == '' ? $matches[4] : $matches[3];
     $title =& $matches[7];
     $attributes = array();
     $attributes['alt'] = Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':EncodeAttribute', $alt_text);
     $attributes['src'] = Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':EncodeAttribute', $url);
     if (!empty($title)) {
         $attributes['title'] = Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':EncodeAttribute', $title);
     $block = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('image', null, $attributes);
     return parent::hashPart($block);
예제 #6
 public function buildFootnoteStandardLink($text = null, array $attributes = array(), $note_type = Note::FOOTNOTE_DEFAULT)
     $type_info = Note::getTypeInfo($note_type);
     if ($this->getConfig($type_info['prefix'] . '_link_class')) {
         $attributes['class'] = Helper::fillPlaceholders(Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':EncodeAttribute', $this->getConfig($type_info['prefix'] . '_link_class')), $text);
     if ($this->getConfig($type_info['prefix'] . '_link_title_mask')) {
         $attributes['title'] = Helper::fillPlaceholders(Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':EncodeAttribute', $this->getConfig($type_info['prefix'] . '_link_title_mask')), $text);
     $backlink_id = $attributes['backlink_id'];
     $link = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('link', $text, $attributes);
     return Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('sup', $link, array('id' => $backlink_id));
  * Process the dd contents.
  * @param   array   $matches
  * @return  string
 protected function _item_callback_dd($matches)
     $leading_line = $matches[1];
     $marker_space = $matches[2];
     $def = $matches[3];
     if ($leading_line || preg_match('/\\n{2,}/', $def)) {
         // Replace marker with the appropriate whitespace indentation
         $def = str_repeat(' ', strlen($marker_space)) . $def;
         $def = Lexer::runGamut('html_block_gamut', Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':Outdent', $def . "\n\n"));
         //            $def = "\n$def\n";
     } else {
         $def = rtrim($def);
         $def = Lexer::runGamut('span_gamut', Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':Outdent', $def));
     return Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('definition_list_item_definition', $def);
  * @param   array   $matches    A set of results of the `transform()` function
  * @return  string
 protected function _items_callback($matches)
     $item = $matches[4];
     $leading_line =& $matches[1];
     $leading_space =& $matches[2];
     $marker_space = $matches[3];
     $trailing_blank_line =& $matches[5];
     if ($leading_line || $trailing_blank_line || preg_match('/\\n{2,}/', $item)) {
         // Replace marker with the appropriate whitespace indentation
         $item = $leading_space . str_repeat(' ', strlen($marker_space)) . $item;
         $item = Lexer::runGamut('html_block_gamut', Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':Outdent', $item) . "\n");
     } else {
         // Recursion for sub-lists:
         $item = self::transform(Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':Outdent', $item));
         $item = preg_replace('/\\n+$/', '', $item);
         $item = Lexer::runGamut('span_gamut', $item);
     return Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('list_item', $item);
예제 #9
  * Do a footnote transformation
  * @param   string  $note_id
  * @param   string  $note_content
  * @param   int     $type
  * @return  void
 protected function _doTransformNote($note_id, $note_content, $type = self::FOOTNOTE_DEFAULT)
     if (!empty($note_content)) {
         $type_info = $this->getTypeInfo($type);
         $note_content .= "\n";
         // Need to append newline before parsing.
         $note_content = Lexer::runGamut('html_block_gamut', $note_content . "\n");
         $note_content = preg_replace_callback('{F\\x1Afn:(.*?)\\x1A:}', array($this, '_append_callback'), $note_content);
         $note_id = Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':EncodeAttribute', $note_id);
         $backlink_id = Kernel::get('DomId')->get($type_info['prefix'] . 'ref:' . $note_id);
         $footlink_id = Kernel::get('DomId')->get($type_info['prefix'] . ':' . $note_id);
         $attributes = array();
         $attributes['rev'] = $type_info['name'];
         $attributes['counter'] = self::$notes_counter;
         $attributes['href'] = '#' . $backlink_id;
         $note = array('count' => self::$notes_counter, 'type' => $type_info['name'], 'in-text-id' => $backlink_id, 'note-id' => $footlink_id, 'text' => Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag($type_info['outputformat_methods']['item'], $note_content, $attributes));
         Kernel::get(Kernel::TYPE_CONTENT)->addNote($note, $note_id);
예제 #10
  * Form HTML tables: parses table contents
  * @param   array   $matches
  * @return  string
 protected function _callback($matches)
     $attributes = array();
     // The head string may have a begin slash
     $caption = count($matches) > 3 ? $matches[1] : null;
     $head = count($matches) > 3 ? preg_replace('/^ *[|]/m', '', $matches[2]) : preg_replace('/^ *[|]/m', '', $matches[1]);
     $underline = count($matches) > 3 ? $matches[3] : $matches[2];
     $content = count($matches) > 3 ? preg_replace('/^ *[|]/m', '', $matches[4]) : preg_replace('/^ *[|]/m', '', $matches[3]);
     // Remove any tailing pipes for each line.
     $underline = preg_replace('/[|] *$/m', '', $underline);
     $content = preg_replace('/[|] *$/m', '', $content);
     // Reading alignement from header underline.
     $separators = preg_split('/ *[|] */', $underline);
     foreach ($separators as $n => $s) {
         $attributes[$n] = array();
         if (preg_match('/^ *-+: *$/', $s)) {
             $attributes[$n]['style'] = 'text-align:right;';
         } elseif (preg_match('/^ *:-+: *$/', $s)) {
             $attributes[$n]['style'] = 'text-align:center;';
         } elseif (preg_match('/^ *:-+ *$/', $s)) {
             $attributes[$n]['style'] = 'text-align:left;';
     // Split content by row.
     $headers = explode("\n", trim($head, "\n"));
     $text = '';
     if (!empty($caption)) {
         $this->table_id = Helper::header2Label($caption);
         $text .= preg_replace_callback('/\\[(.*)\\]/', array($this, '_doCaption'), Lexer::runGamut('span_gamut', $caption));
     $lines = '';
     foreach ($headers as $_header) {
         $line = '';
         // Parsing span elements, including code spans, character escapes,
         // and inline HTML tags, so that pipes inside those gets ignored.
         $_header = Lexer::runGamut('filter:Span', $_header);
         // Split row by cell.
         $_header = preg_replace('/[|] *$/m', '', $_header);
         $_headers = preg_split('/[|]/', $_header);
         $col_count = count($_headers);
         // Write column headers.
         // we first loop for colspans
         $headspans = array();
         foreach ($_headers as $_i => $_cell) {
             if ($_cell == '') {
                 if ($_i == 0) {
                     $headspans[1] = 2;
                 } else {
                     if (isset($headspans[$_i - 1])) {
                         $headspans[$_i - 1]++;
                     } else {
                         $headspans[$_i - 1] = 2;
         foreach ($_headers as $n => $__header) {
             if ($__header != '') {
                 $cell_attributes = $attributes[$n];
                 if (isset($headspans[$n])) {
                     $cell_attributes['colspan'] = $headspans[$n];
                 $line .= Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('table_cell_head', Lexer::runGamut('span_gamut', trim($__header)), $cell_attributes) . "\n";
         $lines .= Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('table_line', $line) . "\n";
     $text .= Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('table_header', $lines);
     // Split content by row.
     $rows = explode("\n", trim($content, "\n"));
     $lines = '';
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $line = '';
         // Parsing span elements, including code spans, character escapes,
         // and inline HTML tags, so that pipes inside those gets ignored.
         $row = Lexer::runGamut('filter:Span', $row);
         // Split row by cell.
         $row_cells = preg_split('/ *[|] */', $row, $col_count);
         $row_cells = array_pad($row_cells, $col_count, '');
         // we first loop for colspans
         $colspans = array();
         foreach ($row_cells as $_i => $_cell) {
             if ($_cell == '') {
                 if ($_i == 0) {
                     $colspans[1] = 2;
                 } else {
                     if (isset($colspans[$_i - 1])) {
                         $colspans[$_i - 1]++;
                     } else {
                         $colspans[$_i - 1] = 2;
         foreach ($row_cells as $n => $cell) {
             if ($cell != '') {
                 $cell_attributes = $attributes[$n];
                 if (isset($colspans[$n])) {
                     $cell_attributes['colspan'] = $colspans[$n];
                 $line .= Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('table_cell', Lexer::runGamut('span_gamut', trim($cell)), $cell_attributes) . "\n";
         $lines .= Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('table_line', $line) . "\n";
     $text .= Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('table_body', $lines);
     $table = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('table', $text);
     return parent::hashBlock($table) . "\n";
예제 #11
  * Handle $token provided by parseSpan by determining its nature and
  * returning the corresponding value that should replace it.
  * @param   string  $token
  * @param   string  $str
  * @return  string
 public function handleSpanToken($token, &$str)
     switch ($token[0]) {
         case "\\":
             if ($token[1] == "(") {
                 $texend = strpos($str, '\\)');
                 if ($texend) {
                     $eqn = substr($str, 0, $texend);
                     $str = substr($str, $texend + 2);
                     $texspan = Lexer::runGamut('filter:Maths:span', $eqn);
                     return parent::hashPart($texspan);
                 } else {
                     return $str;
             } else {
                 return parent::hashPart("&#" . ord($token[1]) . ";");
         case "`":
             // Search for end marker in remaining text.
             if (preg_match('/^(.*?[^`])' . preg_quote($token) . '(?!`)(.*)$/sm', $str, $matches)) {
                 $str = $matches[2];
                 $codespan = Lexer::runGamut('filter:CodeBlock:span', $matches[1], true);
                 return parent::hashPart($codespan);
             return $token;
             // return as text since no ending marker found.
         // return as text since no ending marker found.
             return parent::hashPart($token);
예제 #12
  * Process paragraphs
  * @param   string  $text   The text to parse
  * @return  string          The text parsed
 public function RebuildParagraph($text)
     // Strip leading and trailing lines:
     $text = preg_replace('/\\A\\n+|\\n+\\z/', '', $text);
     $grafs = preg_split('/\\n{2,}/', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     // Wrap <p> tags and unhashify HTML blocks
     foreach ($grafs as $key => $value) {
         $value = trim(Lexer::runGamut('span_gamut', $value));
         // Check if this should be enclosed in a paragraph.
         // Clean tag hashes & block tag hashes are left alone.
         $is_p = !preg_match('/^B\\x1A[0-9]+B|^C\\x1A[0-9]+C$/', $value);
         if ($is_p) {
             $value = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('paragraph', $value);
         $grafs[$key] = $value;
     // Join grafs in one text, then unhash HTML tags.
     //      $text = implode("\n\n", $grafs);
     $text = implode('', $grafs);
     // Finish by removing any tag hashes still present in $text.
     $text = Lexer::runGamut('filter:HTML:unhash', $text, true);
     return $text;
예제 #13
  * @param   string  $text
  * @return  string
 public function transform($text)
     $token_stack = array('');
     $text_stack = array('');
     $italic = '';
     $strong = '';
     $tree_char_em = false;
     while (1) {
         // Get prepared regular expression for seraching emphasis tokens in current context.
         $token_re = self::$em_strong_prepared["{$italic}{$strong}"];
         // Each loop iteration search for the next emphasis token.
         // Each token is then passed to handleSpanToken.
         $parts = preg_split($token_re, $text, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
         $text_stack[0] .= $parts[0];
         $token =& $parts[1];
         $text =& $parts[2];
         if (empty($token)) {
             // Reached end of text span: empty stack without emitting any more emphasis.
             while ($token_stack[0]) {
                 $text_stack[1] .= array_shift($token_stack);
                 $text_stack[0] .= array_shift($text_stack);
         $token_len = strlen($token);
         if ($tree_char_em) {
             // Reached closing marker while inside a three-char emphasis.
             if ($token_len == 3) {
                 // Three-char closing marker, close em and strong.
                 $span = Lexer::runGamut('span_gamut', array_shift($text_stack));
                 $span = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('italic', $span);
                 $span = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('bold', $span);
                 $text_stack[0] .= parent::hashPart($span);
                 $italic = '';
                 $strong = '';
             } else {
                 // Other closing marker: close one em or strong and
                 // change current token state to match the other
                 $token_stack[0] = str_repeat($token[0], 3 - $token_len);
                 $tag = $token_len == 2 ? "bold" : "italic";
                 $span = Lexer::runGamut('span_gamut', $text_stack[0]);
                 $span = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag($tag, $span);
                 $text_stack[0] = parent::hashPart($span);
                 ${$tag} = '';
                 // $$tag stands for $italic or $strong
             $tree_char_em = false;
         } elseif ($token_len == 3) {
             if ($italic) {
                 // Reached closing marker for both em and strong.
                 // Closing strong marker:
                 for ($i = 0; $i < 2; ++$i) {
                     $shifted_token = array_shift($token_stack);
                     $tag = strlen($shifted_token) == 2 ? "bold" : "italic";
                     $span = Lexer::runGamut('span_gamut', array_shift($text_stack));
                     $span = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag($tag, $span);
                     $text_stack[0] .= parent::hashPart($span);
                     ${$tag} = '';
                     // $$tag stands for $italic or $strong
             } else {
                 // Reached opening three-char emphasis marker. Push on token
                 // stack; will be handled by the special condition above.
                 $italic = $token[0];
                 $strong = "{$italic}{$italic}";
                 array_unshift($token_stack, $token);
                 array_unshift($text_stack, '');
                 $tree_char_em = true;
         } elseif ($token_len == 2) {
             if ($strong) {
                 // Unwind any dangling emphasis marker:
                 if (strlen($token_stack[0]) == 1) {
                     $text_stack[1] .= array_shift($token_stack);
                     $text_stack[0] .= array_shift($text_stack);
                 // Closing strong marker:
                 $span = Lexer::runGamut('span_gamut', array_shift($text_stack));
                 $span = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('bold', $span);
                 $text_stack[0] .= parent::hashPart($span);
                 $strong = '';
             } else {
                 array_unshift($token_stack, $token);
                 array_unshift($text_stack, '');
                 $strong = $token;
         } else {
             // Here $token_len == 1
             if ($italic) {
                 if (strlen($token_stack[0]) == 1) {
                     // Closing emphasis marker:
                     $span = Lexer::runGamut('span_gamut', array_shift($text_stack));
                     $span = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('italic', $span);
                     $text_stack[0] .= parent::hashPart($span);
                     $italic = '';
                 } else {
                     $text_stack[0] .= $token;
             } else {
                 array_unshift($token_stack, $token);
                 array_unshift($text_stack, '');
                 $italic = $token;
     return $text_stack[0];
  * Process each abbreviation
  * @param   array   $matches    One set of results form the `transform()` function
  * @return  string
 protected function _callback($matches)
     $abbr = $matches[0];
     $abbr_desciptions = Kernel::getConfig('abbr_desciptions');
     if (isset($abbr_desciptions[$abbr])) {
         $attributes = array();
         $desc = trim($abbr_desciptions[$abbr]);
         if (!empty($desc)) {
             $attributes['title'] = Lexer::runGamut(GamutLoader::TOOL_ALIAS . ':EncodeAttribute', $desc);
         $abbr = Kernel::get('OutputFormatBag')->buildTag('abbreviation', $abbr, $attributes);
         return parent::hashBlock($abbr);
     } else {
         return $abbr;