protected function __construct() { set_error_handler('\\ManiaLive\\Application\\ErrorHandling::createExceptionFromError'); if (extension_loaded('pcntl')) { pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, array($this, 'kill')); pcntl_signal(SIGINT, array($this, 'kill')); declare (ticks=1); } try { $configFile = CommandLineInterpreter::preConfigLoad(); // load configuration file $loader = Loader::getInstance(); $loader->setConfigFilename(APP_ROOT . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $configFile); $loader->run(); // load configureation from the command line ... CommandLineInterpreter::postConfigLoad(); // add logfile prefix ... $manialiveConfig = \ManiaLive\Config\Config::getInstance(); $serverConfig = \ManiaLive\DedicatedApi\Config::getInstance(); if ($manialiveConfig->logsPrefix != null) { $manialiveConfig->logsPrefix = str_replace('%ip%', str_replace('.', '-', $serverConfig->host), $manialiveConfig->logsPrefix); $manialiveConfig->logsPrefix = str_replace('%port%', $serverConfig->port, $manialiveConfig->logsPrefix); } // disable logging? /*if(!$manialiveConfig->runtimeLog) \ManiaLive\Utilities\Logger::getLog('runtime')->disableLog();*/ } catch (\Exception $e) { // exception on startup ... ErrorHandling::processStartupException($e); } }
protected function init() { \ManiaLive\Utilities\Console::println('Running ManiaLive ' . Version . '...'); parent::init(); if (!\ManiaLive\Config\Config::getInstance()->lanMode) { Updater::getInstance(); } }
private function initDatabase() { $options = getopt(null, array('dbHost::', 'dbPort::', 'dbUsername::', 'dbPassword::', 'dbDatabase::')); $dbConfig = \ManiaLive\Database\Config::getInstance(); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $dbConfig->{lcfirst(substr($key, 2))} = $value; } $this->database = Connection::getConnection($dbConfig->host, $dbConfig->username, $dbConfig->password, $dbConfig->database, 'MySQL', $dbConfig->port); // load configs from DB $configs = array('config' => \ManiaLive\Config\Config::getInstance(), 'wsapi' => \ManiaLive\Features\WebServices\Config::getInstance(), 'manialive' => \ManiaLive\Application\Config::getInstance(), 'server' => \ManiaLive\DedicatedApi\Config::getInstance(), 'threading' => Config::getInstance()); foreach ($configs as $dbName => $instance) { $data = $this->getData($dbName, array()); foreach ((array) $data as $key => $value) { $instance->{$key} = $value; } } }
static function postConfigLoad() { $options = getopt(null, array('rpcport::', 'address::', 'password::', 'dedicated_cfg::', 'user::', 'logsPrefix::', 'debug::')); $serverConfig = \ManiaLive\DedicatedApi\Config::getInstance(); if (isset($options['logsPrefix'])) { \ManiaLive\Config\Config::getInstance()->logsPrefix = $options['logsPrefix']; } if (isset($options['debug'])) { \ManiaLive\Config\Config::getInstance()->debug = true; } if (isset($options['user'])) { if ($options['user'] != 'SuperAdmin' && $options['user'] != 'Admin' && $options['user'] != 'User') { echo 'Invalid Username' . PHP_EOL . $help; exit; } $serverConfig->user = $options['user']; } if (isset($options['dedicated_cfg'])) { $filename = \ManiaLive\Config\Config::getInstance()->dedicatedPath . '/UserData/Config/' . $options['dedicated_cfg']; if (file_exists($filename)) { //Load the config file $config = simplexml_load_file($filename); $serverConfig->port = (int) $config->system_config->xmlrpc_port; foreach ($config->authorization_levels->children() as $level) { if ($serverConfig->user == (string) $level->name) { $serverConfig->password = (string) $level->password; break; } } } else { throw new Exception('Configuration file not found...' . PHP_EOL . 'stopping software...'); } } else { if (isset($options['rpcport'])) { $serverConfig->port = $options['rpcport']; } if (isset($options['password'])) { $serverConfig->password = $options['password']; } } if (isset($options['address'])) { $serverConfig->host = $options['address']; } }
public static function printDebug($string) { if (Config::getInstance()->debug) { Logger::debug($string); } }
/** * Writes error message into the standard log file and also * prints it to the console window. * @param \Exception $e */ public static function displayAndLogError(\Exception $e) { $log = PHP_EOL . ' Occured on ' . date("d.m.Y") . ' at ' . date("H:i:s") . ' at process with ID #' . getmypid() . PHP_EOL . ' ---------------------------------' . PHP_EOL; Console::println(''); foreach (self::computeMessage($e) as $line) { $log .= $line . PHP_EOL; Console::println(wordwrap('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage(), 73, PHP_EOL . ' ')); } Console::println(''); Logger::error($log); // write into global error log if config says so if (\ManiaLive\Config\Config::getInstance()->globalErrorLog) { error_log($log, 3, APP_ROOT . 'logs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'GlobalErrorLog.txt'); } }
private function spawnThread($threadId) { $config = \ManiaLive\Config\Config::getInstance(); $dbConfig = \ManiaLive\Database\Config::getInstance(); $outputFile = $config->logsPath . '/' . ($config->logsPrefix ? $config->logsPrefix . '-' : '') . 'threading-error.txt'; $descriptors = array(1 => array('file', $outputFile, 'a'), 2 => array('file', $outputFile, 'a')); $args = array('threadId' => $threadId, 'parentId' => getmypid(), 'dbHost' => $dbConfig->host, 'dbPort' => $dbConfig->port, 'dbUsername' => $dbConfig->username, 'dbPassword' => $dbConfig->password, 'dbDatabase' => $dbConfig->database); $command = '"' . Config::getInstance()->phpPath . '" "' . __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'thread_ignitor.php"'; foreach ($args as $key => $value) { $command .= ' --' . $key . '=' . escapeshellarg($value); } Console::printDebug('Trying to spawn Thread #' . $threadId . ' using command: ' . PHP_EOL . $command); return proc_open($command, $descriptors, $pipes, null, null, array('bypass_shell' => true)); }
function onPlayerConnect($login, $isSpectator) { $this->hidingGui[$login] = false; $this->modals[$login] = array(); $this->modalShown[$login] = null; $this->managedWindow[$login] = null; $this->thumbnails[$login] = array(); $sk = Shortkey::Create($login); if (\ManiaLive\Config\Config::getInstance()->enableToggleGUI) { $sk->addCallback(Shortkey::F8, array($this, 'toggleGui')); } $sk->show(); $this->groupAll->add($login, true); if ($isSpectator) { $this->groupSpectators->add($login, true); } else { $this->groupPlayers->add($login, true); } }
protected static function load() { if (!self::$loaded) { $config = \ManiaLive\Config\Config::getInstance(); $path = Path::getInstance()->getLog(true) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!is_dir($path) && !mkdir($path, '0777', true)) { throw new \ManiaLive\Application\FatalException(sprintf("The log repository (%s) does not exists and can't be created", Path::getInstance()->getLog(true))); } self::$loaded = true; self::$staticPath = $path; self::$staticPrefix = $config->logsPrefix ? $config->logsPrefix . '-' : ''; } return !empty(self::$staticPath); }
function clearFiles() { try { $login = $this->db->query('SELECT playerLogin FROM Servers S ' . 'INNER JOIN Rents R ON S.idRent = ' . 'WHERE hostname = %s AND port = %d', $this->db->quote(Config::getInstance()->host), Config::getInstance()->port)->fetchScalar(); $count = $this->db->query('SELECT count(*) ' . 'FROM Rents ' . 'WHERE DATE_ADD(rentDate, INTERVAL duration HOUR) > NOW() ' . 'AND playerLogin = %s', $this->db->quote($login))->fetchScalar(); $filesPath = realpath(\ManiaLive\Config\Config::getInstance()->dedicatedPath) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'UserData' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Maps' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ($count && file_exists($filesPath . '$uploaded' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $login)) { $maps = scandir($filesPath . '$uploaded' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $login); foreach ($maps as $map) { if ($map != '..' && $map != '.') { unlink($filesPath . '$uploaded' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $login . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $map); } } rmdir($filesPath . '$uploaded' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $login); } } catch (\Exception $e) { \ManiaLive\Application\ErrorHandling::displayAndLogError($e); } }
protected static function load() { if (!self::$loaded) { $config = \ManiaLive\Config\Config::getInstance(); if (!is_dir($config->logsPath)) { if (mkdir($config->logsPath, '0777', true)) { self::$loaded = true; self::$staticPath = $config->logsPath . '/'; self::$staticPrefix = $config->logsPrefix ? $config->logsPrefix . '-' : ''; } } else { self::$loaded = true; self::$staticPath = $config->logsPath . '/'; self::$staticPrefix = $config->logsPrefix ? $config->logsPrefix . '-' : ''; } } return !empty(self::$staticPath); }