예제 #1
 private function createTags()
     $commonTags = ['Installation' => 'framework installation, package installation, application installation', 'Configuration' => 'framework configuration, web-server configuration, application configuration', 'Authentication' => 'topics related to authentication, including user logins, oauth, etc', 'Security' => 'code safety, user roles and authorization', 'Requests' => 'information related to handling requests', 'Input' => 'handling user input', 'Session' => 'persisting data between requests using PHP or Laravel sessions', 'Cache' => 'performance caching or any use of Laravel\'s cache system', 'Database' => 'query-building, connections, or drivers', 'Eloquent' => 'Eloquent modeling, relationships, etc', 'Ioc' => 'binding to and resolving from the IoC container', 'Views' => 'topics related to the rendering of views', 'Blade' => 'topics related to Blade templating', 'Forms' => 'topics related to forms', 'Validation' => 'topics related to the validation of data', 'Mail' => 'topics related to compiling and sending email', 'Queues' => 'topics related to queues', 'LaravelIO' => 'topics that relate to the Laravel.io site or community', 'Packages' => 'topics related to creating, discussing, and importing packages', 'Meetups' => 'topics related to community meetups or user groups', 'OOP' => 'topics related to writing good object-oriented code', 'Testing' => 'topics related to automated testing'];
     foreach ($commonTags as $name => $description) {
         Tag::create(['name' => $name, 'slug' => $name, 'description' => $description, 'forum' => 1]);
예제 #2
 public function getPostThread()
     $tags = \Lio\Tags\Tag::all();
     $versions = \Lio\Laravel\Laravel::$versions;
     $this->title = 'Create Forum Thread';
     $this->render('forum.threads.create', compact('tags', 'versions'));