public function getRelativePath($forceCreation = false) { if (null === $this->getFilepath()) { return null; } $fullPath = $this->getFullPath($forceCreation); $route = Registry::get('route'); $baseUrl = $route->getBaseUrl(); $documentRoot = Library::getDocumentRoot() . $baseUrl . '/public'; return substr($fullPath, strlen($documentRoot)); }
public function __construct($iniConfigurationFilepath) { $config = Library::parse_ini_file_advanced($iniConfigurationFilepath); $this->config = $config[APPLICATION_ENV]; $this->route = new Route(); $this->request = new Request(); $this->_loadPHPSettings(); if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') { $this->route->setCurrentUrl($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } $baseUrl = rtrim('/' . trim($this->config['general.baseUrl'], '/'), '/'); $url = str_replace($baseUrl, '', $this->route->getCurrentUrl()); Registry::set('config', $this->config); Registry::set('route', $this->route); Registry::set('request', $this->request); $this->route->setDefaultModule($this->config['general.defaultModule'])->setDefaultController($this->config['general.defaultController'])->setDefaultAction($this->config['general.defaultAction'])->setDefaultLayout($this->config['general.defaultLayout'])->setBaseUrl($baseUrl)->dispatchFromURL($url); }
/** * Defined by Zend_Validate_Interface * * Returns true if and only if the filesize of $value is at least min and * not bigger than max (when max is not null). * * @param string $value Real file to check for size * @param array $file File data from Zend_File_Transfer * @return boolean */ public function isValid($value, $file = null) { // Is file readable ? if (!Library::isReadable($value)) { return $this->_throw($file, self::NOT_FOUND); } // limited to 4GB files $size = sprintf("%u", @filesize($value)); $this->_size = $size; // Check to see if it's smaller than min size $min = $this->getMin(true); $max = $this->getMax(true); if ($min !== null && $size < $min) { if ($this->useByteString()) { $this->_min = $this->_toByteString($min); $this->_size = $this->_toByteString($size); $this->_throw($file, self::TOO_SMALL); $this->_min = $min; $this->_size = $size; } else { $this->_throw($file, self::TOO_SMALL); } } // Check to see if it's larger than max size if ($max !== null && $max < $size) { if ($this->useByteString()) { $this->_max = $this->_toByteString($max); $this->_size = $this->_toByteString($size); $this->_throw($file, self::TOO_BIG); $this->_max = $max; $this->_size = $size; } else { $this->_throw($file, self::TOO_BIG); } } if (count($this->_messages) > 0) { return false; } return true; }