예제 #1

require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use LengthOfRope\JSONLD;
use LengthOfRope\JSONLD\Schema;
$Create = JSONLD\Create::factory()->add(Schema\BookSchema::factory()->setAuthor(Schema\PersonSchema::factory()->setName("Bas de Kort")->setEmail("*****@*****.**"))->setAbout("PHP")->setName("Superb PHP Book")->setAlternateName("Book one of three"))->add(Schema\OrganizationSchema::factory()->setAddress(Schema\PostalAddressSchema::factory()->setPostalCode("1234 AA")->setStreetAddress("Somewhere 12")->setAddressCountry("NL")->setAddressLocality("Amersfoort")->setEmail("*****@*****.**")->setTelephone("033-1234567")->setAddressRegion("Utrecht"))->setName("LengthOfRope")->setDescription("Just another developer"));
//echo "<pre>";
예제 #2
  * Output JSON-LD data in the loop of the HTML page if required
 public function addJSONLDToLoop($content)
     // Not a single page, bail early
     if (!is_singular()) {
         return $content;
     // Get organization
     $Org = $this->getOrganization();
     // Check if we don't want the boxes to show in code, we also don't want to output jsonld
     $pt = get_post_type();
     if (in_array($pt, apply_filters('buzz-seo-disable-posttype', array()))) {
         return $content;
     $options = get_option('_settingsSettingsStructuredData', true);
     $postAuthorID = get_post_field('post_author', get_queried_object_id());
     $Create = \LengthOfRope\JSONLD\Create::factory();
     $hasData = false;
     // Add Article
     if (isset($options['addarticle']) && is_array($options['addarticle'])) {
         $posttype = get_post_type();
         foreach ($options['addarticle'] as $creativeWorkType => $postTypes) {
             if (!is_array($postTypes)) {
             $addForPostTypes = array_keys($postTypes);
             if (in_array($posttype, $addForPostTypes)) {
                 // We are in a posttype that we want to add the article data for, but since we are not in the loop, get
                 // the author data in an arbitrary way
                 $class = "\\LengthOfRope\\JSONLD\\Schema\\" . $creativeWorkType . "Schema";
                 $Schema = $class::factory();
                 if ($Schema instanceof Schema\ThingSchema) {
                     $url = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'full');
                     if (is_array($url)) {
                     } else {
                         // Skip this post since it has no image
                     if (has_excerpt()) {
                         $excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
                         if (!empty($excerpt)) {
                 // Article and blog require a headline, we simply set it to the post title.
                 if ($Schema instanceof Schema\ArticleSchema || $Schema instanceof Schema\BlogPostingSchema) {
                 if ($Schema instanceof Schema\CreativeWorkSchema) {
                     // Publisher is required
                     if ($Org !== false) {
                         // Set the organization if availble
                     // mainEntityOfPage is recommended
                 // Add author
                 $Author = false;
                 if (isset($options['addauthor']) && is_array($options['addauthor']) && isset($options['addauthor'][$creativeWorkType])) {
                     $authorF = get_the_author_meta('first_name', $postAuthorID);
                     $authorL = get_the_author_meta('last_name', $postAuthorID);
                     $author = trim($authorF . " " . $authorL);
                     $authormail = get_the_author_meta('email', $postAuthorID);
                     $authorurl = get_the_author_meta('url', $postAuthorID);
                     $Author = Schema\PersonSchema::factory();
                     if (!empty($author)) {
                     if (!empty($authorF)) {
                     if (!empty($authorL)) {
                     if (!empty($authormail)) {
                     if (!empty($authorurl)) {
                 if ($Org === false && $Author !== false) {
                     // Set the author as publisher if organization is not available
                 $hasData = true;
     if ($hasData) {
         return $content . $Create->getJSONLDScript() . PHP_EOL;
     return $content;