public function testSetWhere() { $push = new LeanPush(array("alert" => "Hello world!")); $query = new LeanQuery("_Installation"); $date = new DateTime(); $query->lessThan("updatedAt", $date); $push->setWhere($query); $out = $push->encode(); $this->assertEquals(array("updatedAt" => array('$lt' => LeanClient::encode($date))), $out["where"]); }
public function testOperationEncode() { $op = new SetOperation("name", "alice"); $this->assertEquals($op->encode(), "alice"); $op = new SetOperation("score", 70.0); $this->assertEquals($op->encode(), 70.0); $date = new DateTime(); $op = new SetOperation("released", $date); $out = $op->encode(); $this->assertEquals($out['__type'], "Date"); $this->assertEquals($out['iso'], LeanClient::formatDate($date)); }
public static function setUpBeforeClass() { LeanClient::initialize(getenv("LC_APP_ID"), getenv("LC_APP_KEY"), getenv("LC_APP_MASTER_KEY")); LeanClient::useRegion(getenv("LC_API_REGION")); LeanClient::setStorage(new SessionStorage()); // Try to make a default user so we can login $user = new LeanUser(); $user->setUsername("alice"); $user->setPassword("blabla"); try { $user->signUp(); } catch (CloudException $ex) { // skip } }
private function request($url, $method, $data = null) { $appUrl = "http://" . getenv("LC_APP_HOST") . ":" . getenv("LC_APP_PORT"); $url = $appUrl . $url; $headers = LeanClient::buildHeaders(null, true); $headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json;charset=utf-8"; $headers["Origin"] = getenv("LC_APP_HOST"); // emulate CORS $h = array_map(function ($k, $v) { return "{$k}: {$v}"; }, array_keys($headers), $headers); $req = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $h); curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); if ($method == "POST") { curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data)); } else { // GET if ($data) { curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_URL, $url . "?" . http_build_query($data)); } } $resp = curl_exec($req); $errno = curl_errno($req); curl_close($req); if ($errno > 0) { throw new \RuntimeException("CURL connection error {$errno}: {$url}"); } $data = json_decode($resp, true); if (isset($data["error"])) { $code = isset($data["code"]) ? $data["code"] : -1; throw new CloudException("{$code} {$data['error']}", $code); } return $data; }
public function testUserLogin() { $data = array("username" => "testuser", "password" => "5akf#a?^G", "phone" => "18612340000"); $resp = LeanClient::post("/users", $data); $this->assertNotEmpty($resp["objectId"]); $this->assertNotEmpty($resp["sessionToken"]); $id = $resp["objectId"]; $resp = LeanClient::get("/users/me", array("session_token" => $resp["sessionToken"])); $this->assertNotEmpty($resp["objectId"]); LeanClient::delete("/users/{$id}", $resp["sessionToken"]); // Raise 211: Could not find user. $this->setExpectedException("LeanCloud\\CloudException", null, 211); $resp = LeanClient::get("/users/me", array("session_token" => "non-existent-token")); }
/** * Delete objects in batch. * * @param array $objects Array of LeanObjects to destroy * @return bool */ public static function destroyAll($objects) { $batch = array(); foreach ($objects as $obj) { if (!$obj->getObjectId()) { throw new \ErrorException("Cannot destroy object without ID"); } // Remove duplicate objects by ID $batch[$obj->getObjectId()] = $obj; } if (empty($batch)) { return; } $requests = array(); $objects = array(); foreach ($batch as $obj) { $requests[] = array("path" => "/1.1/classes/{$obj->getClassName()}" . "/{$obj->getObjectId()}", "method" => "DELETE"); $objects[] = $obj; } $response = LeanClient::batch($requests); $errors = array(); foreach ($objects as $i => $obj) { if (isset($response[$i]["error"])) { $errors[] = array("request" => $requests[$i], "error" => $response[$i]["error"]); } } if (count($errors) > 0) { throw new \LeanException("Batch requests error: " . json_encode($errors)); } }
public function testDecodeFile() { $type = array("__type" => "File", "objectId" => "abc101", "name" => "favicon.ico", "url" => ""); $val = LeanClient::decode($type); $this->assertTrue($val instanceof LeanFile); $this->assertEquals($type["objectId"], $val->getObjectId()); $this->assertEquals($type["name"], $val->getName()); $this->assertEquals($type["url"], $val->getUrl()); }
public function testDecodeBytes() { $type = array("__type" => "Bytes", "base64" => base64_encode("Hello")); $val = LeanClient::decode($type); $this->assertTrue($val instanceof LeanBytes); $this->assertEquals(array(72, 101, 108, 108, 111), $val->getByteArray()); }
/** * Count number of objects by the query * * @return int */ public function count() { $params = $this->encode(); $params["limit"] = 0; $params["count"] = 1; $resp = LeanClient::get("/classes/{$this->getClassName()}", $params); return $resp["count"]; }
/** * Encode to JSON represented operation * * @return array */ public function encode() { return array("__op" => $this->getOpType(), "objects" => LeanClient::encode($this->value)); }
<?php require_once "src/autoload.php"; use LeanCloud\LeanClient; use LeanCloud\Engine\LeanEngine; use LeanCloud\Engine\Cloud; LeanClient::initialize(getenv("LC_APP_ID"), getenv("LC_APP_KEY"), getenv("LC_APP_MASTER_KEY")); // define a function Cloud::define("hello", function () { return "hello"; }); // define function with named params Cloud::define("sayHello", function ($params, $user) { return "hello {$params['name']}"; }); Cloud::define("getMeta", function ($params, $user, $meta) { return array("remoteAddress" => $meta["remoteAddress"]); }); Cloud::define("updateObject", function ($params, $user) { $obj = $params["object"]; $obj->set("__testKey", 42); return $obj; }); Cloud::onLogin(function ($user) { return; }); Cloud::onInsight(function ($job) { return; }); Cloud::onVerified("sms", function ($user) { return;
/** * Initialize LeanCloud application id and key * * @return void */ public function register() { LeanClient::initialize(config(''), config('services.leancloud.key'), config('services.leancloud.masterKey')); }
* A simple Slim based sample application * * See Slim documentation: * */ use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response; use LeanCloud\LeanClient; use LeanCloud\Storage\CookieStorage; use LeanCloud\Engine\SlimEngine; $app = new \Slim\App(); // 禁用 Slim 默认的 handler,使得错误栈被日志捕捉 unset($app->getContainer()['errorHandler']); LeanClient::initialize(getenv("LC_APP_ID"), getenv("LC_APP_KEY"), getenv("LC_APP_MASTER_KEY")); // 将 sessionToken 持久化到 cookie 中,以支持多实例共享会话 LeanClient::setStorage(new CookieStorage()); SlimEngine::enableHttpsRedirect(); $app->add(new SlimEngine()); $app->get('/hello/{name}', function (Request $request, Response $response) { $name = $request->getAttribute('name'); $response->getBody()->write("Hello, {$name}"); return $response; }); // compute a random integer between min and max $app->post('/randomInt', function (Request $request, Response $response) { // parse min and max from request body $body = $request->getBody(); $json = json_decode($body, true); // or simply // $json = $request->getParsedBody(); $val = rand($json["min"], $json["max"]);
/** * Delete file on cloud * * @throws CloudException */ public function destroy() { if (!$this->getObjectId()) { return false; } LeanClient::delete("/files/{$this->getObjectId()}"); }
public function testDecodeGeoPoint() { $type = array('__type' => 'GeoPoint', 'latitude' => 39.9, 'longitude' => 116.4); $val = LeanClient::decode($type, null); $this->assertTrue($val instanceof GeoPoint); $this->assertEquals(39.9, $val->getLatitude()); $this->assertEquals(116.4, $val->getLongitude()); }
public function testEncodeCircularObjectAsPointer() { $a = new LeanObject("TestObject", "id001"); $b = new LeanObject("TestObject", "id002"); $c = new LeanObject("TestObject", "id003"); $a->set("name", "A"); $b->set("name", "B"); $c->set("name", "C"); $a->addIn("likes", $b); $b->addIn("likes", $c); $c->addIn("likes", $a); $jsonA = LeanClient::encode($a, "toFullJSON"); $jsonB = $jsonA["likes"][0]; $jsonC = $jsonB["likes"][0]; $this->assertEquals("Object", $jsonA["__type"]); $this->assertEquals("Object", $jsonB["__type"]); $this->assertEquals("Object", $jsonC["__type"]); $this->assertEquals("Pointer", $jsonC["likes"][0]["__type"]); }
/** * Verify mobile phone by SMS code * * @param string $smsCode */ public static function verifyMobilePhone($smsCode) { LeanClient::post("/verifyMobilePhone/{$smsCode}", null); }
public function testBatchGetNotFound() { $obj = array("name" => "alice"); $resp = LeanClient::post("/classes/TestObject", $obj); $this->assertNotEmpty($resp["objectId"]); $req[] = array("path" => "/1.1/classes/TestObject/{$resp['objectId']}", "method" => "GET"); $req[] = array("path" => "/1.1/classes/TestObject/nonexistent_id", "method" => "GET"); $resp2 = LeanClient::batch($req); $this->assertNotEmpty($resp2[0]["success"]); $this->assertEmpty($resp2[1]["success"]); // empty when not found LeanClient::delete("/classes/TestObject/{$resp['objectId']}"); }
/** * Encode to JSON represented operation * * @return array */ public function encode() { return LeanClient::encode($this->value); }
/** * Issue a batch request * * @param array $requests Array of requests in batch op * @param string $sessionToken Session token of a LeanUser * @param array $headers Optional headers * @param bool $useMasterkey Use master key or not, optional * @return array JSON decoded associated array * @see ::request */ public static function batch($requests, $sessionToken = null, $headers = array(), $useMasterKey = false) { $response = LeanClient::post("/batch", array("requests" => $requests), $sessionToken, $headers, $useMasterKey); if (count($requests) != count($response)) { throw new CloudException("Number of resquest and response " . "mismatch in batch operation!"); } return $response; }
/** * Dispatch onLogin hook * * @param array $body JSON decoded body params */ private function dispatchOnLogin($body) { $userObj = LeanClient::decode($body["object"], null); $meta["remoteAddress"] = $this->env["REMOTE_ADDR"]; try { Cloud::runOnLogin($userObj, $meta); } catch (FunctionError $err) { $this->renderError($err->getMessage(), $err->getCode()); } $this->renderJSON(array("result" => "ok")); }
public static function setUpBeforeClass() { LeanClient::initialize(getenv("LC_APP_ID"), getenv("LC_APP_KEY"), getenv("LC_APP_MASTER_KEY")); LeanClient::useRegion(getenv("LC_API_REGION")); }
/** * Doing a CQL query to retrive objects * * It returns an array that contains: * * * className - Class name of the query * * results - List of objects * * count - Number of objects when it's a count query * * @param string $cql CQL statement * @param array $pvalues Positional values to replace in CQL * @return array * @link */ public static function doCloudQuery($cql, $pvalues = array()) { $data = array("cql" => $cql); if (!empty($pvalues)) { $data["pvalues"] = json_encode(LeanClient::encode($pvalues)); } $resp = LeanClient::get('/cloudQuery', $data); $objects = array(); foreach ($resp["results"] as $val) { $obj = LeanObject::create($resp["className"], $val["objectId"]); $obj->mergeAfterFetch($val); $objects[] = $obj; } $resp["results"] = $objects; return $resp; }