또한 보기: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reference_ellipsoid
또한 보기: http://www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/notes/datum/gif/ellipse.gif
저자: Antoine Corcy (contact@sbin.dk)
예제 #1
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $ellipsoid = Ellipsoid::createFromName($input->getOption('ellipsoid'));
     $coordinate = new Coordinate($input->getArgument('coordinate'), $ellipsoid);
     $geotools = new Geotools();
     $output->writeln(sprintf('<value>%s</value>', $geotools->convert($coordinate)->toUTM()));
예제 #2
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $ellipsoid = Ellipsoid::createFromName($input->getOption('ellipsoid'));
     $from = new Coordinate($input->getArgument('origin'), $ellipsoid);
     $to = new Coordinate($input->getArgument('destination'), $ellipsoid);
     $geotools = new Geotools();
     $output->writeln(sprintf('<value>%s</value>', $geotools->vertex()->setFrom($from)->setTo($to)->finalBearing()));
예제 #3
 public function testCoordinateWithEllipsoid()
     $coordinate = $this->geotools->coordinate('1, 2', Ellipsoid::createFromName(Ellipsoid::AIRY));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('League\\Geotools\\Coordinate\\Coordinate', $coordinate);
     $this->assertSame(1.0, $coordinate->getLatitude());
     $this->assertSame(2.0, $coordinate->getLongitude());
     $this->assertSame('Airy', $coordinate->getEllipsoid()->getName());
예제 #4
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $from = new Coordinate($input->getArgument('origin'), Ellipsoid::createFromName($input->getOption('ellipsoid')));
     $geotools = new Geotools();
     $destination = $geotools->vertex()->setFrom($from);
     $destination = $destination->destination($input->getArgument('bearing'), $input->getArgument('distance'));
     $output->writeln(sprintf('<value>%s, %s</value>', $destination->getLatitude(), $destination->getLongitude()));
예제 #5
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $ellipsoid = Ellipsoid::createFromName($input->getOption('ellipsoid'));
     $from = new Coordinate($input->getArgument('origin'), $ellipsoid);
     $to = new Coordinate($input->getArgument('destination'), $ellipsoid);
     $geotools = new Geotools();
     $middle = $geotools->point()->setFrom($from)->setTo($to)->middle();
     $output->writeln(sprintf('<value>%s, %s</value>', $middle->getLatitude(), $middle->getLongitude()));
예제 #6
  * Set the latitude and the longitude of the coordinates into an selected ellipsoid.
  * @param ResultInterface|array|string $coordinates The coordinates.
  * @param Ellipsoid                    $ellipsoid   The selected ellipsoid (WGS84 by default).
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($coordinates, Ellipsoid $ellipsoid = null)
     if ($coordinates instanceof ResultInterface) {
     } elseif (is_array($coordinates) && 2 === count($coordinates)) {
     } elseif (is_string($coordinates)) {
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('It should be a string, an array or a class which implements Geocoder\\Result\\ResultInterface !');
     $this->ellipsoid = $ellipsoid ?: Ellipsoid::createFromName(Ellipsoid::WGS84);
예제 #7
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $ellipsoid = Ellipsoid::createFromName($input->getOption('ellipsoid'));
     $from = new Coordinate($input->getArgument('origin'), $ellipsoid);
     $to = new Coordinate($input->getArgument('destination'), $ellipsoid);
     $geotools = new Geotools();
     $distance = $geotools->distance()->setFrom($from)->setTo($to);
     if ($input->getOption('km')) {
     if ($input->getOption('mi')) {
     if ($input->getOption('ft')) {
     $output->writeln(sprintf('<value>%s</value>', $distance->haversine()));
예제 #8
  * Returns the half-way point / coordinate along a great circle
  * path between the origin and the destination coordinates.
  * @return CoordinateInterface
 public function middle()
     Ellipsoid::checkCoordinatesEllipsoid($this->from, $this->to);
     $latA = deg2rad($this->from->getLatitude());
     $lngA = deg2rad($this->from->getLongitude());
     $latB = deg2rad($this->to->getLatitude());
     $lngB = deg2rad($this->to->getLongitude());
     $bx = cos($latB) * cos($lngB - $lngA);
     $by = cos($latB) * sin($lngB - $lngA);
     $lat3 = rad2deg(atan2(sin($latA) + sin($latB), sqrt((cos($latA) + $bx) * (cos($latA) + $bx) + $by * $by)));
     $lng3 = rad2deg($lngA + atan2($by, cos($latA) + $bx));
     return new Coordinate(array($lat3, $lng3), $this->from->getEllipsoid());
예제 #9
  * Returns the underlying Coordinate object
  * @param  self           $coordinate
  * @return BaseCoordinate
 protected static function getBaseCoordinate(self $coordinate)
     $latitude = $coordinate->getLatitude()->toNative();
     $longitude = $coordinate->getLongitude()->toNative();
     $ellipsoid = BaseEllipsoid::createFromName($coordinate->getEllipsoid()->toNative());
     $coordinate = new BaseCoordinate(array($latitude, $longitude), $ellipsoid);
     return $coordinate;
예제 #10
  * Returns geodetic distance between between two coordinates using Vincenty inverse
  * formula for ellipsoids which is accurate to within 0.5mm.
  * @see http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong-vincenty.html
  * @return double The distance in meters
 public function vincenty()
     Ellipsoid::checkCoordinatesEllipsoid($this->from, $this->to);
     $a = $this->from->getEllipsoid()->getA();
     $b = $this->from->getEllipsoid()->getB();
     $f = 1 / $this->from->getEllipsoid()->getInvF();
     $lL = deg2rad($this->to->getLongitude() - $this->from->getLongitude());
     $u1 = atan((1 - $f) * tan(deg2rad($this->from->getLatitude())));
     $u2 = atan((1 - $f) * tan(deg2rad($this->to->getLatitude())));
     $sinU1 = sin($u1);
     $cosU1 = cos($u1);
     $sinU2 = sin($u2);
     $cosU2 = cos($u2);
     $lambda = $lL;
     $iterLimit = 100;
     do {
         $sinLambda = sin($lambda);
         $cosLambda = cos($lambda);
         $sinSigma = sqrt($cosU2 * $sinLambda * ($cosU2 * $sinLambda) + ($cosU1 * $sinU2 - $sinU1 * $cosU2 * $cosLambda) * ($cosU1 * $sinU2 - $sinU1 * $cosU2 * $cosLambda));
         if (0.0 === $sinSigma) {
             return 0.0;
             // co-incident points
         $cosSigma = $sinU1 * $sinU2 + $cosU1 * $cosU2 * $cosLambda;
         $sigma = atan2($sinSigma, $cosSigma);
         $sinAlpha = $cosU1 * $cosU2 * $sinLambda / $sinSigma;
         $cosSqAlpha = 1 - $sinAlpha * $sinAlpha;
         if ($cosSqAlpha != 0.0) {
             $cos2SigmaM = $cosSigma - 2 * $sinU1 * $sinU2 / $cosSqAlpha;
         } else {
             $cos2SigmaM = 0.0;
         $cC = $f / 16 * $cosSqAlpha * (4 + $f * (4 - 3 * $cosSqAlpha));
         $lambdaP = $lambda;
         $lambda = $lL + (1 - $cC) * $f * $sinAlpha * ($sigma + $cC * $sinSigma * ($cos2SigmaM + $cC * $cosSigma * (-1 + 2 * $cos2SigmaM * $cos2SigmaM)));
     } while (abs($lambda - $lambdaP) > 1.0E-12 && --$iterLimit > 0);
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
     if (0 === $iterLimit) {
         throw new NotConvergingException('Vincenty formula failed to converge !');
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     $uSq = $cosSqAlpha * ($a * $a - $b * $b) / ($b * $b);
     $aA = 1 + $uSq / 16384 * (4096 + $uSq * (-768 + $uSq * (320 - 175 * $uSq)));
     $bB = $uSq / 1024 * (256 + $uSq * (-128 + $uSq * (74 - 47 * $uSq)));
     $deltaSigma = $bB * $sinSigma * ($cos2SigmaM + $bB / 4 * ($cosSigma * (-1 + 2 * $cos2SigmaM * $cos2SigmaM) - $bB / 6 * $cos2SigmaM * (-3 + 4 * $sinSigma * $sinSigma) * (-3 + 4 * $cos2SigmaM * $cos2SigmaM)));
     $s = $b * $aA * ($sigma - $deltaSigma);
     return $this->convertToUserUnit($s);