예제 #1
 |		{
 |			return 'Hello World!';
 |		});
 | It's easy to allow URI wildcards using (:num) or (:any):
 |		Route::put('hello/(:any)', function($name)
 |		{
 |			return "Welcome, $name.";
 |		});
use Laravel\Routing\Route;
use Laravel\Routing\Controller;
// Detect all controllers and register to route
 | Application 404 & 500 Error Handlers
 | To centralize and simplify 404 handling, Laravel uses an awesome event
 | system to retrieve the response. Feel free to modify this function to
 | your tastes and the needs of your application.
 | Similarly, we use an event to handle the display of 500 level errors
 | within the application. These errors are fired when there is an
 | uncaught exception thrown in the application.
Event::listen('404', function () {