예제 #1
  * @dataProvider getUserBaseCoverageDP
 public function testgetUserBaseCoverage($a, $b, $c)
     $obj = new _Project();
     $this->string($obj->getUserBaseCoverage($a, $b))->isEqualTo($c);
        if (!file_exists(Project::getLocalFilePath($current_website, $current_locale, $current_filename))) {
            // If the raw file does not exist, just skip the locale for this file
        $file_analysis = RawManager::compareRawFiles($current_website, $current_locale, $current_filename);
        $cmp_result = $file_analysis['cmp_result'];
        if ($cmp_result == 'ok') {
            $complete_locales_list[] = $current_locale;
        $json_data[$current_filename][$current_locale]['status'] = $cmp_result;
        $website_name = Project::getWebsiteName($current_website);
        $locale_link = "<a href='./?locale={$current_locale}#{$website_name}'>{$current_locale}</a>";
        echo "\n        <tr>\n          <td class='maincolumn'>{$locale_link}</td>\n          <td><span class='rawstatus {$cmp_result}'>" . str_replace('_', ' ', $cmp_result) . "</span></td>\n        </tr>\n";
    $coverage = Project::getUserBaseCoverage($complete_locales_list, $adu) . '%';
    echo '
          <td colspan= "2">' . $complete_locales_count . ' translated locales (' . round($complete_locales_count / count($supported_locales) * 100) . '%)<br>' . $coverage . ' of our l10n user base' . '</td>
$htmlresult = ob_get_contents();
if ($json) {
    if ($locale == 'all' || $locale == '') {
        echo Json::output($json_data, false, true);
예제 #3

namespace Langchecker;

use Transvision\Json;
if (!isset($_GET['locales'])) {
    die(Json::invalidAPICall('ERROR: missing list of locales.'));
$locales = $_GET['locales'];
if (!is_array($locales)) {
    die(Json::invalidAPICall('ERROR: locales is not an array.'));
echo Project::getUserBaseCoverage($locales, $adu);
        echo "<span class='taglist' {$style}>{$tag_text}</span>\n";
    echo "</p>";
echo "<h2>{$current_filename}</h2>\n\n";
$counter = 0;
foreach ($all_strings as $string_id => $available_translations) {
    // Display paragraph with reference string
    $header_string = trim(htmlspecialchars($string_id));
    if (isset($tag_bindings[$string_id])) {
        $current_tag = $tag_bindings[$string_id];
        $tag_number = array_search($current_tag, $available_tags);
        $style = "style='background-color: {$bg_colors[$tag_number]}; color: {$font_colors[$tag_number]};'";
        $header_string .= "</a><span title='Associated tag' class='tag' {$style}>" . $current_tag . "</span>";
    } else {
        $header_string .= "</a>";
    echo "<p id='string{$counter}'><a href='#string{$counter}' style='color: #008000;' onclick='showhide(\"{$counter}\");'>{$header_string}</p>\n";
    // Display sub-table with localizations for this string
    echo "<table style='width:100%; display: {$show_status};' id='table{$counter}' class='translations'>\n";
    $total_translations = count($available_translations);
    $covered_locales = array_keys($available_translations);
    $displayed_rows = 0;
    foreach ($available_translations as $current_locale => $translation) {
        $css_class = $displayed_rows & 1 ? 'odd_row' : 'even_row';
        echo "<tr class='{$css_class}'>\n" . "  <th>{$current_locale}</th>\n" . "  <td>" . htmlspecialchars($translation) . "</td>\n" . "</tr>\n";
    echo "<tr>\n  <td colspan='2' class='donelocales_cell'>Number of locales done: {$total_translations}" . ' (' . Project::getUserBaseCoverage($covered_locales, $adu) . '% of our l10n user base)' . "  </td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n";