public function createEvent(Request $request, $payload)
     $newEvent = json_decode($payload);
     $issue = $newEvent->issue;
     $message = $issue->fields->summary;
     $project = $issue->fields->project->key;
     $jiraStatus = $issue->fields->status->name;
     $identifier = "jira_" . $issue->key;
     if (in_array($jiraStatus, $this->successStates)) {
         $status = Event::STATUS_SUCCESS;
     } else {
         $status = Event::STATUS_FAILURE;
     $event = new RawEvent();
     $parts = parse_url($issue->self);
     $url = $parts["scheme"] . "://" . $parts["host"] . "/browse/" . $newEvent->issue->key;
     return $event;
 public function createEvent(Request $request, $payload)
     $newEvent = json_decode($request->get('payload'));
     $event = new RawEvent();
     $system = $newEvent->repository->owner_name . ':' . $newEvent->repository->name . ':' . $newEvent->branch;
     if ($newEvent->result == self::STATUS_SUCCESS) {
     } else {
         $event->setMessage("Building " . $system . " failed. Last commit by " . $newEvent->committer_name . '.');
     $event->setIdentifier('travis_' . $system);
     return $event;
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
     $tools = $em->getRepository('KoalamonIncidentDashboardBundle:Tool')->findBy(["active" => true]);
     foreach ($tools as $tool) {
         if (!is_null($tool->getInterval()) && $tool->getInterval() != 0) {
             $eventIdentifier = $em->getRepository('KoalamonIncidentDashboardBundle:EventIdentifier')->findLastEventByTool($tool);
             if (is_null($eventIdentifier)) {
             $event = $eventIdentifier->getLastEvent();
             $interval = $tool->getInterval() + 1;
             $now = new \DateTime();
             $lastEventLimit = $now->sub(new \DateInterval("PT" . $interval . "M"));
             $rawEvent = new RawEvent();
             $rawEvent->setIdentifier('koalamon_tool_intervalcheck_' . $tool->getIdentifier());
             try {
                 $created = $event->getCreated();
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $output->writeln("<error>" . $e->getMessage() . "</error>");
                 $created = new \DateTime();
                 $created->sub(new \DateInterval("P30D"));
             if ($created < $lastEventLimit) {
                 $message = "The tool '" . $tool->getName() . "' with id='" . $tool->getId() . "' did not send any events since " . $created->format("d.m.Y H:i:m") . ".";
                 $output->writeln("project_id: " . $tool->getProject()->getId() . " (" . $tool->getProject()->getName() . ") -- " . $message);
             } else {
                 $rawEvent->setMessage("The tool '" . $tool->getName() . "' with id='" . $tool->getId() . ' was triggered within the last ' . $interval . ' minutes.');
             try {
                 $this->getContainer()->get('koalamon.project.helper')->addRawEvent($rawEvent, $tool->getProject());
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $output->writeln('Exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
 public function createEvent(Request $request, $payload)
     $newEvent = json_decode($payload);
     if ($newEvent->current_state == self::STATUS_SUCCESS) {
         $status = Event::STATUS_FAILURE;
     } else {
         $status = Event::STATUS_SUCCESS;
     $event = new RawEvent();
     $event->setIdentifier("newrelic_" . $newEvent->policy_name . "_" . $this->translate($newEvent->targets[0]->name));
     return $event;
 public function onEventCreate(NewEventEvent $event)
     $currentEvent = $event->getEvent();
     $lastEvent = $event->getLastEvent();
     if ($currentEvent->getType() == self::TOOL_IDENTIFIER) {
     if (!is_null($lastEvent) && $currentEvent->getStatus() == $lastEvent->getStatus()) {
     $system = $currentEvent->getEventIdentifier()->getSystem();
     if (is_null($system)) {
     $tool = $currentEvent->getEventIdentifier()->getTool();
     $status = Event::STATUS_SUCCESS;
     $message = '';
     if ($system->getThreshold() == 0 || $currentEvent->getStatus() == Event::STATUS_SUCCESS) {
         $healthStatus = max(0, $system->getHealthStatus() - $tool->getScore());
     } else {
         $healthStatus = $system->getHealthStatus() + $tool->getScore();
         if ($healthStatus >= $system->getThreshold()) {
             $status = Event::STATUS_FAILURE;
             $message = 'The health status of "' . $system->getName() . '" is critical.';
     $rawEvent = new RawEvent();
     $rawEvent->setIdentifier(self::TOOL_IDENTIFIER . '_' . $system->getIdentifier());
     $this->container->get('koalamon.project.helper')->addRawEvent($rawEvent, $currentEvent->getEventIdentifier()->getProject());
 public function createEvent(Request $request, $payload)
     $newEvent = json_decode($payload);
     $event = new RawEvent();
     if ($newEvent->build->phase != self::PHASE_COMPLETED) {
         return [];
     if ($newEvent->build->status == self::STATUS_SUCCESS) {
         $status = Event::STATUS_SUCCESS;
         $message = "";
     } else {
         $status = Event::STATUS_FAILURE;
         $message = "Jenkins \"" . $newEvent->name . "\" failed";
     return [$event];
예제 #7
 public static function createFromRawEvent(RawEvent $rawEvent)
     $event = new self();
     return $event;
 private function translate(RawEvent $event, Project $project)
     $translations = $this->entityManager->getRepository('KoalamonIncidentDashboardBundle:Translation')->findBy(array('project' => $project));
     foreach ($translations as $translation) {
         if (preg_match('`^' . $translation->getIdentifier() . '$`', $event->getIdentifier())) {
             return $translation->translate($event);
     return $event;
 public function createEvent(Request $request, $payload)
     $event = \json_decode($payload);
     if ($event->state == 'completed') {
         $rawEvent = new RawEvent();
         $rawEvent->setSystem($event->_embedded->repository->login . ':' . $event->_embedded->repository->name . ':' . $event->_embedded->head_index->branch_reference);
         $rawEvent->setIdentifier('scrutinizer:' . $rawEvent->getSystem());
         $rawEvent->setUrl('' . str_replace('api/repositories/', '', $event->_links->self->href));
         if ($rawEvent->getValue() > $this->limit) {
         } else {
             $rawEvent->setMessage('The scrutinizer quality index is too low (' . round($rawEvent->getValue(), 2) . ').');
         return $rawEvent;
     return [];
 public function createEvent(Request $request, $payload)
     $newEvent = json_decode($payload);
     $event = new RawEvent();
     if (property_exists($newEvent, "value")) {
     if (property_exists($newEvent, "componentId")) {
     if (property_exists($newEvent, "url")) {
     } else {
     if (property_exists($newEvent, "type")) {
     return $event;
 public function translate(RawEvent $event)
     if (!is_null($this->getUrl())) {
     if (!is_null($this->getType())) {
     if (!is_null($this > $this->getSystem())) {
     if (!is_null($this->getMessage())) {
     return $event;
 public function createEvent(Request $request, $payload)
     $newEvent = json_decode(urldecode($payload));
     if ($request->get('confirmationURL')) {
         $url = trim(preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', $request->get('confirmationURL')));
         $content = file_get_contents($url);
         return false;
     if (!property_exists($newEvent, 'alert')) {
         return false;
     $alert = $newEvent->alert;
     $event = new RawEvent();
     $system = str_replace('http://', '', $alert->url);
     $system = str_replace(' ', '', $system);
     if ($alert->alertType === self::STATUS_PROBLEM) {
         if (property_exists($alert, "errorString")) {
         } else {
             $event->setMessage('Monitis found an error for ' . $alert->name . '.');
     } else {
     $event->setIdentifier("monitis_" . $system . "_" . $alert->type);
     if (property_exists($alert, 'stepDuration')) {
     return $event;
 public function createEvent(Request $request, $payload)
     // @todo not sure if the clean process is needed anymore
     $cleanPayload = preg_replace("^\${(.*)}^", '""', $payload);
     $newEvent = json_decode($cleanPayload);
     $event = new RawEvent();
     $identifier = "appDynamics_" . $newEvent->event->application->id . '_';
     // appD . application . healthrule
     if ($newEvent->event->healthRuleEvent == "true") {
         $identifier .= $newEvent->event->healthRule->id;
     } else {
         $identifier .= $newEvent->event->incident->id;
     if (in_array($newEvent->event->eventType, $this->successStatus)) {
     } else {
     return $event;
 public function createEvent(Request $request, $payload)
     $event = \json_decode($payload);
     $rawEvent = new RawEvent();
     $rawEvent->setIdentifier('pingdom_' . $rawEvent->getSystem() . '_' . $event->check_name);
     if ($event->current_state == self::STATE_FAILURE) {
         $rawEvent->setMessage('Error: ' . $event->long_description . ' (url: ' . $event->check_params->full_url . ')');
     } else {
     return $rawEvent;