예제 #1
  * Parses a signed_request and validates the signature.
  * @param string $signedRequest A signed token
  * @param string $appSecret
  * @return array The payload inside it or null if the sig is wrong
 public static function decode($signedRequest, $appSecret)
     if (!$signedRequest || strpos($signedRequest, '.') === false) {
         Debugger::log('Signed request is invalid! ' . json_encode($signedRequest), 'facebook');
         return NULL;
     list($encoded_sig, $payload) = explode('.', $signedRequest, 2);
     // decode the data
     $sig = Helpers::base64UrlDecode($encoded_sig);
     $data = Json::decode(Helpers::base64UrlDecode($payload), Json::FORCE_ARRAY);
     if (!isset($data['algorithm']) || strtoupper($data['algorithm']) !== Configuration::SIGNED_REQUEST_ALGORITHM) {
         Debugger::log("Unknown algorithm '{$data['algorithm']}', expected " . Configuration::SIGNED_REQUEST_ALGORITHM, 'facebook');
         return NULL;
     // check sig
     $expected_sig = hash_hmac('sha256', $payload, $appSecret, $raw = TRUE);
     if (strlen($expected_sig) !== strlen($sig)) {
         Debugger::log('Bad Signed JSON signature! Expected ' . Dumper::toText($expected_sig) . ', but given ' . Dumper::toText($sig), 'facebook');
         return NULL;
     $result = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($expected_sig); $i++) {
         $result |= ord($expected_sig[$i]) ^ ord($sig[$i]);
     if ($result !== 0) {
         Debugger::log('Bad Signed JSON signature! Expected ' . Dumper::toText($expected_sig) . ', but given ' . Dumper::toText($sig), 'facebook');
         return NULL;
     return $data;