public function register(Container $container) { $container->alias("db", "Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver")->share("Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver", function () use($container) { $config = $container->get("config"); return DatabaseDriver::getInstance((array) $config["database"]); }, true); }
/** * Registers the service provider with a DI container. * * @param Container $container The DI container. * * @return void * * @since 1.0 */ public function register(Container $container) { $container->alias('db', 'Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver')->share('Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver', function (Container $container) { $config = $container->get('config'); return DatabaseDriver::getInstance((array) $config['database']); }, true); }
/** * Registers the service provider with a DI container. * * @param Container $container The DI container. * * @return void * * @since 1.0 */ public function register(Container $container) { $container->alias('db', DatabaseDriver::class)->share(DatabaseDriver::class, function (Container $container) { $config = $container->get('config'); $db = DatabaseDriver::getInstance((array) $config->get('database')); $db->setDebug($config->get('database.debug')); $db->setLogger($container->get('monolog.logger.database')); return $db; }, true); }
/** * This method is called before the first test of this test class is run. * * An example DSN would be: dbname=//localhost:1521/joomla_ut;charset=AL32UTF8;user=utuser;pass=ut1234 * * @return void * * @since 1.0 */ public static function setUpBeforeClass() { // First let's look to see if we have a DSN defined or in the environment variables. if (defined('JTEST_DATABASE_ORACLE_DSN') || getenv('JTEST_DATABASE_ORACLE_DSN')) { $dsn = defined('JTEST_DATABASE_ORACLE_DSN') ? JTEST_DATABASE_ORACLE_DSN : getenv('JTEST_DATABASE_ORACLE_DSN'); } else { return; } // First let's trim the oci: part off the front of the DSN if it exists. if (strpos($dsn, 'oci:') === 0) { $dsn = substr($dsn, 4); } // Split the DSN into its parts over semicolons. $parts = explode(';', $dsn); // Parse each part and populate the options array. foreach ($parts as $part) { list($k, $v) = explode('=', $part, 2); switch ($k) { case 'charset': self::$options['charset'] = $v; break; case 'dbname': $components = parse_url($v); self::$options['host'] = $components['host']; self::$options['port'] = $components['port']; self::$options['database'] = ltrim($components['path'], '/'); break; case 'user': self::$options['user'] = $v; break; case 'pass': self::$options['password'] = $v; break; case 'dbschema': self::$options['schema'] = $v; break; case 'prefix': self::$options['prefix'] = $v; break; } } // Ensure some defaults. self::$options['charset'] = isset(self::$options['charset']) ? self::$options['charset'] : 'AL32UTF8'; self::$options['port'] = isset(self::$options['port']) ? self::$options['port'] : 1521; try { // Attempt to instantiate the driver. self::$driver = DatabaseDriver::getInstance(self::$options); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { self::$driver = null; } // If for some reason an exception object was returned set our database object to null. if (self::$driver instanceof \Exception) { self::$driver = null; } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function register(Container $container) { $container->set('Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver', function () use($container) { $config = $container->get('config'); $options = array('driver' => $config->get('database.driver'), 'host' => $config->get(''), 'user' => $config->get('database.user'), 'password' => $config->get('database.password'), 'database' => $config->get(''), 'prefix' => $config->get('database.prefix')); $db = DatabaseDriver::getInstance($options); $db->setDebug($config->get('debug.database', false)); return $db; }, true, true); // Alias the database $container->alias('db', 'Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver'); }
/** * Registers the service provider with a DI container. * * @param Container $container The DI container. * * @return Container Returns itself to support chaining. * * @since 1.0 */ public function register(Container $container) { $container->set('Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver', function () use($container) { $app = $container->get('app'); $options = array('driver' => $app->get('database.driver'), 'host' => $app->get(''), 'user' => $app->get('database.user'), 'password' => $app->get('database.password'), 'database' => $app->get(''), 'prefix' => $app->get('database.prefix')); $db = DatabaseDriver::getInstance($options); $db->setDebug($app->get('debug.database', false)); $logger = new Logger('JTracker-Database'); $logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler($app->get('debug.log-path', JPATH_ROOT) . '/database.log', Logger::ERROR)); $logger->pushProcessor(new WebProcessor()); $db->setLogger($logger); return $db; }, true, true); // Alias the database $container->alias('db', 'Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver'); }
/** * This method is called before the first test of this test class is run. * * An example DSN would be: host=localhost;port=5432;dbname=joomla_ut;user=utuser;pass=ut1234 * * @return void * * @since 1.0 */ public static function setUpBeforeClass() { // First let's look to see if we have a DSN defined or in the environment variables. if (defined('JTEST_DATABASE_PGSQL_DSN') || getenv('JTEST_DATABASE_PGSQL_DSN')) { $dsn = defined('JTEST_DATABASE_PGSQL_DSN') ? JTEST_DATABASE_PGSQL_DSN : getenv('JTEST_DATABASE_PGSQL_DSN'); } else { return; } // First let's trim the pgsql: part off the front of the DSN if it exists. if (strpos($dsn, 'pgsql:') === 0) { $dsn = substr($dsn, 6); } // Split the DSN into its parts over semicolons. $parts = explode(';', $dsn); // Parse each part and populate the options array. foreach ($parts as $part) { list($k, $v) = explode('=', $part, 2); switch ($k) { case 'host': self::$options['host'] = $v; break; case 'port': self::$options['port'] = $v; break; case 'dbname': self::$options['database'] = $v; break; case 'user': self::$options['user'] = $v; break; case 'pass': self::$options['password'] = $v; break; } } try { // Attempt to instantiate the driver. self::$driver = DatabaseDriver::getInstance(self::$options); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { self::$driver = null; } // If for some reason an exception object was returned set our database object to null. if (self::$driver instanceof \Exception) { self::$driver = null; } }
/** * This method is called before the first test of this test class is run. * * @return void * * @since 1.0 */ public static function setUpBeforeClass() { // We always want the default database test case to use an SQLite memory database. $options = array('driver' => 'sqlite', 'database' => ':memory:', 'prefix' => 'jos_'); try { // Attempt to instantiate the driver. self::$driver = DatabaseDriver::getInstance($options); // Create a new PDO instance for an SQLite memory database and load the test schema into it. $pdo = new \PDO('sqlite::memory:'); $pdo->exec(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/Schema/ddl.sql')); // Set the PDO instance to the driver using reflection whizbangery. TestHelper::setValue(self::$driver, 'connection', $pdo); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { self::$driver = null; } // If for some reason an exception object was returned set our database object to null. if (self::$driver instanceof \Exception) { self::$driver = null; } }
/** * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection. * This method is called before a test is executed. * * @return void */ protected function setUp() { $this->instance = \Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver::getInstance(array('driver' => 'nosql', 'database' => 'europa', 'prefix' => '&')); }
/** * Return Database Object * * @param $driver * @param $host * @param $user * @param $password * @param $database * @param string $prefix * @param bool $select * @return DatabaseDriver */ public function getDbo($driver, $host, $user, $password, $database, $prefix = '', $select = true) { static $db; if (!$db) { // Build the connection options array. $options = array('driver' => $driver, 'host' => $host, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $password, 'database' => $database, 'prefix' => $prefix, 'select' => $select); // Get a database object. $db = DatabaseDriver::getInstance($options); } return $db; }
/** * Get a database driver object. * * @return DatabaseDriver * * @since 1.0 */ public function getDatabase() { if (is_null($this->database)) { $this->database = DatabaseDriver::getInstance(array('driver' => $this->get('database.driver'), 'host' => $this->get(''), 'user' => $this->get('database.user'), 'password' => $this->get('database.password'), 'database' => $this->get(''), 'prefix' => $this->get('database.prefix'))); // @todo Decouple from Factory Factory::$database = $this->database; } return $this->database; }