/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|PushImageInfo[]|CreateImageStream */ public function push($name, $parameters = [], $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT) { if (isset($parameters['X-Registry-Auth']) && $parameters['X-Registry-Auth'] instanceof AuthConfig) { $parameters['X-Registry-Auth'] = base64_encode($this->serializer->serialize($parameters['X-Registry-Auth'], 'json')); } $queryParam = new QueryParam(); $queryParam->setDefault('tag', null); $queryParam->setDefault('X-Registry-Auth', null); $queryParam->setHeaderParameters(['X-Registry-Auth']); $url = 'http://localhost/images/{name}/push'; $url = str_replace('{name}', $name, $url); $url = $url . ('?' . $queryParam->buildQueryString($parameters)); $headers = array_merge(['Host' => 'localhost'], $queryParam->buildHeaders($parameters)); $body = $queryParam->buildFormDataString($parameters); $request = $this->messageFactory->createRequest('POST', $url, $headers, $body); $response = $this->httpClient->sendRequest($request); if (200 === $response->getStatusCode()) { if (self::FETCH_STREAM === $fetch) { return new PushStream($response->getBody(), $this->serializer); } if (self::FETCH_OBJECT === $fetch) { $pushImageInfoList = []; $stream = new PushStream($response->getBody(), $this->serializer); $stream->onFrame(function (PushImageInfo $pushImageInfo) use(&$pushImageInfoList) { $pushImageInfoList[] = $pushImageInfo; }); $stream->wait(); return $pushImageInfoList; } } return $response; }
/** * Resize the tty session used by the exec command id. * * @param string $id Exec instance id * @param array $parameters List of parameters * * (int)w: Width of the tty session * @param string $fetch Fetch mode (object or response) * * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface */ public function resize($id, $parameters = [], $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT) { $queryParam = new QueryParam(); $queryParam->setDefault('w', null); $url = '/exec/{id}/resize'; $url = str_replace('{id}', $id, $url); $url = $url . ('?' . $queryParam->buildQueryString($parameters)); $headers = array_merge(['Host' => 'localhost'], $queryParam->buildHeaders($parameters)); $body = $queryParam->buildFormDataString($parameters); $request = $this->messageFactory->createRequest('POST', $url, $headers, $body); $response = $this->httpClient->sendRequest($request); return $response; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|AttachWebsocketStream */ public function attachWebsocket($id, $parameters = [], $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT) { $queryParam = new QueryParam(); $queryParam->setDefault('logs', null); $queryParam->setDefault('stream', null); $queryParam->setDefault('stdin', null); $queryParam->setDefault('stdout', null); $queryParam->setDefault('stderr', null); $url = '/containers/{id}/attach/ws'; $url = str_replace('{id}', $id, $url); $url = $url . ('?' . $queryParam->buildQueryString($parameters)); $headers = array_merge(['Host' => 'localhost', 'Origin' => 'php://docker-php', 'Upgrade' => 'websocket', 'Connection' => 'Upgrade', 'Sec-WebSocket-Version' => '13', 'Sec-WebSocket-Key' => base64_encode(uniqid())], $queryParam->buildHeaders($parameters)); $body = $queryParam->buildFormDataString($parameters); $request = $this->messageFactory->createRequest('GET', $url, $headers, $body); $response = $this->httpClient->sendRequest($request); if ($response->getStatusCode() == 101) { if ($fetch == self::FETCH_STREAM) { return new AttachWebsocketStream($response->getBody()); } } return $response; }
/** * List networks. * * @param array $parameters List of parameters * * (string)filters: JSON encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the networks list. * @param string $fetch Fetch mode (object or response) * * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|\Docker\API\Model\Network[] */ public function findAll($parameters = [], $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT) { $queryParam = new QueryParam(); $queryParam->setDefault('filters', null); $url = '/networks'; $url = $url . ('?' . $queryParam->buildQueryString($parameters)); $headers = array_merge(['Host' => 'localhost'], $queryParam->buildHeaders($parameters)); $body = $queryParam->buildFormDataString($parameters); $request = $this->messageFactory->createRequest('GET', $url, $headers, $body); $response = $this->httpClient->sendRequest($request); if (self::FETCH_OBJECT == $fetch) { if ('200' == $response->getStatusCode()) { return $this->serializer->deserialize($response->getBody()->getContents(), 'Docker\\API\\Model\\Network[]', 'json'); } } return $response; }
/** * Get container events from docker, either in real time via streaming, or via polling (using since). * * @param array $parameters List of parameters * * (int)since: Timestamp used for polling * (int)until: Timestamp used for polling * (string)filters: A json encoded value of the filters (a map[string][]string) to process on the event list. * @param string $fetch Fetch mode (object or response) * * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface */ public function getEvents($parameters = [], $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT) { $queryParam = new QueryParam(); $queryParam->setDefault('since', null); $queryParam->setDefault('until', null); $queryParam->setDefault('filters', null); $url = '/events'; $url = $url . ('?' . $queryParam->buildQueryString($parameters)); $headers = array_merge(['Host' => 'localhost'], $queryParam->buildHeaders($parameters)); $body = $queryParam->buildFormDataString($parameters); $request = $this->messageFactory->createRequest('GET', $url, $headers, $body); $response = $this->httpClient->sendRequest($request); return $response; }
/** * Upload a tar archive to be extracted to a path in the filesystem of container id. * * @param string $id The container id or name * @param string $inputStream The input stream must be a tar archive compressed with one of the following algorithms: identity (no compression), gzip, bzip2, xz. * @param array $parameters List of parameters * * (string)path: Path to a directory in the container to extract the archive’s contents into. * (string)noOverwriteDirNonDir: If “1”, “true”, or “True” then it will be an error if unpacking the given content would cause an existing directory to be replaced with a non-directory and vice versa. * @param string $fetch Fetch mode (object or response) * * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface */ public function putArchive($id, $inputStream, $parameters = [], $fetch = self::FETCH_OBJECT) { $queryParam = new QueryParam(); $queryParam->setRequired('path'); $queryParam->setDefault('noOverwriteDirNonDir', null); $url = '/containers/{id}/archive'; $url = str_replace('{id}', $id, $url); $url = $url . ('?' . $queryParam->buildQueryString($parameters)); $headers = array_merge(['Host' => 'localhost'], $queryParam->buildHeaders($parameters)); $body = $inputStream; $request = $this->messageFactory->createRequest('PUT', $url, $headers, $body); $response = $this->httpClient->sendRequest($request); return $response; }