getName() 공개 메소드

gets the name of this state
public getName ( )
  * sets the state as the current state and on the backend.
  * This should only be done:
  * - initially, right after a machine has been created, to set it in a
  * certain state if the state has not been persisted before.
  * - when changing context (since this resets the current state) via
  * $machine->setState($machine->getCurrentState())
  * This method allows you to bypass the transition guards and the transition
  * logic. no exit/entry/transition logic will be performed
  * @param State $state 
  * @param string $message optional message. this can be used by the persistence adapter
  *          to be part of the transition history to provide extra information about the transition.  
  * @throws Exception in case the state is not valid/known for this machine          
 public function setState(State $state, $message = null)
     if ($this->getState($state->getName()) === null) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf("%s state '%s' not known to this machine", $this->toString(), $state->getName()), Exception::SM_UNKNOWN_STATE);
     //get the state known to this machine so we are sure we have the correct reference
     //even if the client provides another instance of State with the same name
     $state = $this->getState($state->getName());
     $this->getContext()->setState($state->getName(), $message);
     $this->state = $state;
  * does an input regex state match a target states' name?
  * @param State $regex
  *            the regex state
  * @param State $target
  *            the state to match the regular expression to
  * @return boolean
  * @link
  * @link for trying out regular expressions
 public static function matchesRegex(State $regex, State $target)
     $matches = false;
     if ($regex->isNormalRegex()) {
         $expression = str_replace(State::REGEX_PREFIX, '', $regex->getName());
         $matches = preg_match($expression, $target->getName()) === 1;
     if ($regex->isNegatedRegex()) {
         $expression = str_replace(State::REGEX_PREFIX_NEGATED, '', $regex->getName());
         $matches = preg_match($expression, $target->getName()) !== 1;
     return $matches;
예제 #3
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function load(StateMachine $stateMachine)
     //decode the json in a php object structure
     $decoded = yaml_parse($this->getYaml(), false);
     //yaml decoding returns a php array.
     $name = $stateMachine->getContext()->getMachine();
     $found = false;
     $data = null;
     if (is_array(@$decoded['machines'])) {
         foreach ($decoded['machines'] as $data) {
             if ($data['name'] === $name) {
                 $found = true;
     if (!$found) {
         //no name match found
         throw new Exception(sprintf('no machine data found for "%s" in yaml. seems like a wrong configuration.', $name), Exception::BAD_LOADERDATA);
     //accessing an array with an @ error suppresion operator ('shut the f**k up' operator),
     //allows you to get properties, even if they do not exist, without notices.
     //this lets us be a little lazy in mapping the array properties to the state and transition properties
     $states = array();
     foreach ($data['states'] as $state) {
         $tmp = new State($state['name'], $state['type'], @$state['entry_command'], @$state['exit_command'], @$state['entry_callable'], @$state['exit_callable']);
         $states[$tmp->getName()] = $tmp;
     $transitions = array();
     foreach ($data['transitions'] as $transition) {
         $tmp = new Transition($states[$transition['state_from']], $states[$transition['state_to']], @$transition['event'], @$transition['rule'], @$transition['command'], @$transition['guard_callable'], @$transition['transition_callable']);
         $transitions[] = $tmp;
     //delegate to loader
     $loader = new LoaderArray($transitions);
     return $loader->load($stateMachine);
예제 #4
  * gets all data for transitions.
  * This method is public for testing purposes
  * @param string $machine
  *            the machine name
  * @return Transition[]
 public function getLoaderData($machine)
     $rows = $this->getTransitions($machine);
     $output = array();
     // array for local caching of states
     $states = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $state_from = $row['state_from'];
         $state_to = $row['state_to'];
         // create the 'from' state
         if (isset($states[$state_from])) {
             $from = $states[$state_from];
         } else {
             $from = new State($row['state_from'], $row['state_from_type'], $row['state_from_entry_command'], $row['state_from_exit_command']);
         // cache the 'from' state for the next iterations
         $states[$from->getName()] = $from;
         // create the 'to' state
         if (isset($states[$state_to])) {
             $to = $states[$state_to];
         } else {
             $to = new State($row['state_to'], $row['state_to_type'], $row['state_to_entry_command'], $row['state_to_exit_command']);
         // cache to 'to' state for the next iterations
         $states[$to->getName()] = $to;
         // build the transition
         $transition = new Transition($from, $to, $row['event'], $row['rule'], $row['command']);
         $output[] = $transition;
     return $output;
예제 #5
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function load(StateMachine $stateMachine)
     //load the xml in a php object structure. suppres warning with @ operator since we explicitely check the return value
     $xml = @simplexml_load_string($this->getXML());
     if ($xml === false) {
         //could not load
         throw new Exception(sprintf('could not load xml data. check the xml format'), Exception::BAD_LOADERDATA);
     $name = $stateMachine->getContext()->getMachine();
     $found = false;
     $data = null;
     foreach ($xml->machine as $data) {
         if ((string) @$data->name === $name) {
             $found = true;
     if (!$found) {
         //no name match found
         throw new Exception(sprintf('no machine data found for %s in xml. seems like a wrong configuration.', $name), Exception::BAD_LOADERDATA);
     //accessing xml as an object with the @ error suppresion operator ('shut the f**k up' operator)
     //allows you to get properties, even if they do not exist, without notices.
     //this let's us be a littlebit lazy since we know some nonessential properties could not be there
     $states = array();
     foreach ($data->states->state as $state) {
         $tmp = new State((string) $state->name, (string) $state->type, (string) @$state->entry_command, (string) @$state->exit_command, (string) @$state->entry_callable, (string) @$state->exit_callable);
         $tmp->setDescription((string) @$state->description);
         $states[$tmp->getName()] = $tmp;
     $transitions = array();
     foreach ($data->transitions->transition as $transition) {
         $tmp = new Transition($states[(string) @$transition->state_from], $states[(string) @$transition->state_to], (string) @$transition->event, (string) @$transition->rule, (string) @$transition->command, (string) @$transition->guard_callable, (string) @$transition->transition_callable);
         $tmp->setDescription((string) @$transition->description);
         $transitions[] = $tmp;
     //delegate to loader
     $loader = new LoaderArray($transitions);
     return $loader->load($stateMachine);
예제 #6
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function load(StateMachine $stateMachine)
     //decode the json in a php object structure
     $decoded = json_decode($this->getJSON(), false);
     if (!$decoded) {
         //could not decode (make sure that fully qualified names are escaped with
         //2 backslashes: \\izzum\\commands\\Null and that only double quotes are used.
         throw new Exception(sprintf('could not decode json data. did you only use double quotes? check the json format against %s', ''), Exception::BAD_LOADERDATA);
     $name = $stateMachine->getContext()->getMachine();
     $found = false;
     if (is_array(@$decoded->machines)) {
         foreach ($decoded->machines as $data) {
             if ($data->name === $name) {
                 $found = true;
     if (!$found) {
         //no name match found
         throw new Exception(sprintf('no machine data found for %s in json. seems like a wrong configuration.', $name), Exception::BAD_LOADERDATA);
     //accessing json as an object with an @ error suppresion operator ('shut the f**k up' operator),
     //allows you to get properties, even if they do not exist, without notices.
     //this lets us be a little lazy in mapping the json properties to the state and transition properties
     $states = array();
     foreach ($data->states as $state) {
         $tmp = new State($state->name, $state->type, @$state->entry_command, @$state->exit_command, @$state->entry_callable, @$state->exit_callable);
         $states[$tmp->getName()] = $tmp;
     $transitions = array();
     foreach ($data->transitions as $transition) {
         $tmp = new Transition($states[$transition->state_from], $states[$transition->state_to], @$transition->event, @$transition->rule, @$transition->command, @$transition->guard_callable, @$transition->transition_callable);
         $transitions[] = $tmp;
     //delegate to loader
     $loader = new LoaderArray($transitions);
     return $loader->load($stateMachine);