getStateMachine() 공개 메소드

gets the associated statemachine (if a statemachine is associated)
public getStateMachine ( ) : StateMachine
리턴 StateMachine
  * test the factory method with all parameters provided
  * implicitely tests the constructor
 public function testContext()
     $entity_id = "id1";
     $machine = "test machine";
     $identifier = new Identifier($entity_id, $machine);
     $builder = new EntityBuilder();
     $io = new Memory();
     // all parameters
     $o = new Context($identifier, $builder, $io);
     $this->assertEquals($entity_id, $o->getEntityId());
     $this->assertEquals($machine, $o->getMachine());
     $this->assertTrue(is_a($o->getPersistenceAdapter(), 'izzum\\statemachine\\persistence\\Memory'));
     $this->assertTrue(is_a($o->getBuilder(), 'izzum\\statemachine\\EntityBuilder'));
     $this->assertEquals($identifier, $o->getEntity());
     $this->assertContains($entity_id, $o->toString());
     $this->assertContains($machine, $o->toString());
     $this->assertContains('izzum\\statemachine\\Context', $o->toString());
     // even though we have a valid reader, the state machine does not exist.
     $this->assertEquals(State::STATE_UNKNOWN, $o->getState());
     $this->assertTrue($o->setState(State::STATE_NEW, 'this is an informational message about why we set this state: we set this state to new for a unittest'), 'added');
     $this->assertFalse($o->setState(State::STATE_NEW), 'already there');
     // for coverage.
     $statemachine = new StateMachine($o);
     $this->assertContains('Context', $o . '', '__toString()');