예제 #1
파일: Frontend.php 프로젝트: bytehead/core
  * Initialize environment (language, objPage) for a given order
  * @param Order  $objOrder
  * @param string $strLanguage
 public static function loadOrderEnvironment(Order $objOrder, $strLanguage = null)
     global $objPage;
     $strLanguage = $strLanguage ?: $objOrder->language;
     // Load page configuration
     if ($objOrder->pageId > 0 && (null === $objPage || $objPage->id != $objOrder->pageId)) {
         $objPage = \PageModel::findWithDetails($objOrder->pageId);
         $objPage = static::loadPageConfig($objPage);
     // Set the current system to the language when the user placed the order.
     // This will result in correct e-mails and payment description.
     $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'] = $strLanguage;
     \System::loadLanguageFile('default', $strLanguage, true);
     if (($objCart = $objOrder->getRelated('source_collection_id')) !== null && $objCart instanceof Cart) {
 protected function processForm()
     // get a product collection (aka cart)
     global $objPage;
     $objCart = new Cart();
     // Can't call the individual rows here, it would trigger markModified and a save()
     $objCart->setRow(array_merge($objCart->row(), array('tstamp' => time(), 'member' => 0, 'uniqid' => null, 'config_id' => $this->iso_config_id, 'store_id' => (int) \PageModel::findByPk($objPage->rootId)->iso_store_id)));
     $objSubmission = $this->getSubmission(false);
     // add products to cart
     foreach ($this->arrProducts as $arrProduct) {
         $strProduct = 'product_' . $arrProduct['product']->id;
         $strQuantity = 'quantity_' . $arrProduct['product']->id;
         if (($this->getProductCount() > 1 || $this->getTypeCount() > 1) && !$objSubmission->{$strProduct}) {
         if (!$objCart->addProduct($arrProduct['product'], $arrProduct['useQuantity'] ? $objSubmission->{$strQuantity} : 1)) {
     $objOrder = $objCart->getDraftOrder();
     // temporarily override the cart for generating the reviews...
     $objCartTmp = Isotope::getCart();
     // create steps
     $arrSteps = array();
     $arrCheckoutInfo = array();
     // billing address
     $objBillingAddress = new Address();
     foreach ($this->arrBillingAddressFields as $strName) {
         $objBillingAddress->{$strName} = $objSubmission->{$strName};
     $objBillingAddressStep = new BillingAddress($this->objCheckoutModule);
     $arrSteps[] = $objBillingAddressStep;
     $arrCheckoutInfo['billing_address'] = $objBillingAddressStep->review()['billing_address'];
     // shipping address
     $objShippingAddress = new Address();
     // standard isotope handling for distinguishing between the address types:
     // -> if only a billing address is available, it's also the shipping address
     foreach ($objSubmission->shippingaddress ? $this->arrShippingAddressFields : $this->arrBillingAddressFields as $strName) {
         $objShippingAddress->{str_replace('shippingaddress_', '', $strName)} = $objSubmission->{$objSubmission->shippingaddress ? $strName : str_replace('shippingaddress_', 'billingaddress_', $strName)};
     //        $objOrder->setShippingAddress($objShippingAddress);
     //        $objShippingAddressStep              = new ShippingAddress($this->objCheckoutModule);
     //        $arrSteps[]                          = $objShippingAddressStep;
     //        $arrCheckoutInfo['shipping_address'] = $objShippingAddressStep->review()['shipping_address'];
     // add shipping method
     $objIsotopeShipping = Flat::findByPk($this->iso_shipping_modules);
     $objShippingMethodStep = new ShippingMethod($this->objCheckoutModule);
     $arrSteps[] = $objShippingMethodStep;
     $arrCheckoutInfo['shipping_method'] = $objShippingMethodStep->review()['shipping_method'];
     // add all the checkout info to the order
     $objOrder->checkout_info = $arrCheckoutInfo;
     $objOrder->notes = $objSubmission->notes;
     //... restore the former cart again
     $objOrder->nc_notification = $this->nc_notification;
     $objOrder->email_data = $this->getNotificationTokensFromSteps($arrSteps, $objOrder);
     // !HOOK: pre-process checkout
     if (isset($GLOBALS['ISO_HOOKS']['preCheckout']) && is_array($GLOBALS['ISO_HOOKS']['preCheckout'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['ISO_HOOKS']['preCheckout'] as $callback) {
             $objCallback = \System::importStatic($callback[0]);
             if ($objCallback->{$callback}[1]($objOrder, $this->objCheckoutModule) === false) {
                 \System::log('Callback ' . $callback[0] . '::' . $callback[1] . '() cancelled checkout for Order ID ' . $this->id, __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
     if (is_array($this->dca['config']['onsubmit_callback'])) {
         foreach ($this->dca['config']['onsubmit_callback'] as $key => $callback) {
             if ($callback[0] == 'Isotope\\Backend\\ProductCollection\\Callback' && $callback[1] == 'executeSaveHook') {
예제 #3
파일: postsale.php 프로젝트: Aziz-JH/core
  * Run the controller
 public function run()
     $objMethod = null;
     try {
         $strMod = $this->getModule();
         $intId = $this->getModuleId();
         if ($strMod == '' || $intId == 0) {
             \System::log('Invalid post-sale request (param error): ' . \Environment::get('request'), __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
             $objResponse = new Response('Bad Request', 400);
         switch (strtolower($strMod)) {
             case 'pay':
                 $objMethod = Payment::findByPk($intId);
             case 'ship':
                 $objMethod = Shipping::findByPk($intId);
         if (null === $objMethod) {
             \System::log('Invalid post-sale request (model not found): ' . \Environment::get('request'), __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
             $objResponse = new Response('Not Found', 404);
         \System::log('New post-sale request: ' . \Environment::get('request'), __METHOD__, TL_ACCESS);
         if (!$objMethod instanceof IsotopePostsale) {
             \System::log('Invalid post-sale request (interface not implemented): ' . \Environment::get('request'), __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
             $objResponse = new Response('Not Implemented', 501);
         $objOrder = $objMethod->getPostsaleOrder();
         if (null === $objOrder || !$objOrder instanceof IsotopeProductCollection) {
             \System::log(get_class($objMethod) . ' did not return a valid order', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
             $objResponse = new Response('Failed Dependency', 424);
         global $objPage;
         // Load page configuration
         if (!is_object($objPage) && $objOrder->pageId > 0) {
             $objPage = \PageModel::findWithDetails($objOrder->pageId);
             $objPage = \Isotope\Frontend::loadPageConfig($objPage);
         // Set the current system to the language when the user placed the order.
         // This will result in correct e-mails and payment description.
         if ($GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'] != $objOrder->language) {
             $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'] = $objOrder->language;
             \System::loadLanguageFile('default', $objOrder->language, true);
         if (($objCart = $objOrder->getRelated('source_collection_id')) !== null && $objCart instanceof Cart) {
         $objResponse = new Response();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         \System::log(sprintf('Exception in post-sale request in file "%s" on line "%s" with message "%s".', $e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getMessage()), __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
         $objResponse = new Response('Internal Server Error', 500);