function send_request($method, $param) { $session = new RequestSigningSession($this->api_key, $this->api_secret); $request = new InfogramRequest($session, $method, $param); $response = $request->execute(); return $response; }
public function testExecute_transportReturnsNull_returnNull() { $transport = Mockery::mock('Infogram\\Transport'); $transport->shouldReceive('send')->andReturn(null); $session = Mockery::mock('Infogram\\InfogramSession'); $session->shouldReceive('passThrough'); $request = new InfogramRequest($session, 'GET', 'something', array(), null, null, $transport); $response = $request->execute(); $this->assertNull($response); }
require '../vendor/autoload.php'; use Infogram\InfogramRequest; use Infogram\RequestSigningSession; $shortopts = 'k:s:b::'; $longopts = array('key:', 'secret:', 'base-url::'); $options = getopt($shortopts, $longopts); if (!array_key_exists('k', $options) && !array_key_exists('key', $options) || !array_key_exists('s', $options) && !array_key_exists('secret', $options)) { die("Usage:\n" . "php list-infographics.php -k <API key> -s <API secret>\n" . "php list-infographics.php --key=<API key> --secret=<API secret>\n"); } $consumerKey = array_key_exists('k', $options) ? $options['k'] : $options['key']; $consumerSecret = array_key_exists('s', $options) ? $options['s'] : $options['secret']; $baseUrl = null; if (array_key_exists('b', $options)) { $baseUrl = $options['b']; } else { if (array_key_exists('base-url', $options)) { $baseUrl = $options['base-url']; } } $content = array(array('type' => 'h1', 'text' => 'Testing PHP API client'), array('type' => 'body', 'text' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eu porttitor sapien. Donec hendrerit, mi id ultricies varius, sem ex venenatis erat, id posuere nunc quam quis metus'), array('type' => 'quote', 'text' => 'God does not play dice', 'author' => 'Альберт Эйнштейн'), array('type' => 'chart', 'chart_type' => 'bar', 'data' => array(array(array('apples', 'today', 'yesterday', 'd. bef. yesterday'), array('John', 4, 6, 7), array('Peter', 1, 3, 9), array('George', 4, 4, 3))))); $session = new RequestSigningSession($consumerKey, $consumerSecret); $request = new InfogramRequest($session, 'POST', 'infographics/', array('content' => $content, 'theme_id' => 32), $baseUrl); $response = $request->execute(); if (!$response) { die("Could not connect to the server\n"); } if (!$response->isOK()) { die('Could not execute request: ' . $response->getBody() . "\n"); } $id = $response->getHeader('X-Infogram-Id'); die('Infographic created, id: ' . $id . "\n");