/** * Displays the login form. */ public function getLogin() { $viewConfig = $this->config->get('l4-lock::config.lock.views'); if ($this->view->exists($viewConfig['foot-note'])) { $viewConfig['foot-note'] = $this->view->make($viewConfig['foot-note'])->render(); } return $this->view->make($this->config->get('l4-lock::config.lock.views.login'), array('view' => $viewConfig))->render(); }
/** * Return an angular template partial. * * @param \App\Http\Requests\Api\Angular\TemplateRequest $request * @return \Illuminate\View\View */ public function template(TemplateRequest $request) { $template = $request->get('template'); if ($this->viewFactory->exists($template)) { return $this->viewFactory->make($template); } return $this->response()->errorNotFound(); }
/** * Handle incoming requests. * @param Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { if ($this->maintenance->isDownMode()) { if ($this->view->exists('errors.503')) { return new Response($this->view->make('errors.503'), 503); } return $this->app->abort(503, 'The application is down for maintenance.'); } return $next($request); }
/** * @return mixed */ private function renderContent() { if (!$this->view->exists($this->template)) { $this->getFallBackTemplate(); } return $this->view->make($this->template, $this->data); }
/** * Build the template of the control. * We check if the assets of the package where published in the views/vendor directory * Of the project, if they don not have published in their project's, we check if exists a custom * View for the type of control on the package views. * If does not exist the view for the control we return the default. * * @param $type * @param $attributes * @return string */ public function buildTemplate($type, &$attributes) { // Path to vendor form builder views. $publishedPath = base_path() . '/resources/views/vendor/socieboy/forms/'; // If the view was published on the project. if (File::exists($publishedPath . $type . '.blade.php')) { /** * If the attributes has a icon we are going to display the * view for group controls, other way we just return the custom view. */ if (isset($attributes['icon'])) { unset($attributes['icon']); return $publishedPath . 'group.blade.php'; } return $publishedPath . $type . '.blade.php'; } else { if ($this->view->exists('FieldBuilder::' . $type)) { return 'FieldBuilder::' . $type; } } /** * If the attributes has an icon we return the view of the package for group controls. */ if (isset($attributes['icon'])) { unset($attributes['icon']); return 'FieldBuilder::group'; } /** * If the view is in the package and does not have icon we just return the custom view. */ return 'FieldBuilder::default'; }
/** * Render widget to HTML. * * @throws UnknownWidgetFileException * @return string */ public function render() { if ($this->enable == false) { return ''; } $widgetDir = $this->config->get('theme.containerDir.widget'); $path = $this->theme->getThemeNamespace($widgetDir . '.' . $this->template); // If not found in theme widgets directory, try to watch in views/widgets again. if ($this->watch === true and !$this->view->exists($path)) { $path = $widgetDir . '.' . $this->template; } // Error file not exists. if (!$this->view->exists($path)) { throw new UnknownWidgetFileException("Widget view [{$this->template}] not found."); } $widget = $this->view->make($path, $this->data)->render(); return $widget; }
private function getSections($parent) { $sections = []; if (!$this->view->exists($parent)) { $this->warn("Could not find view: {$parent}"); return $sections; } $path = $this->view->getFinder()->find($parent); $content = $this->file->get($path); if (preg_match_all('/\\B@(\\w+)([ \\t]*)(\\( ( (?>[^()]+) | (?3) )* \\))?/x', $content, $matches)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { if ($matches[1][$i] == 'yield') { $sections[] = $matches[4][$i]; } } } return $sections; }
/** * Return a template with content. * * @param integer $statusCode * @throws UnknownLayoutFileException * @return Response */ public function render($statusCode = 200) { // Fire the event before render. $this->fire('after', $this); // Flush asset that need to serve. $this->asset->flush(); // Layout directory. $layoutDir = $this->getConfig('containerDir.layout'); $path = $this->getThemeNamespace($layoutDir . '.' . $this->layout); if (!$this->view->exists($path)) { throw new UnknownLayoutFileException("Layout [{$this->layout}] not found."); } $content = $this->view->make($path)->render(); // Append status code to view. $content = new Response($content, $statusCode); // Having cookie set. if ($this->cookie) { $content->withCookie($this->cookie); } return $content; }
/** * Determine if a given view exists. * * @param string $view * @return bool * @static */ public static function exists($view) { return \Illuminate\View\Factory::exists($view); }