예제 #1
 public function match($store)
     if ($store_id = Request::server('LAVENDER_STORE')) {
         return $store->find($store_id);
     return false;
예제 #2
 protected function setupLayout()
     $is_rapyd = Request::server('HTTP_HOST') == "www.rapyd.com" ? true : false;
     View::composer('rapyd::demo.*', function ($view) use($is_rapyd) {
         $view->with('is_rapyd', $is_rapyd);
  * Register the service provider.
  * @return void
 public function register()
     $this->app['router']->before(function ($request) {
         // First clear out all "old" visitors
         $page = Request::path();
         $ignore = Config::get('visitor-log::ignore');
         if (is_array($ignore) && in_array($page, $ignore)) {
             //We ignore this site
         $visitor = Visitor::getCurrent();
         if (!$visitor) {
             //We need to add a new user
             $visitor = new Visitor();
             $visitor->ip = Request::getClientIp();
             $visitor->useragent = Request::server('HTTP_USER_AGENT');
             $visitor->sid = str_random(25);
         $user = null;
         $usermodel = strtolower(Config::get('visitor-log::usermodel'));
         if (($usermodel == "auth" || $usermodel == "laravel") && Auth::check()) {
             $user = Auth::user()->id;
         if ($usermodel == "sentry" && class_exists('Cartalyst\\Sentry\\SentryServiceProvider') && Sentry::check()) {
             $user = Sentry::getUser()->id;
         //Save/Update the rest
         $visitor->user = $user;
         $visitor->page = $page;
예제 #4
 private function getExceptionData($exception)
     $data = [];
     $data['host'] = Request::server('HTTP_HOST');
     $data['method'] = Request::method();
     $data['fullUrl'] = Request::fullUrl();
     if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli') {
         $data['host'] = parse_url(config('app.url'), PHP_URL_HOST);
         $data['method'] = 'CLI';
     $data['exception'] = $exception->getMessage();
     $data['error'] = $exception->getTraceAsString();
     $data['line'] = $exception->getLine();
     $data['file'] = $exception->getFile();
     $data['class'] = get_class($exception);
     $data['storage'] = array('SERVER' => Request::server(), 'GET' => Request::query(), 'POST' => $_POST, 'FILE' => Request::file(), 'OLD' => Request::hasSession() ? Request::old() : [], 'COOKIE' => Request::cookie(), 'SESSION' => Request::hasSession() ? Session::all() : [], 'HEADERS' => Request::header());
     $data['storage'] = array_filter($data['storage']);
     $count = $this->config['count'];
     $data['exegutor'] = [];
     $data['file_lines'] = [];
     $file = new SplFileObject($data['file']);
     for ($i = -1 * abs($count); $i <= abs($count); $i++) {
         list($line, $exegutorLine) = $this->getLineInfo($file, $data['line'], $i);
         $data['exegutor'][] = $exegutorLine;
         $data['file_lines'][$data['line'] + $i] = $line;
     // to make Symfony exception more readable
     if ($data['class'] == 'Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException') {
         preg_match("~^(.+)' in ~", $data['exception'], $matches);
         if (isset($matches[1])) {
             $data['exception'] = $matches[1];
     return $data;
예제 #5
  * Get locales supported by client (from HTTP header)
  * @return array Supported locales
 private function getSupportedByClient()
     $supportedByClient = explode(',', Request::server('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'));
     array_walk($supportedByClient, function ($val) {
         return substr($val, 0, 2);
     return $supportedByClient;
  * Register any other events for your application.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $events
  * @return void
 public function boot(DispatcherContract $events)
     $events->listen('auth.login', function ($user, $remember) {
         // Record user login
         Activity::create(['subject_type' => 'User', 'subject_id' => '', 'event' => 'Logged In', 'user_id' => $user->id, 'ip' => Request::server('REMOTE_ADDR')]);
예제 #7
 public function match($store)
     return $store->whereHas('config', function ($q) {
         $hostname = Request::server('SERVER_NAME');
         $q->where('key', '=', 'url');
         $q->where('value', '=', $hostname);
예제 #8
  * Handle an incoming request.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  \Closure  $next
  * @return mixed
 public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     if ($request->input('number') < 100) {
         $server = Request::server();
         //            return Response::json($server);
     return $next($request);
예제 #9
 public function edit(Sample $sample)
     $iSet = IndexSet::lists('name', 'id');
     $iAll = IndexSet::all();
     $pg = ProjectGroup::lists('name', 'id');
     // Set the page where edit came from
     session(['edit_sample_url' => Request::server('HTTP_REFERER')]);
     return view('samples.edit', ['iSet' => $iSet, 'iAll' => $iAll, 'pg' => $pg, 'sample' => $sample]);
예제 #10
 public function GetUserIP()
     if (!$this->getUrlData()) {
         return Response::json(array('success' => false, 'result' => $this->errmsg), 400);
     } else {
         //return a response in json
         return Response::json(array('success' => true, 'user_ip' => Request::server('REMOTE_ADDR')), 200);
예제 #11
 public function match($store)
     $hostname = Request::server('SERVER_NAME');
     $host = explode('.', $hostname);
     if (isset($host[count($host) - 3])) {
         $subdomain = $host[count($host) - 3];
         return $store->whereHas('config', function ($q) use($subdomain) {
             $q->where('key', '=', 'subdomain');
             $q->where('value', '=', $subdomain);
     return false;
예제 #12
  * Bootstrap any application services.
  * @return void
 public function boot()
     $url = explode('.', Request::server('HTTP_HOST'));
     $subdomain = $url[0];
     Session::put('sub', $subdomain);
     view()->composer(['admin.parts.header', 'admin.partials.models.add_task', 'admin.pages.my_dashboard'], function ($view) {
         $view->with('user', User::where('id', Auth::user()->id)->with('leads')->first())->with('task_names', TaskName::groupBy('task_name')->get());
     view()->composer('admin.parts.user_notifications', function ($view) {
         $view->with('userTasks', Task::userAllNonCompletedTasks());
     view()->composer('admin.leads.parts.reassign_lead', function ($view) {
         $view->with('users', User::all());
예제 #13
 public function __construct($slug, $params)
     if ($slug && $params) {
         $result = EmailsTemplate::where("slug", $slug)->first();
         foreach ($params as $k => $el) {
             $search[] = "{" . $k . "}";
             $replace[] = $el;
         $search[] = "{domen}";
         $replace[] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
         if ($result->id) {
             $this->subject = $result->subject;
             $this->body = $result->body;
             $this->body = str_replace('/images/', 'http://' . Request::server("HTTP_HOST") . "/images/", $this->body);
             $this->body = str_replace($search, $replace, $this->body);
             $this->subject = str_replace($search, $replace, $this->subject);
 public function transformMessage(\CarMessage $message, $redundantly = false)
     $content = [];
     $resp = ['message_id' => $message->id, 'chat_id' => $message->chat_id, 'timestamp' => $message->created_at, 'delivered_at' => $message->delivered_at, 'viewed_at' => $message->viewed_at];
     if (!is_null($message->text)) {
         $content['text'] = $message->text;
     if (!is_null($message->long)) {
         $content['geo'] = ['lat' => $message->lat, 'long' => $message->long, 'location' => $message->location];
     if (!is_null($message->image_id)) {
         $domain = 'http' . (Request::server('HTTPS') ? '' : 's') . '://' . Request::server('HTTP_HOST');
         $content['image'] = ['id' => $message->attachmentImage->id, 'thumb' => "{$domain}/api/carchats/{$message->chat_id}/attachments/{$message->attachmentImage->id}", 'origin' => "{$domain}/api/carchats/{$message->chat_id}/attachments/{$message->attachmentImage->id}/origin", 'width' => $message->attachmentImage->width, 'height' => $message->attachmentImage->height];
     if (!is_null($message->car_id)) {
         $content['car'] = ['id' => $message->attachmentCar->id, 'mark' => $message->attachmentCar->mark, 'model' => $message->attachmentCar->model, 'year' => $message->attachmentCar->year, 'color' => $message->attachmentCar->color, 'vehicle_type' => $message->attachmentCar->vehicle_type, 'body_type' => $message->attachmentCar->body_type];
         if (!is_null($message->car_number)) {
             $content['car']['number'] = $message->car_number;
     if ($redundantly) {
         if (!$message->via_car) {
             $user = User::find($message->user_id);
             $resp['user'] = ['id' => $user->id, 'name' => $user->name, 'img' => ['middle' => $user->img_middle]];
         } else {
             $chat = CarChat::find($message->chat_id);
             $resp['car'] = ['id' => $message->user_car_id, 'number' => $chat->number];
     } else {
         if ($message->via_car) {
             $resp['car_id'] = $message->user_car_id;
         } else {
             $resp['user_id'] = $message->user_id;
     $resp['content'] = $content;
     if ($message->isUnread()) {
         $resp['unread'] = true;
     //		dd($resp);
     return $resp;
예제 #15
 public function onViewLoad($route)
     $data = [];
     $routeAction = $route->getAction();
     if (Auth::check()) {
         $request = App::make(Request::class);
         $this->mixPanel->people->set(Auth::user()->id, [], $request->ip());
     if (CurrentRequest::url()) {
         $data['Url'] = CurrentRequest::url();
     if (is_array($routeAction) && array_key_exists('as', $routeAction)) {
         $data['Route'] = $routeAction['as'];
     if (CurrentRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER')) {
         $data['Referrer'] = CurrentRequest::server('HTTP_REFERER');
     $this->mixPanel->track('Page View', $data);
  * Wrapper function for getting server variables.
  * Since Shibalike injects $_SERVER variables Laravel
  * doesn't pick them up. So depending on if we are
  * using the emulated IdP or a real one, we use the
  * appropriate function.
 private function getServerVariable($variableName)
     if (config('shibboleth.emulate_idp') == true) {
         return isset($_SERVER[$variableName]) ? $_SERVER[$variableName] : null;
     } else {
         return !empty(Request::server($variableName)) ? Request::server($variableName) : Request::server('REDIRECT_' . $variableName);
예제 #17
 public static function clear()
     $self = strtok(Request::server('REQUEST_URI'), '?');
     Session::forget('rapyd.' . $self);
예제 #18
 public function getIndex()
     $is_rapyd = Request::server('HTTP_HOST') == "www.rapyd.com" ? true : false;
     return View::make('rapyd::demo.demo', compact('is_rapyd'));
예제 #19
  * Fetches the shortened IP used in hashing
  * @return string The shortened IP address
 protected function fetchIp()
     $ip = Request::server('REMOTE_ADDR');
     return implode('.', array_slice(explode('.', $ip), 0, 4 - 1));
예제 #20
파일: Vbauth.php 프로젝트: posttwo/vbauth
  * Fetches the users "alt_ip" (vbulletin; see class_core.php)
  * @return	string		IP address
 public function fetchAltIp()
     $alt_ip = Request::server('REMOTE_ADDR');
     if (Request::server('HTTP_CLIENT_IP') !== null) {
         $alt_ip = Request::server('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');
     } elseif (Request::server('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR') !== null and preg_match_all('#\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}#s', Request::server('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'), $matches)) {
         // make sure we dont pick up an internal IP defined by RFC1918
         foreach ($matches[0] as $ip) {
             if (!preg_match("#^(10|172\\.16|192\\.168)\\.#", $ip)) {
                 $alt_ip = $ip;
     } elseif (Request::server('HTTP_FROM') !== null) {
         $alt_ip = Request::server('HTTP_FROM');
     return $alt_ip;
  * Handle the avatar upload.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
 public function postAvatar()
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'])) {
     if (Request::server('REQUEST_METHOD') == 'OPTIONS') {
     $json = ImageUpload::handle(Input::file('filedata'));
     if ($json !== false) {
         return Response::json($json, 200);
     return Response::json('error', 400);
예제 #22
 public function return_and_addbill($order_id, $result)
     $recharge_result = DB::select("select * from dql_account_recharge where trade_no = ? ", [$order_id]);
     if (!empty($recharge_result)) {
         if ($recharge_result[0]->status == 1) {
             return true;
         } else {
             $up_result = DB::update("update dql_account_recharge set status = 1 ,amount = money , verify_time = ? ,verify_remark = ? where trade_no = ? ", [time(), $result, $order_id]);
             $account_result = DB::select("select * from dql_account where user_id = ? ", [$recharge_result[0]->user_id]);
             if ($up_result && !empty($account_result)) {
                 $log_add['user_id'] = $recharge_result[0]->user_id;
                 $log_add['type'] = "recharge";
                 $log_add['flow'] = "in";
                 $log_add['total'] = $account_result[0]->total + $recharge_result[0]->money;
                 $log_add['money'] = $recharge_result[0]->money;
                 $log_add['use_money'] = $account_result[0]->use_money + $recharge_result[0]->money;
                 $log_add['no_use_money'] = $account_result[0]->no_use_money;
                 $log_add['collection'] = $account_result[0]->collection;
                 $log_add['remark'] = "充值{$log_add['money']}元成功";
                 $log_add['addtime'] = time();
                 $log_add['addip'] = Request::server("REMOTE_ADDR");
                 $insert_log = DB::insert("insert into dql_account_log(user_id,type,flow,total,money,use_money,no_use_money,collection,remark,addtime,addip) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", array_values($log_add));
                 if ($insert_log) {
                     $up_account = DB::update("update dql_account set total = ?, use_money = ? where user_id = ? ", [$log_add['total'], $log_add['use_money'], $log_add['user_id']]);
                     if ($up_account) {
                         return true;
     return false;
예제 #23
파일: Request.php 프로젝트: andrims21/eBri
  * Retrieve a server variable from the request.
  * @param  string  $key
  * @param  mixed   $default
  * @return string
 public function server($key = null, $default = null)
     return parent::server($key, $default);
예제 #24
  * Create new visitor.
  * @return self
 public static function createNewVisitor()
     return static::create(['online' => time(), 'ip' => Request::server('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'hits' => 1, 'url' => URL::full(), 'path' => Request::path()]);
예제 #25
  * Controller filter to process to the authentication.
  * @param mixed   $route
  * @param Request $request
  * @return void|Response
 public function processAuthentication($route, $request)
     if (\App::isDownForMaintenance()) {
         return $this->jsonErrorResponse("We're currently down for maintenance.", 503);
     $user = null;
     try {
         $credentials = array('login' => Request::server('PHP_AUTH_USER'), 'password' => Request::server('PHP_AUTH_PW'));
         $user = Subbly::api('subbly.user')->authenticate($credentials, false);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if (in_array(get_class($e), array('Cartalyst\\Sentry\\Users\\UserNotActivatedException', 'Cartalyst\\Sentry\\Users\\UserSuspendedException', 'Cartalyst\\Sentry\\Users\\UserBannedException'))) {
             return $this->jsonErrorResponse($e->getMessage());
         } elseif (in_array(get_class($e), array('Cartalyst\\Sentry\\Users\\LoginRequiredException', 'Cartalyst\\Sentry\\Users\\PasswordRequiredException', 'Cartalyst\\Sentry\\Users\\WrongPasswordException', 'Cartalyst\\Sentry\\Users\\UserNotFoundException'))) {
             // do not return basic auth if AJAX
             $httpHeaders = Request::ajax() ? array() : array('WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic realm="Subbly authentication"');
             return $this->jsonErrorResponse('Auth required! Something is wrong with your credentials.', 401, $httpHeaders);
         return $this->jsonErrorResponse('FATAL ERROR!', 500);
     if (!$user instanceof User || !$user->hasAccess('subbly.backend.auth')) {
         return $this->jsonErrorResponse('Access refused! You have not the premission to access this page.', 401);
예제 #26
 public static function serverIp()
     return Request::server('SERVER_ADDR');