  * Enregistrement d'un vote
  * @param string $nom
  * @param array $inputs 
  * @return bool
 public function save($nom, $imputs)
     // On récupère le chemin dans la configuration et on ajoute le nom du fichier
     $path = config('sondage.files.path') . $nom;
     // Si le fichier n'existe pas on le crée et l'initialise
     if (!$this->files->exists($path)) {
         // On récupère les questions
         $questions = config('sondage.' . $nom . '.reponses');
         // On crée un fichier avec le bon nombre de valeurs à 0
         $this->files->put($path, implode(',', array_fill(0, count($questions), 0)));
         // On crée aussi le fichier des Emails
         $this->files->put($path . '_emails', '');
     // On récupère les Emails déjà utilisés
     $emails = $this->files->get($path . '_emails');
     // Si l'Email a déjà été utilisé on renvoie une erreur
     if (strpos($emails, $imputs['email']) !== false) {
         return false;
     // On mémorise l'Email
     $this->files->append($path . '_emails', $imputs['email'] . "\n");
     // Valeurs actuelles des scores
     $score = explode(',', $this->files->get($path));
     // Incrémentation de la valeur de l'option choisie
     // On enregistre les nouvelles valeurs dans le fichier
     $this->files->put($path, implode(',', $score));
     return true;
예제 #2
  * Update routes file
  * @param  string $name
  * @return boolean
 public function updateRoutesFile($routesFile, $name, $templatePath)
     $modelVars = GeneratorsServiceProvider::getModelVars($name);
     $routes = file_get_contents($routesFile);
     $newRouteDefault = '\\Route::resource(\'{{models}}\', \'{{Models}}Controller\');' . "\n";
     if ($this->file->exists($templatePath)) {
         $newRoute = file_get_contents($templatePath);
     } else {
         $newRoute = $newRouteDefault;
     $newRoute = GeneratorsServiceProvider::replaceModelVars($newRoute, $modelVars);
     $newRouteDefault = GeneratorsServiceProvider::replaceModelVars($newRouteDefault, $modelVars);
     $routesNoSpaces = str_replace(['\\t', ' '], '', $routes);
     $newRouteNoSpaces = str_replace(['\\t', ' '], '', $newRoute);
     $newRouteDefaultNoSpaces = str_replace(['\\t', ' '], '', $newRouteDefault);
     if (str_contains($routesNoSpaces, $newRouteDefaultNoSpaces) && !str_contains($routesNoSpaces, $newRouteNoSpaces)) {
         if (substr($newRoute, -1) === "\n") {
             $newRoute = substr($newRoute, 0, -1);
         $newRoute = '// ' . str_replace("\n", "\n// ", $newRoute) . "\n";
         $newRouteNoSpaces = str_replace(['\\t', ' '], '', $newRoute);
     if (!str_contains($routesNoSpaces, $newRouteNoSpaces)) {
         if (!str_contains($routes, GeneratorsServiceProvider::GENERATOR_ROUTE_TAG)) {
             $this->file->append($routesFile, "\n{$newRoute}\n" . GeneratorsServiceProvider::GENERATOR_ROUTE_TAG . "\n\n");
         } else {
             $routes = str_replace(GeneratorsServiceProvider::GENERATOR_ROUTE_TAG, $newRoute . GeneratorsServiceProvider::GENERATOR_ROUTE_TAG, $routes);
             file_put_contents($routesFile, $routes);
         return true;
     return false;
예제 #3
  * Compiles the stylesheets
  * @param $temp Path to temp file
  * @return void
 protected function generate($temp)
     // @refactor
     // This code doesn't make any sense.
     // We need to add a validation that at least a single stylesheet is required
     $this->fs->append($temp, '');
     foreach ($this->stylesheets as $stylesheet) {
         if (!array_get($this->inputs, strtolower($stylesheet))) {
         $file = $this->fs->get(public_path("milligram/{$stylesheet}.css"));
         $this->fs->append($temp, $file);
예제 #4
파일: Cache.php 프로젝트: riclt/api
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $app = $this->getFreshApplication();
     $routes = $app['api.router']->getAdapterRoutes();
     foreach ($routes as $collection) {
         foreach ($collection as $route) {
     $stub = "app('api.router')->setAdapterRoutes(unserialize(base64_decode('{{routes}}')));";
     $this->files->append($this->laravel->getCachedRoutesPath(), str_replace('{{routes}}', base64_encode(serialize($routes)), $stub));
  * Add routes for resource
 protected function addRoute()
     $line = sprintf("%sRoute::pattern('%s', '[0-9]+');%s", PHP_EOL, $this->varModelName, PHP_EOL);
     $line .= sprintf("Route::resource('%s', '%sController', ['only' => ['index', 'show', 'store', 'destroy']]);%s", $this->varModelName, $this->modelName, PHP_EOL);
     $line .= sprintf("Route::put('%s/{%s}', '%sController@store');%s", $this->varModelName, $this->varModelName, $this->modelName, PHP_EOL);
     $this->files->append($this->getPath('route'), $line);
예제 #6
  * write log
  * @param  string $logContent [logContent]
  * @param  string $logDirPath [filepath]
 public function logInfo($logContent, $logDirPath)
     $filesystem = new Filesystem();
     if (!$logContent || !$logDirPath) {
         return false;
     if ($this->getMailLog()) {
         // log file all path
         $logPath = $logDirPath . $this->getLogName();
         if ($filesystem->exists($logPath)) {
             // everyDay new a file
             $content = $filesystem->get($logPath);
             if ($logTime = substr($content, 1, 10)) {
                 if (Carbon::now($this->local)->toDateString() == $logTime) {
                     $filesystem->append($logPath, $logContent . PHP_EOL);
                 } else {
                     $new_log_path = $logDirPath . $logTime . $this->getLogName();
                     if (!$filesystem->exists($new_log_path)) {
                         $filesystem->move($logPath, $new_log_path);
                     $filesystem->put($logPath, $logContent);
         } else {
             $filesystem->put($logPath, $logContent);
  * Add routes for resource
 protected function addRoute()
     $line = sprintf('$app->get(\'%s\', \'%sController@index\');%s', $this->varModelName, $this->modelName, PHP_EOL);
     $line .= sprintf('$app->get(\'%s/{%s}\', \'%sController@show\');%s', $this->varModelName, $this->varModelName, $this->modelName, PHP_EOL);
     $line .= sprintf('$app->post(\'%s\', \'%sController@store\');%s', $this->varModelName, $this->modelName, PHP_EOL);
     $line .= sprintf('$app->put(\'%s/{%s}\', \'%sController@store\');%s', $this->varModelName, $this->varModelName, $this->modelName, PHP_EOL);
     $line .= sprintf('$app->delete(\'%s/{%s}\', \'%sController@destroy\');%s', $this->varModelName, $this->varModelName, $this->modelName, PHP_EOL);
     $this->files->append($this->getPath('route'), $line);
 private function appendRoutes($modelName)
     $modelTitle = ucfirst($modelName);
     $modelName = strtolower($modelName);
     $newRoutes = $this->files->get(__DIR__ . '/../Stubs/routes.stub');
     $newRoutes = str_replace('|MODEL_TITLE|', $modelTitle, $newRoutes);
     $newRoutes = str_replace('|MODEL_NAME|', $modelName, $newRoutes);
     $newRoutes = str_replace('|CONTROLLER_NAME|', $modelTitle . 'Controller', $newRoutes);
     $this->files->append(app_path('Http/routes.php'), $newRoutes);
     $this->info('Added routes for ' . $modelTitle);
예제 #9
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     $this->file->delete([app_path('Http/Controllers/HomeController.php'), app_path('Http/Controllers/WelcomController.php')]);
     $this->file->put(app_path('Http/routes.php'), "<?php\n");
     $this->file->append(base_path('.gitignore'), "bower_components\n.vagrant\n.idea\nnode_modules\n");
     foreach ($this->ensureDirectories as $dir) {
         $this->file->makeDirectory($dir, 0755, true);
     foreach ($this->blueprintFiles as $blueprint) {
     passthru('cd ' . base_path() . ' && bower install && npm install && npm install gulp-concat --save-dev');
     foreach ($this->bowerComponents as $src => $dest) {
         $this->pullInBowerComponent($src, $dest);
     passthru('cd ' . base_path() . ' && gulp');
  * Function to handle updating the routes file
  * for us
  * @param  string $name
  * @param  string $dir
  * @return void
 public function updateRoutesFile($name, $dir)
     $name = strtolower(Pluralizer::plural($name));
     $routes = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$dir, 'app', 'routes.php']);
     if ($this->filesystem->exists($routes)) {
         $route = "Route::resource('" . $name . "', '" . ucwords($name) . "Controller');";
         $contents = $this->filesystem->get($routes);
         if (str_contains($contents, $route)) {
         $this->filesystem->append($routes, "\n\n" . $route);
  * Registers the Api classes with the container to inject the host as the first parameter
  * @param string $file
  * @param array  $classes
 private function registerClassArguments($file, array $classes)
     // Only need 1 copy of the class name
     $classes = array_unique($classes);
     $contents = "    /**" . PHP_EOL;
     $contents .= "     * Register the class' arguments with the container" . PHP_EOL;
     $contents .= "     */" . PHP_EOL;
     $contents .= "    public function registerApiBindings()" . PHP_EOL;
     $contents .= "    {" . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         $contents .= "        \$this->add('" . $this->generator->generatedNamespace($class) . "')->withArgument(\$this->getHost())->withArgument(\$this->getSoapOptions());" . PHP_EOL;
     $contents .= "    }" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     $this->files->append($file, $contents);
예제 #12
  * Append to a file.
  * @param string $path
  * @param string $data
  * @return int 
  * @static 
 public static function append($path, $data)
     return \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::append($path, $data);
예제 #13
  * Update app/routes.php
  * @param  string $name
  * @return void
 public function updateRoutesFile($name)
     $name = strtolower(Pluralizer::plural($name));
     $this->file->append(app_path() . '/routes.php', "\n\nRoute::resource('" . $name . "', '" . ucwords($name) . "Controller');");
예제 #14
  * Store the given pipeline and its pipes.
  * @author	Andrea Marco Sartori
  * @param	string	$pipeline
  * @param	array	$pipes
  * @return	void
 public function store($pipeline, array $pipes)
     $workflow = [$pipeline => $pipes];
     $yaml = $this->parser->dump($workflow);
     $this->files->append($this->getSource(), $yaml);