protected function run() { $config = ['o_cur_version' => Core::version(), 'o_board_title' => '', 'o_board_desc' => '', 'o_time_format' => 'H:i:s', 'o_date_format' => 'Y-m-d', 'o_show_version' => 0, 'o_default_user_group' => 4]; foreach ($config as $name => $value) { $this->database->table('config')->insert(['conf_name' => $name, 'conf_value' => $value]); } }
public function save() { // New and changed keys $changed = array_diff_assoc($this->data, $this->original); $insertValues = array(); foreach ($changed as $name => $value) { if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->original)) { $insertValues[] = array('conf_name' => $name, 'conf_value' => $value); unset($changed[$name]); } } if (!empty($insertValues)) { $this->database->table('config')->insert($insertValues); } foreach ($changed as $name => $value) { $this->database->table('config')->where('conf_name', '=', $name)->update(array('conf_value' => $value)); } // Deleted keys $deletedKeys = array_keys(array_diff_key($this->original, $this->data)); if (!empty($deletedKeys)) { $this->database->table('config')->whereIn('conf_name', $deletedKeys)->delete(); } // No need to cache old values anymore $this->original = $this->data; // Delete the cache so that it will be regenerated on the next request $this->cache->forget('fluxbb.config'); }
public function __construct(ConnectionInterface $connection, $table, array $to_db, array $types, array $scopes) { $this->grammar = $connection->getQueryGrammar(); $this->grammar->to_db = $to_db; $this->to_db = $to_db; $this->types = $types; $this->scopes = $scopes; $this->builder = $connection->table($table); }
protected function run() { $migrationClasses = ['FluxBB\\Migrations\\Install\\Categories', 'FluxBB\\Migrations\\Install\\Config', 'FluxBB\\Migrations\\Install\\Conversations', 'FluxBB\\Migrations\\Install\\ForumPerms', 'FluxBB\\Migrations\\Install\\ForumSubscriptions', 'FluxBB\\Migrations\\Install\\Groups', 'FluxBB\\Migrations\\Install\\GroupPermissions', 'FluxBB\\Migrations\\Install\\Posts', 'FluxBB\\Migrations\\Install\\Sessions', 'FluxBB\\Migrations\\Install\\TopicSubscriptions', 'FluxBB\\Migrations\\Install\\Users']; $schema = $this->database->getSchemaBuilder(); foreach ($migrationClasses as $class) { $instance = new $class($schema); $instance->up(); } }
/** * Retrieve list of locale codes or names keyed by codes. * * @param name * @return mixed */ public function getList($name = null) { if ($name) { if (strpos($name, '.') !== false) { list($column, $path) = explode('.', $name, 1); $list = $this->conn->table($this->table)->get([$column, 'code']); return array_pluck($list, $path, 'code'); } return $this->conn->table($this->table)->lists($name, 'code'); } else { $codes = $this->conn->table($this->table)->lists('code'); return array_combine($codes, $codes); } }
/** * @param array $fields */ public function removeBy(array $fields) { if (empty($fields)) { return; } $this->connection->table($this->table)->where($fields)->delete(); }
/** * Retrieve a user by the given credentials. * * @param array $credentials * * @return AmazonEchoDevice|null */ public function retrieveByCredentials(array $credentials) { // First we will add each credential element to the query as a where clause. // Then we can execute the query and, if we found a user, return it in a // generic "user" object that will be utilized by the Guard instances. $query = $this->conn->table($this->table); foreach ($credentials as $key => $value) { if (!tr_contains($key, 'password')) { $query->where($key, $value); } } // Now we are ready to execute the query to see if we have an user matching // the given credentials. If not, we will just return nulls and indicate // that there are no matching users for these given credential arrays. $user = $query->first(); return $this->getGenericUser($user); }
/** * 주어진 테이블에 질의할 수 있는 QueryBulider를 생성하여 반환한다. * 두번째 파라메터가 true로 지정되면 해당 테이블에 dynamic field가 적용된 테이블로 간주하고, 질의한다. * * @param string $table 질의할 대상 table, null일 경우 Repository에 지정된 기본 테이블이 사용된다. * @param bool $useDynamic 질의할 때 Xpressengine의 dynamicField를 사용할 것인지의 여부 * * @return Builder */ protected function table($table = null, $useDynamic = null) { $table = $table === null ? $this->mainTable : $table; $useDynamic = $useDynamic === null ? $this->isDynamic : $useDynamic; if ($useDynamic) { return $this->connection->dynamic($table); } else { return $this->connection->table($table); } }
/** * Truncate all records * @return void */ public function truncate() { if ($this->fireEvent('truncating') === false) { return false; } $this->connection->statement("SET foreign_key_checks=0"); $this->table()->truncate(); $this->connection->statement("SET foreign_key_checks=1"); $this->fireEvent('truncated'); }
/** * @param string $func * @param string $column * @param \anlutro\LaravelRepository\CriteriaInterface[] $criteria * @return array */ protected function aggregateInterval($func, $column, array $criteria = []) { $query = $this->db->table($this->model->getTable()); $this->interval->applyQuery($query); array_map(function ($criteria) use($query) { $criteria->apply($query); }, $criteria); $expression = $this->db->raw("{$func}({$column}) as `__aggregate__`"); $query->addSelect($expression); return $this->interval->parse($query->get(), $this->start, $this->end); }
/** * Truncate all records * @return void */ public function truncate() { if ($this->fireEvent('truncating') === false) { return false; } // This SET statement fails with sqlite try { $this->connection->statement("SET foreign_key_checks=0"); } catch (Exception $e) { // do nothing } $this->table()->truncate(); try { $this->connection->statement("SET foreign_key_checks=1"); } catch (Exception $e) { // do nothing } $this->fireEvent('truncated'); }
/** * Appends the message stream to the event store. * * @param mixed $identifier The aggregate identifier. * @param DomainEventStreamInterface $stream The stream of domain messages. * @throws LaravelStoreException When something went wrong * during persistence. * @return void */ public function append($identifier, DomainEventStreamInterface $stream) { // No-op to ensure that an error will be thrown early if the ID // is not something that can be converted to a string. (string) $identifier; try { $this->connection->beginTransaction(); // Make the domain messages database friendly.. $records = $this->streamSerializer->serialize($stream); // Now its time to persist them.. foreach ($records as $record) { $this->connection->table($this->tableName)->insert($record); } $this->connection->commit(); } catch (\Exception $exception) { // Oops, something went wrong $this->connection->rollBack(); $message = 'Error while persisting the domain events'; throw new LaravelStoreException($message, $exception); } }
/** * Get a fresh query builder instance for the table. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ protected function getQuery() { return $this->connection->table($this->table); }
/** * Create a new query builder instance. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\ConnectionInterface $connection * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\Grammar $grammar * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\Processor $processor * @return void */ public function __construct(ConnectionInterface $connection, Grammar $grammar = null, Processor $processor = null) { $this->connection = $connection; $this->grammar = $grammar ?: $connection->getQueryGrammar(); $this->processor = $processor ?: $connection->getPostProcessor(); }
/** * Get a query builder for the cache table. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ protected function table() { return $this->connection->table($this->table); }
/** * Execute the blueprint to modify the label. * * @param Blueprint $blueprint * @return void */ protected function build(Blueprint $blueprint) { return $blueprint->build($this->getConnection(), $this->conn->getSchemaGrammar()); }
/** * @return \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder */ private function createModel() { return $this->conn->table($this->table); }
/** * Appends an event to the event store */ private function appendEvent(DomainMessage $event) { $this->connection->table($this->table)->insert(['uuid' => (string) $event->getId(), 'playhead' => (int) $event->getPlayhead(), 'metadata' => $this->serialize($event->getMetadata()), 'payload' => $this->serialize($event->getPayload()), 'recorded_on' => $event->getRecordedOn()->toString(), 'type' => $event->getType()]); }
protected function run() { $user = ['username' => $this->get('username'), 'password' => $this->hasher->make($this->get('password')), 'email' => $this->get('email'), 'group_id' => 1, 'registration_ip' => '']; $this->database->table('users')->insert($user); }
/** * Remove value for a key for a given date range. * * @param string $key Counter key. * @param \DateTime $start Start date. * @param \DateTime $end End date. * @return void */ public function removeForRange($key, \DateTime $start, \DateTime $end) { $this->connection->table($this->table)->where('key', $key)->where('start', $start)->where('end', $end)->delete(); }
/** * Start a query to the gds table * @return \Illuminate\Database\QueryBuilder */ protected function queryGdsTable() { return $this->connection->table($this->tableName); }
/** * Start a query to the pointer table * @return \Illuminate\Database\QueryBuilder */ public function queryPointerTable() { return $this->connection->table($this->config->get("mycelium.database.prefix") . "pointers"); }
/** * TODO: Method set Description * * @param $key * @param $value */ public function set($key, $value) { $query = $this->database->table('settings')->where('key', $key); $method = $query->exists() ? 'update' : 'insert'; $query->{$method}(compact('key', 'value')); }