/** * Get the member's image * * @return string */ public function image() { if (!isset($this->_image)) { $this->_image = \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto($this->_obj, 0); } return $this->_image; }
} ?> <?php if (!$row->original()) { //if ($item->get('created_by') != $this->member->get('uidNumber')) { ?> <div class="convo attribution reposted clearfix"> <a href="<?php echo Route::url('index.php?option=com_members&id=' . $row->get('created_by')); ?> " title="<?php echo $this->escape(stripslashes($row->creator()->get('name'))); ?> " class="img-link"> <img src="<?php echo \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto($this->member, 0); ?> " alt="Profile picture of <?php echo $this->escape(stripslashes($row->creator()->get('name'))); ?> " /> </a> <p> <a href="<?php echo Route::url('index.php?option=com_members&id=' . $row->get('created_by')); ?> "> <?php echo $this->escape(stripslashes($row->creator()->get('name'))); ?> </a>
(<?php echo Lang::txt('COM_WISHLIST_PLAN_NOT_STARTED'); ?> ) <?php } ?> </h3> <form action="<?php echo Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->option); ?> " method="post" id="planform" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <p class="plan-member-photo"> <span class="plan-anchor"></span> <img src="<?php echo \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto(User::getRoot(), 0); ?> " alt="<?php echo Lang::txt('COM_WISHLIST_MEMBER_PICTURE'); ?> " /> </p> <fieldset> <?php if ($this->wish->get('action') == 'editplan') { ?> <div class="grid"> <div class="col span6"> <label> <?php echo Lang::txt('COM_WISHLIST_WISH_ASSIGNED_TO');
if ($i + $this->start >= count($this->groupusers)) { break; } $guser = $this->groupusers[$i + $this->start]; $u = \Hubzero\User\Profile::getInstance($guser); if (!$u) { $u = new \Hubzero\User\Profile(); } if (preg_match("/^[_\\.\\%0-9a-zA-Z-]+@([0-9a-zA-Z-]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}\$/i", $guser)) { $inviteemail = true; $pic = rtrim(Request::base(true), '/') . '/core/components/com_groups/site/assets/img/emailthumb.png'; } else { if (!is_object($u)) { continue; } else { $pic = \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto($u, 0); } } switch ($this->filter) { case 'invitees': $status = Lang::txt('PLG_GROUPS_MEMBERS_STATUS_INVITEE'); break; case 'pending': $status = Lang::txt('PLG_GROUPS_MEMBERS_STATUS_PENDING'); break; case 'managers': $status = Lang::txt('PLG_GROUPS_MEMBERS_STATUS_MANAGER'); $cls .= ' manager'; break; case 'members': default:
/** * Get progress data * * @return void **/ private function getprogressrows() { // Only allow for instructors if (!$this->course->offering()->section()->access('manage')) { echo json_encode(array('success' => false)); exit; } // Get our limit and limitstart $limit = Request::getInt('limit', '10'); $start = Request::getInt('limitstart', 0); // Get all section members $members = $this->course->offering()->section()->members(array('student' => 1, 'limit' => $limit, 'start' => $start)); $member_ids = array(); $mems = array(); $grades = null; $progress = null; $passing = null; $recognitions = null; if (count($members) > 0) { foreach ($members as $m) { $member_ids[] = $m->get('id'); $mems[] = array('id' => $m->get('id'), 'user_id' => $m->get('user_id'), 'name' => User::getInstance($m->get('user_id'))->get('name'), 'thumb' => ltrim(\Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto($m->get('user_id'), 0, true), DS), 'full' => ltrim(\Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto($m->get('user_id'), 0, false), DS), 'enrolled' => $m->get('enrolled') != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? Date::of($m->get('enrolled'))->format('M j, Y') : 'unknown', 'lastvisit' => User::getInstance($m->get('user_id'))->get('lastvisitDate') != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? Date::of(User::getInstance($m->get('user_id'))->get('lastvisitDate'))->format('M j, Y') : 'never'); } // Refresh the grades $this->course->offering()->gradebook()->refresh($member_ids); // Get the grades $grades = $this->course->offering()->gradebook()->grades(array('unit', 'course')); $progress = $this->course->offering()->gradebook()->progress($member_ids); $passing = $this->course->offering()->gradebook()->passing($member_ids); $recognitions = $this->course->offering()->gradebook()->isEligibleForRecognition($member_ids); } echo json_encode(array('members' => $mems, 'grades' => $grades, 'progress' => $progress, 'passing' => $passing, 'recognitions' => $recognitions)); exit; }
/** * Get a user's picture * * @param integer $anonymous Is user anonymous? * @param boolean $thumbit Show thumbnail or full picture? * @return string */ public function getPicture($anonymous = 0, $thumbit = true, $serveFile = true) { return ProfileHelper::getMemberPhoto($this, $anonymous, $thumbit, $serveFile); }
</a> </div> <div class="item-sub" > <span tabindex="-1"><?php echo $this->page->url(); ?> </span> </div> <?php if ($this->checkout) { ?> <div class="item-checkout"> <img width="15" src="<?php echo \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto($this->checkout->userid); ?> " /> <?php $user = \Hubzero\User\Profile::getInstance($this->checkout->userid); echo Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_PAGES_PAGE_CHECKED_OUT', $user->get('uidNumber'), $user->get('name')); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($this->version->get('approved') == 0) { ?> <div class="item-approved">
</h3> <?php if (!User::isGuest()) { ?> <form action="<?php echo Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->option); ?> " method="post" id="commentform"> <p class="comment-member-photo"> <span class="comment-anchor"></span> <?php $jxuser = \Hubzero\User\Profile::getInstance(User::get('id')); $anon = !User::isGuest() ? 0 : 1; ?> <img src="<?php echo \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto($jxuser, $anon); ?> " alt="<?php echo Lang::txt('COM_ANSWERS_MEMBER_PICTURE'); ?> " /> </p> <fieldset> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $this->option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="controller" value="<?php echo $this->controller; ?> " />
echo $span_title; ?> </span> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </header> <div class="innerwrap"> <div id="page_container"> <div id="page_sidebar"> <?php $src = \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto($this->profile, 0, false); $link = Route::url($this->profile->getLink()); ?> <div id="page_identity"> <?php $title = $this->profile->get('uidNumber') == User::get('id') ? Lang::txt('COM_MEMBERS_GO_TO_MY_DASHBOARD') : Lang::txt('COM_MEMBERS_GO_TO_MEMBER_PROFILE', $this->profile->get('name')); ?> <a href="<?php echo Route::url($this->profile->getLink()); ?> " id="page_identity_link" title="<?php echo $title; ?> "> <img src="<?php echo $this->profile->getPicture(0, false);
/** * Get user profile info * * @apiMethod GET * @apiUri /members/{id} * @apiParameter { * "name": "id", * "description": "Member identifier", * "type": "integer", * "required": true, * "default": null * } * @return void */ public function readTask() { $userid = Request::getInt('id', 0); $result = \Hubzero\User\Profile::getInstance($userid); if ($result === false) { throw new Exception(Lang::txt('COM_MEMBERS_ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND'), 404); } // Get any request vars $format = Request::getVar('format', 'json'); $profile = array('id' => $result->get('uidNumber'), 'username' => $result->get('username'), 'name' => $result->get('name'), 'first_name' => $result->get('givenName'), 'middle_name' => $result->get('middleName'), 'last_name' => $result->get('surname'), 'bio' => $result->getBio('clean'), 'email' => $result->get('email'), 'phone' => $result->get('phone'), 'url' => $result->get('url'), 'gender' => $result->get('gender'), 'organization' => $result->get('organization'), 'organization_type' => $result->get('orgtype'), 'country_resident' => $result->get('countryresident'), 'country_origin' => $result->get('countryorigin'), 'member_since' => $result->get('registerDate'), 'orcid' => $result->get('orcid'), 'picture' => array('thumb' => \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto($result, 0, true), 'full' => \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto($result, 0, false))); /* Is this correct ? */ //corrects image path, API application breaks Route::url() in the Helper::getMemberPhoto() method. $profile['picture']['thumb'] = str_replace('/api', '', $profile['picture']['thumb']); $profile['picture']['full'] = str_replace('/api', '', $profile['picture']['full']); // Encode and return result $object = new stdClass(); $object->profile = $profile; $this->send($object); }
} } $name = $row->surname ? stripslashes($row->surname) : ''; if ($row->givenName) { $name .= $row->surname ? ', ' : ''; $name .= stripslashes($row->givenName); $name .= $row->middleName ? ' ' . stripslashes($row->middleName) : ''; } if (!trim($name)) { $name = Lang::txt('COM_MEMBERS_UNKNOWN') . ' (' . $row->username . ')'; } $profile = new \Hubzero\User\Profile(); $profile->set('uidNumber', $row->uidNumber); $profile->set('email', $row->email); $profile->set('picture', $row->picture); $p = \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto($profile); // User messaging $messageuser = false; if ($messaging && $row->uidNumber > 0 && $row->uidNumber != User::get('id')) { switch ($this->config->get('user_messaging')) { case 1: // Get the groups of the profile $pgroups = \Hubzero\User\Helper::getGroups($row->uidNumber, 'all'); // Get the groups the user has access to $profilesgroups = array(); if (!empty($pgroups)) { foreach ($pgroups as $group) { if ($group->regconfirmed) { $profilesgroups[] = $group->cn; } }
?> </span> <?php echo $approved_on; ?> </div> <div class="col span3 omega"> <span><?php echo Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_PAGES_VERSIONS_APPROVED_BY'); ?> </span> <?php if ($approved_by != 'n/a' && $approved_by != 'System') { ?> <img align="left" width="20" src="<?php echo \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto($profile->get('uidNumber')); ?> " /> <?php } ?> <?php echo $approved_by; ?> </div> </div> <div class="version-content"> <?php echo \Components\Groups\Helpers\Pages::generatePreview($this->page, $pageVersion->get('version'), true); ?> </div>
<?php } ?> <h3 class="post-comment-title"> <?php echo Lang::txt('COM_KB_POST_COMMENT'); ?> </h3> <form method="post" action="<?php echo Route::url($this->article->link()); ?> " id="commentform"> <p class="comment-member-photo"> <img src="<?php echo \Hubzero\User\Profile\Helper::getMemberPhoto(User::getRoot(), !User::isGuest() ? 0 : 1); ?> " alt="" /> </p> <fieldset> <?php $replyto = \Components\Kb\Models\Comment::oneOrNew(Request::getInt('replyto')); if (!User::isGuest()) { if (!$replyto->isNew()) { $name = Lang::txt('COM_KB_ANONYMOUS'); if (!$replyto->get('anonymous')) { $name = $this->escape(stripslashes($replyto->creator()->get('name'))); if ($replyto->creator()->get('public')) { $name = '<a href="' . Route::url($replyto->creator()->getLink()) . '">' . $name . '</a>'; } }