/** * Adds only valid migration target names to the available choices. */ protected function setupProperties() { parent::setupProperties(); $this->choices = $this->getContext()->getServiceLocator()->getFixtureService()->getFixtureTargetMap()->filter(function (FixtureTargetInterface $fixture_target) { return $fixture_target->isActivated(); })->getKeys(); }
/** * Adds only valid workflow names to the available choices. */ protected function setupProperties() { parent::setupProperties(); $input = $this->getData('input'); $parser = new StateMachineDefinitionParser(); $workflows = $parser->parse($input); $this->choices = array_keys($workflows); }
/** * Adds only valid migration target names to the available choices. */ protected function setupProperties() { parent::setupProperties(); $this->choices = $this->getContext()->getServiceLocator()->getMigrationService()->getMigrationTargetMap()->filter(function (MigrationTargetInterface $fixture_target) { return $fixture_target->isActivated(); })->getKeys(); $this->choices[] = self::ALL_TARGETS; }
/** * Adds only valid skeleton names to the available choices. */ protected function setupProperties() { parent::setupProperties(); $finder = new SkeletonFinder(); $this->choices = array(); foreach ($finder->findAll() as $skeleton_path) { $this->choices[] = $skeleton_path->getFilename(); } }
/** * Adds only valid module names to the available choices. */ protected function setupProperties() { parent::setupProperties(); $this->finder = new HoneybeeModuleFinder(); $this->choices = array(); foreach ($this->finder->findAll() as $path) { $this->choices[] = $path->getFilename(); } }
/** * Adds only valid target names to the available choices. */ protected function setupProperties() { parent::setupProperties(); $this->finder = new TrellisTargetFinder(); $location = HoneybeeAgaviToolkit::getTypeSchemaPath($this->getData('type')); $this->choices = array(); foreach ($this->finder->findAll((array) $location) as $path) { $this->choices[] = sprintf(pathinfo($path->getFilename(), PATHINFO_FILENAME)); } $this->choices[] = self::ALL_TARGETS; }