protected function write() { $this->fDB->seek(0); $this->fDB->truncate(0); $data = json_encode($this->cache); $this->fDB->write($data, strlen($data)); }
/** * The entry method. * * @return int */ public function main() { $breakBC = false; $minimumTag = null; $doSteps = ['test' => -1, 'changelog' => -1, 'tag' => -1, 'github' => -1]; $onlyStep = function ($step) use(&$doSteps) { $doSteps[$step] = 1; foreach ($doSteps as &$doStep) { if (-1 === $doStep) { $doStep = 0; } } return; }; while (false !== ($c = $this->getOption($v))) { switch ($c) { case '__ambiguous': $this->resolveOptionAmbiguity($v); break; case 'c': $onlyStep('changelog'); break; case 't': $onlyStep('tag'); break; case 'g': $onlyStep('github'); break; case 'b': $breakBC = $v; break; case 'm': $minimumTag = $v; break; case 'h': case '?': default: return $this->usage(); } } $this->parser->listInputs($repositoryRoot); if (empty($repositoryRoot)) { return $this->usage(); } if (false === file_exists($repositoryRoot . DS . '.git')) { throw new Console\Exception('%s is not a valid Git repository.', 0, $repositoryRoot); } date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $allTags = $tags = explode("\n", Console\Processus::execute('git --git-dir=' . $repositoryRoot . '/.git ' . 'tag')); rsort($tags); list($currentMCN) = explode('.', $tags[0], 2); if (true === $breakBC) { ++$currentMCN; } $newTag = $currentMCN . '.' . date('y.m.d'); if (null === $minimumTag) { $tags = [$tags[0]]; } else { $toInt = function ($tag) { list($x, $y, $m, $d) = explode('.', $tag); return $x * 1000000 + $y * 10000 + $m * 100 + $d * 1; }; $_tags = []; $_minimumTag = $toInt($minimumTag); foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ($toInt($tag) >= $_minimumTag) { $_tags[] = $tag; } } $tags = $_tags; } $changelog = ''; echo 'We are going to snapshot this library together, by following ', 'these steps:', "\n", ' 1. tests must pass,', "\n", ' 2. updating the file,', "\n", ' 3. commit the file,', "\n", ' 4. creating a tag,', "\n", ' 5. pushing the tag,', "\n", ' 6. creating a release on Github.', "\n"; $step = function ($stepGroup, $message, $task) use($doSteps) { echo "\n\n"; Console\Cursor::colorize('foreground(black) background(yellow)'); echo 'Step “', $message, '”.'; Console\Cursor::colorize('normal'); echo "\n"; if (0 === $doSteps[$stepGroup]) { $answer = 'no'; } else { $answer = $this->readLine('Would you like to do this one: [yes/no] '); } if ('yes' === $answer) { echo "\n"; $task(); } else { Console\Cursor::colorize('foreground(red)'); echo 'Aborted!', "\n"; Console\Cursor::colorize('normal'); } }; $step('test', 'tests must pass', function () { echo 'Tests must be green. Execute:', "\n", ' $ hoa test:run -d Test', "\n", 'to run the tests.', "\n"; $this->readLine('Press Enter when it is green (or Ctrl-C to abort).'); }); $step('changelog', 'updating the file', function () use($tags, $newTag, $repositoryRoot, &$changelog) { array_unshift($tags, 'HEAD'); $changelog = null; for ($i = 0, $max = count($tags) - 1; $i < $max; ++$i) { $fromStep = $tags[$i]; $toStep = $tags[$i + 1]; $title = $fromStep; if ('HEAD' === $fromStep) { $title = $newTag; } $changelog .= '# ' . $title . "\n\n" . Console\Processus::execute('git --git-dir=' . $repositoryRoot . '/.git ' . 'log ' . '--first-parent ' . '--pretty="format: * %s (%aN, %aI)" ' . $fromStep . '...' . $toStep, false) . "\n\n"; } $file = new File\ReadWrite($repositoryRoot . DS . ''); $file->rewind(); $temporary = new File\ReadWrite($repositoryRoot . DS . ''); $temporary->truncate(0); $temporary->writeAll($changelog); $temporary->close(); echo 'The CHANGELOG is ready.', "\n"; $this->readLine('Press Enter to check and edit the file (empty the file to abort).'); Console\Chrome\Editor::open($temporary->getStreamName()); $temporary->open(); $changelog = $temporary->readAll(); if (empty(trim($changelog))) { $temporary->delete(); $temporary->close(); exit; } $previous = $file->readAll(); $file->truncate(0); $file->writeAll($changelog . $previous); $temporary->delete(); $temporary->close(); $file->close(); return; }); $step('changelog', 'commit the file', function () use($newTag, $repositoryRoot) { echo Console\Processus::execute('git --git-dir=' . $repositoryRoot . '/.git ' . 'add ' . '--verbose ' . ''); echo Console\Processus::execute('git --git-dir=' . $repositoryRoot . '/.git ' . 'commit ' . '--verbose ' . '--message "Prepare ' . $newTag . '." ' . ''); return; }); $step('tag', 'creating a tag', function () use($breakBC, $step, $currentMCN, $repositoryRoot, $tags, $newTag, $allTags) { if (true === $breakBC) { echo 'A BC break has been introduced, ', 'few more steps are required:', "\n"; $step('tag', 'update the composer.json file', function () use($currentMCN) { echo 'The `` value ', 'must be set to `', $currentMCN, '.x-dev`', "\n"; $this->readLine('Press Enter to edit the file.'); Console\Chrome\Editor::open($repository . DS . 'composer.json'); }); $step('tag', 'open issues to update parent dependencies', function () { echo 'Some libraries may depend on this one. ', 'Issues must be opened to update this ', 'dependency.', "\n"; $this->readLine('Press Enter when it is done (or Ctrl-C to abort).'); }); $step('tag', 'update the file', function () use($currentMCN) { echo 'The installation Section must invite the ', 'user to install the version ', '`~', $currentMCN, '.0`.', "\n"; $this->readLine('Press Enter when it is done (or Ctrl-C to abort).'); Console\Chrome\Editor::open($repository . DS . ''); }); $step('tag', 'commit the composer.json and files', function () use($currentMCN) { echo Console\Processus::execute('git --git-dir=' . $repositoryRoot . '/.git ' . 'add ' . '--verbose ' . 'composer.json'); echo Console\Processus::execute('git --git-dir=' . $repositoryRoot . '/.git ' . 'commit ' . '--verbose ' . '--message "Update because of the BC break." ' . 'composer.json'); }); } $status = Console\Processus::execute('git --git-dir=' . $repositoryRoot . '/.git ' . 'status ' . '--short'); if (!empty($status)) { Console\Cursor::colorize('foreground(white) background(red)'); echo 'At least one file is not commited!'; Console\Cursor::colorize('normal'); echo "\n", '(tips: use `git stash` if it is not related ', 'to this snapshot)', "\n"; $this->readLine('Press Enter when everything is clean.'); } echo 'Here is the list of tags:', "\n", ' * ', implode(',' . "\n" . ' * ', $allTags), '.', "\n", 'We are going to create the following tag: ', $newTag, '.', "\n"; $answer = $this->readLine('Is it correct? [yes/no] '); if ('yes' !== $answer) { return; } Console\Processus::execute('git --git-dir=' . $repositoryRoot . '/.git ' . 'tag ' . $newTag); }); $step('tag', 'push the new snapshot', function () use($repositoryRoot) { Console\Cursor::colorize('foreground(white) background(red)'); echo 'This step ', Console\Cursor::colorize('underlined'); echo 'must not'; Console\Cursor::colorize('!underlined'); echo ' be undo!'; Console\Cursor::colorize('normal'); echo "\n"; $i = 5; while ($i-- > 0) { Console\Cursor::clear('↔'); echo $i + 1; sleep(1); } $remotes = Console\Processus::execute('git --git-dir=' . $repositoryRoot . '/.git ' . 'remote ' . '--verbose'); $gotcha = false; foreach (explode("\n", $remotes) as $remote) { if (0 !== preg_match('/([^ ]+)/', $remote, $matches)) { $gotcha = true; break; } } if (false === $gotcha) { echo 'No remote has been found.'; return; } echo "\n", 'To push tag, execute:', "\n", ' $ git push ', $matches[1], "\n", ' $ git push ', $matches[1], ' --tags', "\n"; $this->readLine('Press Enter when it is done (or Ctrl-C to abort).'); }); $step('github', 'create a release on Github', function () use($newTag, $changelog, $repositoryRoot) { $temporary = new File\ReadWrite($repositoryRoot . DS . ''); $temporary->truncate(0); if (!empty($changelog)) { $temporary->writeAll($changelog); } $temporary->close(); Console\Chrome\Editor::open($temporary->getStreamName()); $temporary->open(); $temporary->rewind(); $body = $temporary->readAll(); $temporary->delete(); $composer = json_decode(file_get_contents('composer.json')); list(, $libraryName) = explode('/', $composer->name); $output = json_encode(['tag_name' => $newTag, 'body' => $body]); $username = $this->readLine('Username: '******'Password: '******':' . $password); $context = stream_context_create(['http' => ['method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Host:' . CRLF . 'User-Agent: Hoa\\Devtools' . CRLF . 'Accept: application/json' . CRLF . 'Content-Type: application/json' . CRLF . 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($output) . CRLF . 'Authorization: Basic ' . $auth . CRLF, 'content' => $output]]); echo file_get_contents('' . $libraryName . '/releases', false, $context); }); echo "\n", '🍺 🍺 🍺', "\n"; return; }