protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $countryFilePath = '';
     if (!$countryFilePath) {
         $countryFilePath = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('country_file_path');
     $file = new File($countryFilePath);
     $contents = file_get_contents($file);
     $fileContents = explode("\n", $contents);
     $em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager();
     echo "Memory: " . \memory_get_usage() . "\n";
     $countries = $this->getAllCountries('abbr');
     //parameter is the field to be check in Entity Country
     $finishedNames = array();
     $code = '';
     foreach ($fileContents as $lineContent) {
         $line = explode(",", trim($lineContent));
         if (!isset($line[4])) {
         $abbr = str_replace('"', '', $line[4]);
         $name = str_replace('"', '', $line[5]);
         if ($countries) {
             if (\in_array($name, $countries)) {
         if (\in_array($name, $finishedNames)) {
         //persist data to db
         $country = new Country();
         $finishedNames[] = $name;
         echo "Memory: " . \memory_get_usage() . "\n";
     //load country code
     echo "successfully loaded";
  * Check if user has a contact details (mobile or phone).
  * @param InstitutionUser $user
  * @return InstitutionUser
  * @author Chaztine Blance
 public function initializeContactDetails($parentObject, $types, Country $country = null)
     $types = array_flip($types);
     foreach ($parentObject->getContactDetails() as $contact) {
     foreach ($types as $type => $dummy) {
         $number = new ContactDetail();
         if ($country) {
     return $parentObject;
  * Get query builder by destination
  * We may not be able to mix query with getQueryBuilderByDocumentIdAndType since this will be grouped by institution and not by clinic
  * @param Country $country
  * @param City $city
  * @return \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder
 public function getQueryBuilderByDestination(Country $country, City $city = null)
     $qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
     $qb->select('a, imc, inst, co, ci, instLogo')->from('TermBundle:SearchTerm', 'a')->innerJoin('a.institutionMedicalCenter', 'imc')->innerJoin('a.institution', 'inst')->leftJoin('inst.logo', 'instLogo')->innerJoin('', 'co')->leftJoin('', 'ci')->where(' = :countryId')->andWhere('a.status = :searchTermActiveStatus')->setParameter('countryId', $country->getId())->setParameter('searchTermActiveStatus', SearchTerm::STATUS_ACTIVE);
     if (!\is_null($city)) {
         $qb->andWhere(' = :cityId')->setParameter('cityId', $city->getId());
     // we may not need this?
     // order by totalRankingPoints
     $qb->orderBy('inst.totalClinicRankingPoints', 'DESC');
     return $qb;
  * Create Country instance from array $data
  * @param array $data
  * @return \HealthCareAbroad\HelperBundle\Entity\Country
 public function createCountryFromArray(array $data)
     $requiredFields = array('id', 'name', 'slug');
     foreach ($requiredFields as $key) {
         if (!isset($data[$key])) {
             throw LocationServiceException::missingRequiredCountryDataKey($key);
     $country = new Country();
     $country->setCcIso(isset($data['ccIso']) ? $data['ccIso'] : '');
     $country->setCountryCode(isset($data['countryCode']) ? $data['countryCode'] : '');
     $country->setStatus(isset($data['code']) ? $data['code'] : Country::STATUS_ACTIVE);
     return $country;
 private function _updateCountryFieldOfContactDetailsByCountry(Country $country, $contactDetails = array(), $em)
     foreach ($contactDetails as $contactDetail) {
         $this->output->write("    #{$contactDetail->getId()} -> {$contactDetail->__toString()} [");
         if (!$contactDetail->getCountry()) {
             $code = (int) $contactDetail->getCountryCode();
             if ($code && $code == $country->getCode()) {
             } else {
                 $this->output->writeln("Invalid CC {$code} == {$country->getCode()}]{$country->getId()}");
 public function get_country_url(Country $country)
     $params = array('country' => $country->getSlug());
     return $this->generator->generate('frontend_search_results_countries', $params, true);