protected function compare()
     $bench = new Ubench();
     $url = 'tests/templated-retrospect/index.html';
     $file = 'test.html';
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         $htmlstr = file_get_contents($url);
         file_put_contents($file, $htmlstr);
     $htmlstr = file_get_contents($file);
     $this->log('', true);
     $this->log('Measuring Simple HTML DOM Parser...');
     $resultsSimpleHtmlDomParser = $bench->run(function ($htmlstr) {
         $results = [];
         $html = HtmlDomParser::str_get_html($htmlstr);
         $html->find('title', 0)->innertext('New Title');
         $results[1] = $html->__toString();
         $tpl = HtmlDomParser::str_get_html(file_get_contents('tests/templated-retrospect/index.html'));
         foreach ($tpl->find('link') as $elem) {
             $elem->href = '//localhost/xparser/tests/templated-retrospect/' . $elem->href;
         foreach ($tpl->find('img, script') as $elem) {
             $elem->src = '//localhost/xparser/tests/templated-retrospect/' . $elem->src;
         $results[2] = $tpl->__toString();
         return $results;
     }, $htmlstr);
     //$this->log('distance: ' . similar_text($htmlstr, $result));
     $this->log('', true);
     $this->log('Measuring XParser...');
     $resultsXParser = $bench->run(function ($htmlstr) {
         $results = [];
         $html = new XNode($htmlstr);
         $html->find('title')->inner('New Title');
         $results[1] = $html->__toString();
         $tpl = new XNode(file_get_contents('tests/templated-retrospect/index.html'));
         foreach ($tpl('link') as $elem) {
             $elem->href = '//localhost/xparser/tests/templated-retrospect/' . $elem->href;
         foreach ($tpl('img, script') as $elem) {
             $elem->src = '//localhost/xparser/tests/templated-retrospect/' . $elem->src;
         $results[2] = $tpl->__toString();
         return $results;
     }, $htmlstr);
     //$this->log('distance: ' . similar_text($htmlstr, $result));
     $this->log('', true);
     $this->log('Measuring Ganon...');
     $resultsGanon = $bench->run(function ($htmlstr) {
         $html = str_get_dom($htmlstr);
         foreach ($html('title') as $title) {
             $title->setInnerText('New Title');
         $results[1] = $html->__toString();
         $tpl = new XNode(file_get_contents('tests/templated-retrospect/index.html'));
         foreach ($tpl('link') as $elem) {
             $elem->href = '//localhost/xparser/tests/templated-retrospect/' . $elem->href;
         foreach ($tpl('img, script') as $elem) {
             $elem->src = '//localhost/xparser/tests/templated-retrospect/' . $elem->src;
         $results[2] = $tpl->__toString();
         return $results;
     }, $htmlstr);
     //$this->log('distance: ' . similar_text($htmlstr, $result));
     $this->log('', true);
     $this->log('Symfony CSS Selector combined with DOMDocument and DOMXPath...');
     $resultsXParser = $bench->run(function ($htmlstr) {
         $results = [];
         $html = new DOMDocument();
         $converter = new CssSelectorConverter();
         $xpath = new DOMXPath($html);
         $elements = $xpath->query($converter->toXPath('title'));
         foreach ($elements as $element) {
             $element->innserHTML = 'New Title';
         $results[1] = $html->saveHTML();
         $tpl = new DOMDocument();
         foreach ($xpath->query($converter->toXPath('link')) as $elem) {
             $elem->setAttribute('href', '//localhost/xparser/tests/templated-retrospect/' . $elem->getAttribute('href'));
         foreach ($xpath->query($converter->toXPath('img, script')) as $elem) {
             $elem->setAttribute('src', '//localhost/xparser/tests/templated-retrospect/' . $elem->getAttribute('src'));
         $results[2] = $tpl->saveHTML();
         return $results;
     }, $htmlstr);
     //$this->log('distance: ' . similar_text($htmlstr, $result));
     $this->log('', true);
     $this->log('Simple HTML DOM Parser vs Ganon distance: ' . similar_text($resultsSimpleHtmlDomParser[2], $resultsGanon[2]));
     $this->log('Simple HTML DOM Parser vs XParser distance: ' . similar_text($resultsSimpleHtmlDomParser[2], $resultsXParser[2]));
     $this->log('Ganon vs XParser distance: ' . similar_text($resultsGanon[2], $resultsXParser[2]));
     $this->log('', true);
     $this->log('', true);
예제 #2
 public function find($select, $index = null)
     $ret = new XNodeList([], $this);
     if (!preg_match('/^[\\.\\#\\w\\s\\,]+$/is', $select)) {
         return $this->findViaSymfony($select, $index);
     $selects = preg_split('/\\s*,\\s*/', $select);
     foreach ($selects as $select) {
         $words = preg_split('/\\s+/', trim($select));
         $founds = [];
         foreach ($words as $wkey => $word) {
             self::parseSelectorWord($word, $tag, $id, $classes);
             if (!$id && !$classes) {
                 $founds = $this->getElementsArray($tag);
             } else {
                 if ($id && !$classes) {
                     //foreach($ids as $id) {
                     $founds = array_merge($founds, $this->getElementsArray($tag, 'id', $id));
                 } else {
                     if (!$id && $classes) {
                         foreach ($classes as $class) {
                             $foundsByClass[$class] = $this->getElementsByTagAndClassArray($tag, $class);
                         if (count($foundsByClass) > 1) {
                             $founds = array_merge($founds, call_user_func_array('array_intersect', $foundsByClass));
                         } else {
                             $founds = array_merge($founds, $foundsByClass[$class]);
                     } else {
                         if ($id && $classes) {
                             $foundsById = [];
                             //foreach($ids as $id) {
                             $foundsById = array_merge($foundsById, $this->getElementsArray($tag, 'id', $id));
                             $foundsByClass = [];
                             foreach ($classes as $class) {
                                 $foundsByClass = array_merge($foundsByClass, $this->getElementsByClassArray($class));
                             $founds = array_intersect($foundsById, $foundsByClass);
                         } else {
                             // hmmm.. interesting.
                             throw new XParserException('?');
             if (!$founds) {
             if (isset($words[$wkey + 1])) {
                 $rest = implode(' ', array_slice($words, $wkey + 1));
                 foreach ($founds as $found) {
                     $inner = self::getInner($found);
                     $innerElement = new XNode($inner, $this);
                     $restElements = $innerElement->find($rest);
                     foreach ($restElements as $restElement) {
                 return $ret;
         $ret->addElementsArray($founds, $this);
     if (!is_null($index)) {
         return $ret->getElement($index);
     return $ret;
예제 #3
    public function mainTest()
        $tpl = new XNode('<html>
		<title>Test page</title>
		<h1>Lorem ipsum</h1>		

		<div />


		<div id= "hello01" asdasdw />
		<div id= "hello02" asdasdw class="message" asdasd />

		<div id="hello1" class="message"> Hello World! </div>


		<div id="hello2" class="message selected"> before <span>Hello World!</span> after </div>


		<div id="hello3" class="message"> before <div>Hello <span>here</span> World!</div> after </div>

		<input type="text" id="myinput1" value="my value here..">

        $before = $tpl->find('div#hello2.selected.message, div#hello1')->inner();
        $tpl->find('div#hello2.selected.message, div#hello1')->inner('yupeeee!');
        $after = $tpl->find('div#hello2.selected.message, div#hello1')->inner();
        $this->equ($before, ' Hello World! ');
        $this->equ($after, 'yupeeee!');
        $before = $tpl->find('html body input')->attr('value');
        $tpl->find('input')->attr('value', 'elembe!');
        $after = $tpl->find('html body input')->attr('value');
        $this->equ($before, 'my value here..');
        $this->equ($after, 'elembe!');
        $before = $tpl->outer();
        $this->equ(count($tpl('#hello02')->getElements()), 0);
        $after = $tpl->outer();
        $this->equ($before, $after);
        $this->equ(count($tpl('#hello02')->getElements()), $tpl->getCount('#hello02'));