public function actionSignup() { $model = new User(); $model->setScenario('signup'); if ($model->load($_POST) && $model->save()) { if (Yii::$app->getUser()->login($model)) { return $this->goHome(); } } return $this->render('signup', ['model' => $model]); }
public function actionSignup() { $model = new User(); $model->setScenario('signup'); if ($model->load($_POST)) { if ($model->save()) { if (Yii::$app->getUser()->login($model)) { return $this->goHome(); } } else { Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash(Alert::TYPE_DANGER, Yii::t('gromver.platform', 'The form is filled incorrectly.')); } } $this->module->layout = $this->module->loginLayout; return $this->render('signup', ['model' => $model]); }
public function up() { // Creates the default admin user $adminUser = new User(); $adminUser->setScenario('signup'); $adminUser->username = '******'; $adminUser->status = User::STATUS_ACTIVE; echo 'Please type the admin user info: ' . PHP_EOL; $this->readStdinUser('Email (e.g.', $adminUser, 'email'); //$this->readStdinUser('Type Username', $adminUser, 'username', $adminUser->email); $this->readStdinUser('Type Password', $adminUser, 'password', 'admin'); if (!$adminUser->save()) { throw new \yii\console\Exception('Error when creating admin user.'); } echo 'User created successfully.' . PHP_EOL; }