public function project($id) { $project = Project::getMedium($id, LANG); if (!$project instanceof Project) { throw new Redirection('/', Redirection::TEMPORARY); } return new View('view/widget/project.html.php', array('project' => $project, 'global' => true)); throw new Redirection('/fail', Redirection::TEMPORARY); }
public function index() { if (isset($_GET['error'])) { throw new \Goteo\Core\Error('418', Text::html('fatal-error-teapot')); } // orden de los elementos en portada $order = Home::getAll(); // si estamos en easy mode, quitamos el feed if (defined('GOTEO_EASY') && \GOTEO_EASY === true && isset($order['feed'])) { unset($order['feed']); } // entradas de blog if (isset($order['posts'])) { // entradas en portada $posts = Post::getAll(); } // Proyectos destacados if (isset($order['promotes'])) { $promotes = Promote::getAll(true); foreach ($promotes as $key => &$promo) { try { $promo->projectData = Project::getMedium($promo->project, LANG); } catch (\Goteo\Core\Error $e) { unset($promotes[$key]); } } } // actividad reciente if (isset($order['feed'])) { $feed = array(); $feed['goteo'] = Feed::getAll('goteo', 'public', 15); $feed['projects'] = Feed::getAll('projects', 'public', 15); $feed['community'] = Feed::getAll('community', 'public', 15); } // Banners siempre /* $banners = Banner::getAll(true); foreach ($banners as $id => &$banner) { if (!empty($banner->project)) { try { $banner->project = Project::get($banner->project, LANG); } catch (\Goteo\Core\Error $e) { unset($banners[$id]); } } }*/ $template = VIEW_PATH . '/index.html.php'; return new View($template, array('banners' => $banners, 'posts' => $posts, 'promotes' => $promotes, 'order' => $order)); }
public function confirmed($project = null, $id = null, $reward = null) { if (empty($id)) { Message::Error(Text::get('invest-data-error')); throw new Redirection('/', Redirection::TEMPORARY); } // el aporte $invest = Model\Invest::get($id); $projectData = Model\Project::getMedium($invest->project); // para evitar las duplicaciones de feed y email if (isset($_SESSION['invest_' . $invest->id . '_completed'])) { Message::Info(Text::get('invest-process-completed')); throw new Redirection($retUrl); } // segun método if ($invest->method == 'tpv') { // si el aporte no está en estado "cobrado por goteo" (1) if ($invest->status != '1') { @mail('*****@*****.**', 'Aporte tpv no pagado ' . $invest->id, 'Ha llegado a invest/confirm el aporte ' . $invest->id . ' mediante tpv sin estado cobrado (llega con estado ' . $invest->status . ')'); // mandarlo a la pagina de aportar para que lo intente de nuevo // si es de Bazar, a la del producto del catálogo if ($project == 'bazargoteo') { throw new Redirection("/bazaar/{$reward}/fail"); } else { throw new Redirection("/project/{$invest->project}/invest/?confirm=fail"); } } } // Paypal solo disponible si activado if ($invest->method == 'paypal') { // hay que cambiarle el status a 0 $invest->setStatus('0'); // Evento Feed $log = new Feed(); $log->setTarget($projectData->id); $log->populate('Aporte PayPal', '/admin/invests', \vsprintf("%s ha aportado %s al proyecto %s mediante PayPal", array(Feed::item('user', $_SESSION['user']->name, $_SESSION['user']->id), Feed::item('money', $invest->amount . ' €'), Feed::item('project', $projectData->name, $projectData->id)))); $log->doAdmin('money'); // evento público $log_html = Text::html('feed-invest', Feed::item('money', $invest->amount . ' €'), Feed::item('project', $projectData->name, $projectData->id)); if ($invest->anonymous) { $log->populate(Text::get('regular-anonymous'), '/user/profile/anonymous', $log_html, 1); } else { $log->populate($_SESSION['user']->name, '/user/profile/' . $_SESSION['user']->id, $log_html, $_SESSION['user']->avatar->id); } $log->doPublic('community'); unset($log); } // fin segun metodo // Feed del aporte de la campaña if (!empty($invest->droped) && $drop instanceof Model\Invest && is_object($callData)) { // Evento Feed $log = new Feed(); $log->setTarget($projectData->id); $log->populate('Aporte riego ' . $drop->method, '/admin/invests', \vsprintf("%s ha aportado %s de %s al proyecto %s a través de la campaña %s", array(Feed::item('user', $callData->user->name, $callData->user->id), Feed::item('money', $drop->amount . ' €'), Feed::item('drop', 'Capital Riego', '/service/resources'), Feed::item('project', $projectData->name, $projectData->id), Feed::item('call', $callData->name, $callData->id)))); $log->doAdmin('money'); // evento público $log->populate($callData->user->name, '/user/profile/' . $callData->user->id, Text::html('feed-invest', Feed::item('money', $drop->amount . ' €') . ' de ' . Feed::item('drop', 'Capital Riego', '/service/resources'), Feed::item('project', $projectData->name, $projectData->id) . ' a través de la campaña ' . Feed::item('call', $callData->name, $callData->id)), $callData->user->avatar->id); $log->doPublic('community'); unset($log); } // texto recompensa // @TODO quitar esta lacra de N recompensas porque ya es solo una recompensa siempre $rewards = $invest->rewards; array_walk($rewards, function (&$reward) { $reward = $reward->reward; }); $txt_rewards = implode(', ', $rewards); // recaudado y porcentaje $amount = $projectData->invested; $percent = floor($projectData->invested / $projectData->mincost * 100); // email de agradecimiento al cofinanciador // primero monto el texto de recompensas //@TODO el concepto principal sería 'renuncia' (porque todos los aportes son donativos) if ($invest->resign) { // Plantilla de donativo segun la ronda if ($projectData->round == 2) { $template = Template::get(36); // en segunda ronda } else { $template = Template::get(28); // en primera ronda } } else { // plantilla de agradecimiento segun la ronda if ($projectData->round == 2) { $template = Template::get(34); // en segunda ronda } else { $template = Template::get(10); // en primera ronda } } // Dirección en el mail (y version para regalo) $txt_address = Text::get('invest-address-address-field') . ' ' . $invest->address->address; $txt_address .= '<br> ' . Text::get('invest-address-zipcode-field') . ' ' . $invest->address->zipcode; $txt_address .= '<br> ' . Text::get('invest-address-location-field') . ' ' . $invest->address->location; $txt_address .= '<br> ' . Text::get('invest-address-country-field') . ' ' . $invest->address->country; $txt_destaddr = $txt_address; $txt_address = Text::get('invest-mail_info-address') . '<br>' . $txt_address; // Agradecimiento al cofinanciador // Sustituimos los datos $subject = str_replace('%PROJECTNAME%', $projectData->name, $template->title); // En el contenido: $search = array('%USERNAME%', '%PROJECTNAME%', '%PROJECTURL%', '%AMOUNT%', '%REWARDS%'); $replace = array($_SESSION['user']->name, $projectData->name, SITE_URL . '/project/' . $projectData->id, $confirm->amount, $txt_rewards); $content = \str_replace($search, $replace, $template->text); $mailHandler = new Mail(); $mailHandler->reply = GOTEO_CONTACT_MAIL; $mailHandler->replyName = GOTEO_MAIL_NAME; $mailHandler->to = $_SESSION['user']->email; $mailHandler->toName = $_SESSION['user']->name; $mailHandler->subject = $subject; $mailHandler->content = $content; $mailHandler->html = true; $mailHandler->template = $template->id; if ($mailHandler->send($errors)) { Message::Info(Text::get('project-invest-thanks_mail-success')); } else { Message::Error(Text::get('project-invest-thanks_mail-fail')); Message::Error(implode('<br />', $errors)); } unset($mailHandler); // Notificación al autor $template = Template::get(29); // Sustituimos los datos $subject = str_replace('%PROJECTNAME%', $projectData->name, $template->title); // En el contenido: $search = array('%OWNERNAME%', '%USERNAME%', '%PROJECTNAME%', '%SITEURL%', '%AMOUNT%', '%MESSAGEURL%'); $replace = array($projectData->user->name, $_SESSION['user']->name, $projectData->name, SITE_URL, $invest->amount, SITE_URL . '/user/profile/' . $_SESSION['user']->id . '/message'); $content = \str_replace($search, $replace, $template->text); $mailHandler = new Mail(); $mailHandler->to = $projectData->user->email; $mailHandler->toName = $projectData->user->name; $mailHandler->subject = $subject; $mailHandler->content = $content; $mailHandler->html = true; $mailHandler->template = $template->id; $mailHandler->send(); unset($mailHandler); // marcar que ya se ha completado el proceso de aportar $_SESSION['invest_' . $invest->id . '_completed'] = true; // log Model\Invest::setDetail($invest->id, 'confirmed', 'El usuario regresó a /invest/confirmed'); if ($confirm->method == 'paypal') { // hay que cambiarle el status a 0 $confirm->setStatus('0'); /* * Evento Feed */ $log = new Feed(); $log->title = 'Aporte PayPal'; $log->url = '/admin/invests'; $log->type = 'money'; $log_text = "%s ha aportado %s al proyecto %s mediante PayPal"; $items = array(Feed::item('user', $_SESSION['user']->name, $_SESSION['user']->id), Feed::item('money', $confirm->amount . ' €'), Feed::item('project', $projectData->name, $projectData->id)); $log->html = \vsprintf($log_text, $items); $log->add($errors); // evento público if ($confirm->anonymous) { $log->title = Text::get('regular-anonymous'); $log->url = '/user/profile/anonymous'; $log->image = 1; } else { $log->title = $_SESSION['user']->name; $log->url = '/user/profile/' . $_SESSION['user']->id; $log->image = $_SESSION['user']->avatar->id; } $log->scope = 'public'; $log->type = 'community'; $log->html = Text::html('feed-invest', Feed::item('money', $confirm->amount . ' €'), Feed::item('project', $projectData->name, $projectData->id)); $log->add($errors); unset($log); } // mandarlo a la pagina de gracias throw new Redirection("/project/{$project}/invest/?confirm=ok", Redirection::TEMPORARY); }
public static function invested($user, $publicOnly = true) { $projects = array(); $sql = "SELECT\r\n FROM project\r\n INNER JOIN invest\r\n ON = invest.project\r\n AND invest.user = ?\r\n AND invest.status IN ('0', '1', '3', '4')\r\n WHERE project.status < 7\r\n "; if ($publicOnly) { $sql .= "AND project.status >= 3\r\n "; } $sql .= "GROUP BY\r\n ORDER BY name ASC\r\n "; /* * Restriccion de que no aparecen los que cofinancio que esten en edicion * solamente no sacamos los caducados * project.status > 1 AND */ $query = self::query($sql, array($user)); foreach ($query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS) as $proj) { $projects[] = \Goteo\Model\Project::getMedium($proj->id); } return $projects; }
public static function getMesseged($user, $publicOnly = true) { $projects = array(); $sql = "SELECT\n FROM project\n INNER JOIN message\n ON = message.project\n AND message.user = ?\n WHERE project.status < 7\n "; if ($publicOnly) { $sql .= "AND project.status >= 3\n "; } $sql .= "GROUP BY\n ORDER BY name ASC\n "; $query = self::query($sql, array($user)); foreach ($query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS) as $proj) { $projects[] = \Goteo\Model\Project::getMedium($proj->id); } return $projects; }
public static function getContent($content, $lang = LANG) { // orden de los elementos en portada $order = \Goteo\Model\Home::getAll(); // entradas de blog $posts_content = ''; /* if (isset($order['posts'])) { $home_posts = \Goteo\Model\Post::getList(); if (!empty($home_posts)) { // $posts_content = '<div class="section-tit">'.Text::get('home-posts-header').'</div>'; foreach ($posts as $id=>$title) { $the_post = \Goteo\Model\Post::get($id); $posts_content .= new View('view/email/newsletter_post.html.php', array('post'=>$the_post)); break; // solo cogemos uno } } } * */ // Proyectos destacados $promotes_content = ''; if (isset($order['promotes'])) { $home_promotes = \Goteo\Model\Promote::getAll(true, GOTEO_NODE, $lang); if (!empty($home_promotes)) { // $promotes_content = '<div class="section-tit">'.Text::get('home-promotes-header').'</div>'; foreach ($home_promotes as $key => $promote) { try { $the_project = \Goteo\Model\Project::getMedium($promote->project, $lang); $promotes_content .= new View('view/email/newsletter_project.html.php', array('promote' => $promote, 'project' => $the_project)); } catch (\Goteo\Core\Error $e) { continue; } } } } // capital riego $drops_content = ''; /* if (isset($order['drops'])) { $calls = \Goteo\Model\Call::getActive(3); // convocatorias en modalidad 1; inscripcion de proyectos $campaigns = \Goteo\Model\Call::getActive(4); // convocatorias en modalidad 2; repartiendo capital riego if (!empty($calls) || !empty($campaigns)) { // $drops_content = '<div class="section-tit">'.str_replace('<br />', ': ', Text::get('home-calls-header')).'</div>'; // aqui lo del contenido dinamico } } */ // montammos el contenido completo $tmpcontent = $content; foreach (\array_keys($order) as $item) { $var = $item . '_content'; $tmpcontent .= ${$var}; } return $tmpcontent; }
/** * Metodo para realizar una busqueda por parametros * @param array multiple $params 'category', 'location', 'reward' * @param bool showall si true, muestra tambien proyectos en estado de edicion y revision * @return array results */ public static function params($params, $showall = false, $limit = null) { $results = array(); $where = array(); $values = array(); if (!empty($params['category'])) { $where[] = 'AND id IN ( SELECT distinct(project) FROM project_category WHERE category IN (' . implode(', ', $params['category']) . ') )'; } if (!empty($params['location'])) { $where[] = 'AND MD5(project_location) IN (' . implode(', ', $params['location']) . ')'; } if (!empty($params['reward'])) { $where[] = 'AND id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT(project) FROM reward WHERE icon IN (' . implode(', ', $params['reward']) . ') )'; } if (!empty($params['query'])) { $where[] = ' AND (name LIKE :text OR description LIKE :text OR motivation LIKE :text OR about LIKE :text OR goal LIKE :text OR related LIKE :text OR keywords LIKE :text OR location LIKE :text )'; $values[':text'] = "%{$params['query']}%"; } if (!empty($params['node'])) { $where[] = ' AND node = :node'; $values[':node'] = NODE_ID; } if (!empty($params['status'])) { $where[] = ' AND status = :status'; $values[':status'] = $params['status']; } $minstatus = $showall ? '1' : '2'; $maxstatus = $showall ? '4' : '7'; $sql = "SELECT id\n FROM project\n WHERE status > {$minstatus}\n AND status < {$maxstatus}\n "; if (!empty($where)) { $sql .= implode(' ', $where); } $sql .= " ORDER BY status ASC, name ASC"; // Limite if (!empty($limit) && \is_numeric($limit)) { $sql .= " LIMIT {$limit}"; } try { $query = Model::query($sql, $values); foreach ($query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS) as $match) { $results[] = Project::getMedium($match->id); } return $results; } catch (\PDOException $e) { throw new Exception('Fallo la sentencia de busqueda'); } }
public function paid($id = null) { if ($_GET['result'] != 'ok') { die; } $id = $_GET['sendid']; if (empty($id)) { die; } // el aporte $invest = Model\Invest::get($id); if ($invest->status != "-1") { die; } $projectData = Model\Project::getMedium($invest->project); // para evitar las duplicaciones de feed y email if (isset($_SESSION['invest_' . $invest->id . '_completed'])) { die; } $user = Model\User::get($invest->user); // Paypal solo disponible si activado if ($invest->method == 'axes') { // hay que cambiarle el status a 0 $invest->setStatus('0'); // Evento Feed $log = new Feed(); $log->setTarget($projectData->id); $log->populate('Aporte Axes', '/admin/invests', \vsprintf("%s ha aportado %s al proyecto %s mediante PayPal", array(Feed::item('user', $user->name, $user->id), Feed::item('money', $invest->amount . ' ¥'), Feed::item('project', $projectData->name, $projectData->id)))); $log->doAdmin('money'); // evento público $log_html = Text::html('feed-invest', Feed::item('money', $invest->amount . ' ¥'), Feed::item('project', $projectData->name, $projectData->id)); if ($invest->anonymous) { $log->populate(Text::get('regular-anonymous'), '/user/profile/anonymous', $log_html, 1); } else { $log->populate($user->name, '/user/profile/' . $user->id, $log_html, $user->avatar->id); } $log->doPublic('community'); unset($log); } // fin segun metodo // texto recompensa // @TODO quitar esta lacra de N recompensas porque ya es solo una recompensa siempre $rewards = $invest->rewards; array_walk($rewards, function (&$reward) { $reward = $reward->reward; }); $txt_rewards = implode(', ', $rewards); // recaudado y porcentaje $amount = $projectData->invested; $percent = floor($projectData->invested / $projectData->mincost * 100); // email de agradecimiento al cofinanciador // primero monto el texto de recompensas //@TODO el concepto principal sería 'renuncia' (porque todos los aportes son donativos) if ($invest->resign) { // Plantilla de donativo segun la ronda if ($projectData->round == 2) { $template = Template::get(36); // en segunda ronda } else { $template = Template::get(28); // en primera ronda } } else { // plantilla de agradecimiento segun la ronda if ($projectData->round == 2) { $template = Template::get(34); // en segunda ronda } else { $template = Template::get(10); // en primera ronda } } // Dirección en el mail (y version para regalo) $txt_address = Text::get('invest-address-address-field') . ' ' . $invest->address->address; $txt_address .= '<br> ' . Text::get('invest-address-zipcode-field') . ' ' . $invest->address->zipcode; // $txt_address .= '<br> ' . Text::get('invest-address-location-field') . ' ' . $invest->address->location; // $txt_address .= '<br> ' . Text::get('invest-address-country-field') . ' ' . $invest->address->country; $txt_destaddr = $txt_address; $txt_address = Text::get('invest-mail_info-address') . '<br>' . $txt_address; // Agradecimiento al cofinanciador // Sustituimos los datos $subject = str_replace('%PROJECTNAME%', $projectData->name, $template->title); // En el contenido: $search = array('%USERNAME%', '%PROJECTNAME%', '%PROJECTURL%', '%AMOUNT%', '%REWARDS%', '%ADDRESS%'); $replace = array($user->name, $projectData->name, SITE_URL . '/project/' . $projectData->id, $confirm->amount, $txt_rewards, $txt_address); $content = \str_replace($search, $replace, $template->text); $mailHandler = new Mail(); $mailHandler->reply = GOTEO_CONTACT_MAIL; $mailHandler->replyName = GOTEO_MAIL_NAME; $mailHandler->to = $user->email; $mailHandler->toName = $user->name; $mailHandler->subject = $subject; $mailHandler->content = $content; $mailHandler->html = true; $mailHandler->template = $template->id; if ($mailHandler->send($errors)) { Message::Info(Text::get('project-invest-thanks_mail-success')); } else { Message::Error(Text::get('project-invest-thanks_mail-fail')); Message::Error(implode('<br />', $errors)); } unset($mailHandler); // Notificación al autor $template = Template::get(29); // Sustituimos los datos $subject = str_replace('%PROJECTNAME%', $projectData->name, $template->title); // En el contenido: $search = array('%OWNERNAME%', '%USERNAME%', '%PROJECTNAME%', '%SITEURL%', '%AMOUNT%', '%MESSAGEURL%'); $replace = array($projectData->user->name, $user->name, $projectData->name, SITE_URL, $invest->amount, SITE_URL . '/user/profile/' . $user->id . '/message'); $content = \str_replace($search, $replace, $template->text); $mailHandler = new Mail(); $mailHandler->to = $projectData->user->email; $mailHandler->toName = $projectData->user->name; $mailHandler->subject = $subject; $mailHandler->content = $content; $mailHandler->html = true; $mailHandler->template = $template->id; $mailHandler->send(); unset($mailHandler); // marcar que ya se ha completado el proceso de aportar $_SESSION['invest_' . $invest->id . '_completed'] = true; // log Model\Invest::setDetail($invest->id, 'confirmed', 'El usuario regresó a /invest/confirmed'); }