Can be extended to get a more sophisticated real-to-cached code mapping
예제 #1
  * Save AOP proxy to the separate file anr returns the php source code for inclusion
  * @param ReflectionClass $class Original class reflection
  * @param string|ClassProxy $child
  * @return string
 private function saveProxyToCache($class, $child)
     static $cacheDirSuffix = '/_proxies/';
     $cacheDir = $this->cachePathManager->getCacheDir();
     // Without cache we should rewrite original file
     if (!$cacheDir) {
         return $child;
     $cacheDir = $cacheDir . $cacheDirSuffix;
     $fileName = str_replace($this->options['appDir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $class->getFileName());
     $proxyFileName = $cacheDir . $fileName;
     $dirname = dirname($proxyFileName);
     if (!file_exists($dirname)) {
         mkdir($dirname, $this->options['cacheFileMode'], true);
     $body = '<?php' . PHP_EOL;
     $namespace = $class->getNamespaceName();
     if ($namespace) {
         $body .= "namespace {$namespace};" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     $refNamespace = new ReflectionFileNamespace($class->getFileName(), $namespace);
     foreach ($refNamespace->getNamespaceAliases() as $fqdn => $alias) {
         $body .= "use {$fqdn} as {$alias};" . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= $child;
     file_put_contents($proxyFileName, $body, LOCK_EX);
     // For cache files we don't want executable bits by default
     chmod($proxyFileName, $this->options['cacheFileMode'] & ~0111);
     return 'include_once AOP_CACHE_DIR . ' . var_export($cacheDirSuffix . $fileName, true) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
예제 #2
  * This method may transform the supplied source and return a new replacement for it
  * @param StreamMetaData $metadata Metadata for source
  * @return void|bool Return false if transformation should be stopped
 public function transform(StreamMetaData $metadata)
     // Do not create a cache
     if (!$this->cachePath) {
         return $this->processTransformers($metadata);
     $originalUri = $metadata->uri;
     $wasProcessed = false;
     $cacheUri = $this->cacheManager->getCachePathForResource($originalUri);
     $lastModified = filemtime($originalUri);
     $cacheState = $this->cacheManager->queryCacheState($originalUri);
     $cacheModified = $cacheState ? $cacheState['filemtime'] : 0;
     if ($cacheModified < $lastModified || !$this->container->isFresh($cacheModified)) {
         $wasProcessed = $this->processTransformers($metadata);
         if ($wasProcessed) {
             $parentCacheDir = dirname($cacheUri);
             if (!is_dir($parentCacheDir)) {
                 mkdir($parentCacheDir, 0770, true);
             file_put_contents($cacheUri, $metadata->source);
             if (!$cacheState && $this->cacheFileMode) {
                 chmod($cacheUri, $this->cacheFileMode);
         $this->cacheManager->setCacheState($originalUri, array('filemtime' => isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] : time(), 'cacheUri' => $wasProcessed ? $cacheUri : null));
         return $wasProcessed;
     if ($cacheState) {
         $wasProcessed = isset($cacheState['cacheUri']);
     if ($wasProcessed) {
         $metadata->source = file_get_contents($cacheUri);
     return $wasProcessed;
예제 #3
  * Save AOP proxy to the separate file anr returns the php source code for inclusion
  * @param ParsedClass $class Original class reflection
  * @param string|ClassProxy $child
  * @return string
 private function saveProxyToCache($class, $child)
     static $cacheDirSuffix = '/_proxies/';
     $cacheDir = $this->cachePathManager->getCacheDir();
     // Without cache we should rewrite original file
     if (!$cacheDir) {
         return $child;
     $cacheDir = $cacheDir . $cacheDirSuffix;
     $fileName = str_replace($this->options['appDir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $class->getFileName());
     $proxyFileName = $cacheDir . $fileName;
     $dirname = dirname($proxyFileName);
     if (!file_exists($dirname)) {
         mkdir($dirname, 0770, true);
     $body = '<?php' . PHP_EOL;
     $namespace = $class->getNamespaceName();
     if ($namespace) {
         $body .= "namespace {$namespace};" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($class->getNamespaceAliases() as $alias => $fqdn) {
         $body .= "use {$fqdn} as {$alias};" . PHP_EOL;
     $body .= $child;
     file_put_contents($proxyFileName, $body);
     return 'include_once AOP_CACHE_DIR . ' . var_export($cacheDirSuffix . $fileName, true) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
예제 #4
  * This method may transform the supplied source and return a new replacement for it
  * @param StreamMetaData $metadata Metadata for source
  * @return bool Return false if transformation should be stopped
 public function transform(StreamMetaData $metadata)
     // Do not create a cache
     if (!$this->cacheManager->getCacheDir()) {
         return $this->processTransformers($metadata);
     $originalUri = $metadata->uri;
     $wasProcessed = false;
     $cacheUri = $this->cacheManager->getCachePathForResource($originalUri);
     // Guard to disable overwriting of original files
     if ($cacheUri === $originalUri) {
         return false;
     $lastModified = filemtime($originalUri);
     $cacheState = $this->cacheManager->queryCacheState($originalUri);
     $cacheModified = $cacheState ? $cacheState['filemtime'] : 0;
     if ($cacheModified < $lastModified || isset($cacheState['cacheUri']) && $cacheState['cacheUri'] !== $cacheUri || !$this->container->isFresh($cacheModified)) {
         $wasProcessed = $this->processTransformers($metadata);
         if ($wasProcessed) {
             $parentCacheDir = dirname($cacheUri);
             if (!is_dir($parentCacheDir)) {
                 mkdir($parentCacheDir, $this->cacheFileMode, true);
             file_put_contents($cacheUri, $metadata->source, LOCK_EX);
             // For cache files we don't want executable bits by default
             chmod($cacheUri, $this->cacheFileMode & ~0111);
         $this->cacheManager->setCacheState($originalUri, array('filemtime' => isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] : time(), 'cacheUri' => $wasProcessed ? $cacheUri : null));
         return $wasProcessed;
     if ($cacheState) {
         $wasProcessed = isset($cacheState['cacheUri']);
     if ($wasProcessed) {
         $metadata->source = file_get_contents($cacheUri);
     return $wasProcessed;
  * Warms up the cache.
  * @param string $cacheDir The cache directory
 public function warmUp($cacheDir)
     $options = $this->aspectKernel->getOptions();
     $oldCacheDir = $this->cachePathManager->getCacheDir();
     $this->cachePathManager->setCacheDir($cacheDir . '/aspect');
     $enumerator = new Enumerator($options['appDir'], $options['includePaths'], $options['excludePaths']);
     $iterator = $enumerator->enumerate();
     set_error_handler(function ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
         throw new \ErrorException($errstr, $errno, 0, $errfile, $errline);
     $errors = array();
     foreach ($iterator as $file) {
         $realPath = $file->getRealPath();
         try {
             // This will trigger creation of cache
             file_get_contents(FilterInjectorTransformer::PHP_FILTER_READ . SourceTransformingLoader::FILTER_IDENTIFIER . "/resource=" . $realPath);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $errors[$realPath] = $e;
예제 #6
  * Replace source path with correct one
  * This operation can check for cache, can rewrite paths, add additional filters and much more
  * @param string $originalResource Initial resource to include
  * @param string $originalDir Path to the directory from where include was called for resolving relative resources
  * @return string Transformed path to the resource
 public static function rewrite($originalResource, $originalDir = '')
     static $appDir, $cacheDir, $debug;
     if (!$appDir) {
         extract(self::$options, EXTR_IF_EXISTS);
     $resource = (string) $originalResource;
     if ($resource['0'] !== '/') {
         $shouldCheckExistence = true;
         $resource = PathResolver::realpath($resource, $shouldCheckExistence) ?: PathResolver::realpath("{$originalDir}/{$resource}", $shouldCheckExistence) ?: $originalResource;
     $cachedResource = self::$cachePathManager->getCachePathForResource($resource);
     // If the cache is disabled or no cache yet, then use on-fly method
     if (!$cacheDir || $debug || !file_exists($cachedResource)) {
         return self::PHP_FILTER_READ . self::$filterName . "/resource=" . $resource;
     return $cachedResource;