public function defaultAttributes() { $attr = parent::defaultAttributes(); $attr['quota'] = 1024 * 1024 * 1; //10 GB of quota per domain by default. return $attr; }
public function defaultAttributes() { $attr = parent::defaultAttributes(); $attr['modified_user_id'] = \GO::user()->id; $attr['mtime'] = time(); $attr['status'] = 0; return $attr; }
public function defaultAttributes() { $attr = parent::defaultAttributes(); $attr['total_quota'] = 1024 * 1024 * 10; //10 GB of quota per domain by default. $attr['default_quota'] = 1024 * 512; //512 MB of default quota return $attr; }
protected function defaultAttributes() { $attr = parent::defaultAttributes(); $findParams = \GO\Base\Db\FindParams::newInstance()->limit(1); $stmt = Template::model()->find($findParams); if ($template = $stmt->fetch()) { $attr['template_id'] = $template->id; } return $attr; }
public function defaultAttributes() { $attr = parent::defaultAttributes(); if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') { $attr['user_agent'] = 'cli'; } else { $attr['user_agent'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : 'unknown'; } $attr['ip'] = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''; $attr['controller_route'] = \GO::router()->getControllerRoute(); $attr['username'] = \GO::user() ? \GO::user()->username : '******'; return $attr; }
public function defaultAttributes() { $attr = parent::defaultAttributes(); $attr['user_id'] = null; return $attr; }
public function defaultAttributes() { $attr = parent::defaultAttributes(); $attr['check_mailboxes'] = "INBOX"; // if (\GO::modules()->isInstalled('sieve')) { $attr['sieve_port'] = !empty(\GO::config()->sieve_port) ? \GO::config()->sieve_port : '4190'; if (isset(\GO::config()->sieve_usetls)) { $attr['sieve_usetls'] = !empty(\GO::config()->sieve_usetls); } else { $attr['sieve_usetls'] = true; } // } return $attr; }
public function defaultAttributes() { $attr = parent::defaultAttributes(); $category = NotesModule::getDefaultNoteCategory(GO::user()->id); $attr['category_id'] = $category->id; return $attr; }
public function defaultAttributes() { $attr = parent::defaultAttributes(); $attr['language'] = GO::config()->language; $attr['date_format'] = GO::config()->default_date_format; $attr['date_separator'] = GO::config()->default_date_separator; $attr['theme'] = GO::config()->theme; $attr['timezone'] = GO::config()->default_timezone; $attr['first_weekday'] = GO::config()->default_first_weekday; $attr['currency'] = GO::config()->default_currency; $attr['decimal_separator'] = GO::config()->default_decimal_separator; $attr['thousands_separator'] = GO::config()->default_thousands_separator; $attr['time_format'] = GO::config()->default_time_format; $attr['sort_name'] = GO::config()->default_sort_name; $attr['max_rows_list'] = GO::config()->default_max_rows_list; $attr['disk_quota'] = GO::config()->default_diskquota; return $attr; }