/** * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __construct($dsn = '', $username = '', $passwd = '', array $pdo_driver_opts = array(), array $extra_opts = array()) { $pri_col_not_set_exception = null; try { parent::__construct($dsn, $username, $passwd, $pdo_driver_opts, $extra_opts); } catch (\GDAO\ModelPrimaryColNameNotSetDuringConstructionException $e) { //$this->_primary_col (primary key colun has not yet been set) //hold this exception for later if necessary $pri_col_not_set_exception = $e; } DBConnector::configure($dsn, null, $dsn); //use $dsn as connection name in 3rd parameter DBConnector::configure('username', $username, $dsn); //use $dsn as connection name in 3rd parameter DBConnector::configure('password', $passwd, $dsn); //use $dsn as connection name in 3rd parameter if (count($pdo_driver_opts) > 0) { DBConnector::configure('driver_options', $pdo_driver_opts, $dsn); //use $dsn as connection name in 3rd parameter } foreach ($extra_opts as $e_opt_key => $e_opt_val) { if (is_string($e_opt_key) && in_array($e_opt_key, static::$_valid_extra_opts_keys_4_dbconnector)) { DBConnector::configure($e_opt_key, $e_opt_val, $dsn); //use $dsn as connection name in 3rd parameter } } $this->_db_connector = DBConnector::create($dsn); //use $dsn as connection name $this->_pdo_driver_name = $this->getPDO()->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Get and Set Table Schema Meta Data if Not Already Set //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (empty($this->_table_cols) || count($this->_table_cols) <= 0) { // a column definition factory $column_factory = new ColumnFactory(); $schema_class_name = '\\Aura\\SqlSchema\\' . ucfirst($this->_pdo_driver_name) . 'Schema'; // the schema discovery object $schema = new $schema_class_name($this->getPDO(), $column_factory); $this->_table_cols = array(); $schema_definitions = $schema->fetchTableCols($this->_table_name); foreach ($schema_definitions as $colname => $metadata_obj) { $this->_table_cols[$colname] = array(); $this->_table_cols[$colname]['name'] = $metadata_obj->name; $this->_table_cols[$colname]['type'] = $metadata_obj->type; $this->_table_cols[$colname]['size'] = $metadata_obj->size; $this->_table_cols[$colname]['scale'] = $metadata_obj->scale; $this->_table_cols[$colname]['notnull'] = $metadata_obj->notnull; $this->_table_cols[$colname]['default'] = $metadata_obj->default; $this->_table_cols[$colname]['autoinc'] = $metadata_obj->autoinc; $this->_table_cols[$colname]['primary'] = $metadata_obj->primary; if (is_null($this->_primary_col) && $metadata_obj->primary) { //this is a primary column $this->_primary_col = $metadata_obj->name; } } } //if $this->_primary_col is still null at this point, throw an exception. if (is_null($this->_primary_col)) { throw $pri_col_not_set_exception; } $table_cols = $this->getTableColNames(); foreach ($this->_relations as $relation_name => $relation_info) { if (in_array($relation_name, $table_cols)) { //Error trying to add a relation whose name collides with an actual //name of a column in the db table associated with this model. $msg = "ERROR: You cannont add a relationship with the name '{$relation_name}' " . " to the Model (" . get_class($this) . "). The database table " . " '{$this->getTableName()}' associated with the " . " model (" . get_class($this) . ") already contains" . " a column with the same name." . PHP_EOL . get_class($this) . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '(...).' . PHP_EOL; throw new \GDAO\Model\RecordRelationWithSameNameAsAnExistingDBTableColumnNameException($msg); } } }
public function __construct($dsn = '', $uname = '', $pswd = '', $pdo_drv_opts = [], $ext_opts = []) { if ($dsn || $uname || $pswd || $pdo_drv_opts || $ext_opts) { parent::__construct($dsn, $uname, $pswd, $pdo_drv_opts, $ext_opts); } }