function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); if (isset($form->data['chrono_security_answer'])) { $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); $session_key = $config->get('session_key', ''); if (empty($session_key)) { $session_key = $form->form['Form']['title']; } $sessionvar = $session->get("chrono_security_answers_" . $session_key, array()); $session->clear("chrono_security_answers_" . $session_key); $chrono_security_answer = strtolower(trim($form->data['chrono_security_answer'])); if (!in_array($chrono_security_answer, $sessionvar)) { $this->events['fail'] = 1; $form->errors['chrono_security_answer'] = $config->get('error', "You have entered a wrong security question's answer."); $form->data['chrono_security_answer'] = ''; $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "Failed the answer check!"; } else { $this->events['success'] = 1; $form->data['chrono_security_answer'] = ''; $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "Passed the answer check!"; } } else { $this->events['fail'] = 1; $form->errors['chrono_security_answer'] = $config->get('error', "You have entered a wrong security question's answer."); $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "Couldn't find the answer field value in the \$_POST array!"; } }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); $session_key = $config->get('session_key', ''); if (empty($session_key)) { $session_key = $form->form['Form']['title']; } $sessionvar = $session->get('chrono_honeypot_' . $session_key, array()); $session->clear('chrono_honeypot_' . $session_key); $field_name = !empty($sessionvar['name']) ? $sessionvar['name'] : ''; $time = !empty($sessionvar['time']) ? $sessionvar['time'] : time(); //check field exists if (!empty($field_name) and !empty($form->data[$field_name])) { //check time if ((int) $config->get('time', 5) + $time > time()) { $this->events['fail'] = 1; $form->errors['chrono_honeypot'] = $config->get('error', "Honeypot check failed."); $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "Time too short"; return false; } } else { $this->events['fail'] = 1; $form->errors['chrono_honeypot'] = $config->get('error', "Honeypot check failed."); $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "Token mismatch"; return false; } $this->events['success'] = 1; $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "Honeypot check passed."; return true; }
public static function on_editor_load() { self::$settings = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSettings('editors'); if (self::$settings->get('active_editor', 'tinymce') == 'tinymce') { $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); //$doc->_('jquery'); $doc->addJsFile(\GCore\C::get('GCORE_FRONT_URL') . 'extensions/editors/assets/tinymce/tinymce.min.js'); return true; } else { if (self::$settings->get('active_editor', 'tinymce') == 'ckeditor') { $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->addJsFile(\GCore\C::get('GCORE_FRONT_URL') . 'extensions/editors/assets/ckeditor/ckeditor.js'); return true; } else { if (self::$settings->get('active_editor', 'tinymce') == 'sceditor') { $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->addCssFile(\GCore\C::get('GCORE_FRONT_URL') . 'extensions/editors/assets/sceditor/themes/default.min.css'); $doc->addCssFile(\GCore\C::get('GCORE_FRONT_URL') . 'extensions/editors/assets/sceditor/jquery.sceditor.default.min.css'); $doc->addJsFile(\GCore\C::get('GCORE_FRONT_URL') . 'extensions/editors/assets/sceditor/jquery.sceditor.bbcode.min.js'); return true; } } } }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $model_id = $config->get('model_id', 'Data'); $model_id = empty($model_id) ? 'Data' : $model_id; if ($config->get('enabled', 0)) { if ($config->get('ndb_enable', 0)) { \GCore\Libs\Model::generateModel($model_id, array('tablename' => $config->get('ndb_table_name', ''), 'dbo_config' => array('type' => $config->get('ndb_driver', 'mysql'), 'host' => $config->get('ndb_host', 'localhost'), 'name' => $config->get('ndb_database', ''), 'user' => $config->get('ndb_user', ''), 'pass' => $config->get('ndb_password', ''), 'prefix' => $config->get('ndb_prefix', 'jos_')))); } else { if (!$config->get('tablename', '')) { return; } //\GCore\Libs\Model::generateModel($model_id, array('tablename' => $config->get('tablename', ''))); $class_code = ' namespace GCore\\Models; if(!class_exists("\\GCore\\Models\\' . $model_id . '", false)){ class ' . $model_id . ' extends \\GCore\\Libs\\Model { var $tablename = "' . $config->get('tablename', '') . '"; function beforeSave(&$data, &$params, $mode){ if($mode == "create" AND empty($data["uniq_id"])){ $data["uniq_id"] = \\GCore\\Libs\\Str::rand(); } } } } '; eval($class_code); } $model_class = '\\GCore\\Models\\' . $model_id; if (!class_exists($model_class)) { $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title]['Queries'] = "Error creating the model class, please try a different model id."; return; } $data = $form->data; if ((bool) $config->get('save_under_modelid', 0) === true) { $data = $form->data[$model_id]; } $user = \GCore\Libs\Base::getUser(); $conditions = eval('?>' . $config->get('conditions', '')); $initial_queries = $model_class::getInstance()->dbo->log; if ((bool) $config->get('multi_save', 0) === true) { //$data['user_id'] = !empty($data['user_id']) ? $data['user_id'] : $user['id']; $model_class::getInstance()->saveAll($data, array('new' => (bool) $config->get('force_save', 0), 'conditions' => $conditions)); } else { $data['user_id'] = !empty($data['user_id']) ? $data['user_id'] : $user['id']; $model_class::getInstance()->save($data, array('new' => (bool) $config->get('force_save', 0), 'conditions' => $conditions)); } //insert the pkey value to data if ((bool) $config->get('save_under_modelid', 0) === true) { $form->data[$model_id][$model_class::getInstance()->pkey] = $model_class::getInstance()->id; } else { $form->data[$model_class::getInstance()->pkey] = $model_class::getInstance()->id; } $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title]['Queries'] = array_values(array_diff($model_class::getInstance()->dbo->log, $initial_queries)); } }
function beforeDelete(&$conditions, $params = array()) { parent::beforeDelete($conditions, $params); $ids = $this->get_ids_of_conditions($conditions); if (count(array_intersect($this->default_items, $ids)) > 0) { $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); $session->setFlash('error', l_('USERS_CANT_DELETE_SITE_OWNER')); return false; } }
function __construct($area, $joption, $extension, $setup = null, $cont_vars = array()) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'gcloader.php'; if (phpversion('pdo') !== false and in_array('mysql', PDO::getAvailableDrivers())) { //good, we use PDO \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_adapter', 'joomla'); } else { \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_adapter', 'joomla'); } \GCore\C::set('EXTENSIONS_PATHS', array(dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'admin' . DS . 'extensions' . DS => JPATH_SITE . DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS, dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'extensions' . DS => JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS)); \GCore\C::set('EXTENSIONS_URLS', array(\JFactory::getURI()->root() . 'libraries/cegcore/admin/extensions/' => \JFactory::getURI()->root() . 'administrator/components/', \JFactory::getURI()->root() . 'libraries/cegcore/extensions/' => \JFactory::getURI()->root() . 'components/')); \GCore\C::set('EXTENSIONS_NAMES', array('chronomigrator' => 'com_chronomigrator', 'chronoforms' => 'com_chronoforms5', 'chronoconnectivity' => 'com_chronoconnectivity5', 'chronoforums' => 'com_chronoforums', 'chronolistings' => 'com_chronolistings', 'chronocommunity' => 'com_chronocommunity', 'chronosearch' => 'com_chronosearch', 'chronocontact' => 'com_chronocontact', $extension => 'com_' . $joption)); //GCore\Libs\Url::$root_ext = array('components', 'com_'.$joption); \GCore\Bootstrap::initialize('joomla', array('component' => 'com_' . $joption, 'ext' => $extension)); $tvout = strlen(\GCore\Libs\Request::data('tvout', null)) > 0 ? \GCore\Libs\Request::data('tvout') : ''; $controller = \GCore\Libs\Request::data('cont', ''); $action = \GCore\Libs\Request::data('act', ''); if (is_callable($setup)) { $return_vars = $setup(); if (!empty($return_vars)) { $cont_vars = array_merge($cont_vars, $return_vars); } } if (isset($cont_vars['controller'])) { $controller = $cont_vars['controller']; } if (isset($cont_vars['action'])) { $action = $cont_vars['action']; } $cont_vars['_app_thread'] = 'gcore'; ob_start(); echo \GCore\Libs\AppJ::call($area, $extension, $controller, $action, $cont_vars); $output = ob_get_clean(); $output = \GCore\C::fix_urls($output); if ($tvout == 'ajax') { echo $output; $mainframe = \JFactory::getApplication(); $mainframe->close(); } else { ob_start(); $toolbar = \GCore\Helpers\Module::render(array('type' => 'toolbar', 'site' => 'admin', 'params' => '')); $messages = \GCore\Libs\AppJ::getSystemMessages(); echo \GCore\Libs\AppJ::getHeader(); if ($toolbar) { echo $toolbar; echo '<div style="clear:both;"></div>'; } echo $messages; //echo \GCore\Libs\AppJ::getHeader(); $system_output = ob_get_clean(); $system_output = \GCore\C::fix_urls($system_output); echo $system_output; echo $output; } }
public static function __callStatic($name, $args) { $class_name = get_called_class(); $class_id = \GCore\Libs\Str::uncamilize(\GCore\Libs\Base::getClassName($class_name)); $class_id .= '_'; if (method_exists(\GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance(), $class_id . $name)) { return call_user_func_array(array(\GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance(), $class_id . $name), $args); } if (method_exists($class_name, $class_id . $name)) { return call_user_func_array(array($class_name, $class_id . $name), $args); } }
function index() { //apply updates $sql = file_get_contents(\GCore\C::ext_path('chronoforms', 'admin') . 'sql' . DS . 'install.chronoforms.sql'); $queries = \GCore\Libs\Database::getInstance()->split_sql($sql); foreach ($queries as $query) { \GCore\Libs\Database::getInstance()->exec(\GCore\Libs\Database::getInstance()->_prefixTable($query)); } $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); $session->setFlash('success', l_('CF_DB_TABLES_INSTALLED')); $this->redirect(r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms')); }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); $session_ns = $config->get('namespace', ''); $session_key = $config->get('key', ''); if (empty($session_key)) { $session_key = $form->form['Form']['title']; } if (empty($session_ns)) { $session_ns = 'default'; } $form->data = array_merge($form->data, $session->get('_chronoform_data_' . $session_key, array())); //clear the session if the clear option is set to yes if ((bool) $config->get('clear', 0) === true) { $session->clear('_chronoform_data_' . $session_key); } }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); //extract questions $q_as = explode("\n", $config->get('questions', '')); $rand = rand(0, count($q_as) - 1); $choosen = explode("=", $q_as[$rand]); $answers = explode(',', trim($choosen[1])); foreach ($answers as $k => $answer) { $answers[$k] = strtolower($answer); } $session_key = $config->get('session_key', ''); if (empty($session_key)) { $session_key = $form->form['Form']['title']; } $session->set('chrono_security_answers_' . $session_key, $answers); $form->form['Form']['content'] = str_replace('{chrono_security_question}', trim($choosen[0]), $form->form['Form']['content']); }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = !empty($form->actions_config[$action_id]) ? $form->actions_config[$action_id] : array(); $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); $session_key = $config->get('session_key', ''); if (empty($session_key)) { $session_key = $form->form['Form']['title']; } if ($config->get('reset', 0)) { $session->set('_chronoforms_paging_data_' . $session_key, array()); $session->set('_chronoforms_paging_files_' . $session_key, array()); } $stored_data = $session->get('_chronoforms_paging_data_' . $session_key, array()); $stored_files = $session->get('_chronoforms_paging_files_' . $session_key, array()); $session->set('_chronoforms_paging_data_' . $session_key, $this->merge($stored_data, $form->data)); $session->set('_chronoforms_paging_files_' . $session_key, array_merge($stored_files, $form->files)); $form->data = $this->merge($stored_data, $form->data); $form->files = array_merge($session->get('_chronoforms_paging_files_' . $session_key, array()), $form->files); }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); $limit = (int) $config->get('limit', 20); $form_title = $form->form['Form']['title']; //limit exists $last_submit = $session->get($form_title . '.submit_limit.limit', 0); //form has been submitted this session if (!empty($last_submit)) { if ($last_submit + $limit > time()) { $this->events['fail'] = 1; if ($config->get('message', '')) { $session->setFlash('error', $config->get('message', '')); } return; } } $session->set($form_title . '.submit_limit.limit', time()); //$this->events['good_submit'] = 1; return; }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); $session_ns = $config->get('namespace', ''); $session_key = $config->get('key', ''); if (empty($session_key)) { $session_key = $form->form['Form']['title']; } if (empty($session_ns)) { $session_ns = 'default'; } if ($session->has('_chronoform_data_' . $session_key)) { $stored = $session->get('_chronoform_data_' . $session_key, array()); if (!empty($stored) and is_array($stored) and (bool) $config->get('merge', 0) === true) { $session->set('_chronoform_data_' . $session_key, array_merge($stored, $form->data)); } else { $session->set('_chronoform_data_' . $session_key, $form->data); } } else { $session->set('_chronoform_data_' . $session_key, $form->data); } }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $mainframe = \JFactory::getApplication(); //set data $user = \GCore\Libs\Base::getUser(); $article_data['created_by'] = $user['id']; $article_data['access'] = $config->get('access', 1); $article_data['created'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $article_data['catid'] = $config->get('catid', ''); $article_data['sectionid'] = $config->get('sectionid', 0); $article_data['state'] = $config->get('state', 0); $article_data['title'] = $form->data($config->get('title', '')); $article_data['fulltext'] = $form->data($config->get('fulltext', '')); $article_data['introtext'] = strlen($form->data($config->get('introtext', ''))) ? $form->data($config->get('introtext', '')) : ''; //$article_data['created_by_alias'] = $form->data[$config->get('created_by_alias', '')]; $article_data['language'] = '*'; //alias $article_data['alias'] = \JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($article_data['title']); //$article_data['id'] = null; \GCore\Libs\GModel::generateModel('CFJArticle', array('tablename' => '#__content')); \GCore\Models\CFJArticle::getInstance()->save($article_data); }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $model_id = $config->get('model_id', 'Data'); $model_id = empty($model_id) ? 'Data' : $model_id; if ($config->get('tablename', '')) { \GCore\Libs\Model::generateModel($model_id, array('tablename' => $config->get('tablename', ''))); $model_class = '\\GCore\\Models\\' . $model_id; $data = $form->data; if ((bool) $config->get('save_under_modelid', 0) === true) { $data = $form->data[$model_id]; } $user = \GCore\Libs\Base::getUser(); $data['user_id'] = $user['id']; $initial_queries = $model_class::getInstance()->dbo->log; if ((bool) $config->get('multi_save', 0) === true) { $model_class::getInstance()->saveAll($data); } else { $model_class::getInstance()->save($data); } $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title]['Queries'] = array_values(array_diff($model_class::getInstance()->dbo->log, $initial_queries)); } }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); //extract questions $field_name = \GCore\Libs\Str::rand(); $session_key = $config->get('session_key', ''); if (empty($session_key)) { $session_key = $form->form['Form']['title']; } $session->set('chrono_honeypot_' . $session_key, array('name' => $field_name, 'time' => time())); $field_code = \GCore\Helpers\Html::input($field_name, array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 1)); if ($config->get('method', 'static') == 'static') { $form->form['Form']['content'] = $form->form['Form']['content'] . $field_code; } else { $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); $doc->addJsCode(' jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $("#chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . '").append(\'' . $field_code . '\'); }); '); } }
public function getList($lang = array()) { $dropdown = \GCore\Helpers\Html::input('limit', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'values' => $this->limit, 'class' => 'SS', 'onchange' => "jQuery(this).closest('form').submit();", 'options' => array(5 => 5, 10 => 10, 15 => 15, 20 => 20, 30 => 30, 50 => 50, 100 => 100, \GCore\Libs\Base::getConfig('max_list_limit', 1000) => self::l_('PAGINATOR_ALL', $lang)))); //$text = sprintf(self::l_('PAGINATOR_SHOW_X_ENTRIES', $lang), $dropdown); $full = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $dropdown, array('class' => 'gcore-datatable-list')); return $full; }
function __construct($domain = 'gcore', $params = array('dir' => '', 'expiration' => 0)) { $this->dir = empty($params['dir']) ? \GCore\C::get('GCORE_FRONT_PATH') . 'cache' . DS : $params['dir']; $this->expiration = !empty($params['expiration']) ? $params['expiration'] : \GCore\Libs\Base::getConfig('app_cache_expiry', 900); $this->domain = $domain; }
public static function display($type = 0, $key = 'gcore_captcha') { @error_reporting(0); $alphanum = 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz'; $front_chars = substr(str_shuffle($alphanum), 0, 5); $back_chars = substr(str_shuffle($alphanum), 0, 7); $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); $session->set($key, md5(strtolower($front_chars))); header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Content-type: image/png'); switch ($type) { case 1: $font = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'default.ttf'; $image_size = imagettfbbox(20, 0, $font, 'X'); $image_size = 5 * (abs($image_size[2] - $image_size[0]) + 7); $width = $image_size; $height = 40; $im = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); // Create some colors $white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $grey = imagecolorallocate($im, 128, 128, 128); $greylight = imagecolorallocate($im, 199, 199, 199); $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); //create the background image rect imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1, $white); // The text to draw $chars = array(); $chars2 = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($front_chars); $i++) { $chars[] = $front_chars[$i]; } for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($back_chars); $i++) { $chars2[] = $back_chars[$i]; } $square_count = 6; for ($i = 0; $i < $square_count; $i++) { $cx = (int) rand(0, $width / 2); $cy = (int) rand(0, $height); $h = $cy + (int) rand(0, $height / 5); $w = $cx + (int) rand($width / 3, $width); imagefilledrectangle($im, $cx, $cy, $w, $h, $greylight); } $ellipse_count = 5; for ($i = 0; $i < $ellipse_count; $i++) { $cx = (int) rand(-1 * ($width / 2), $width + $width / 2); $cy = (int) rand(-1 * ($height / 2), $height + $height / 2); $h = (int) rand($height / 2, 2 * $height); $w = (int) rand($width / 2, 2 * $width); imageellipse($im, $cx, $cy, $w, $h, $black); } $back_char_size = 20; $back_char_angle = 0; $back_char_x = 10; $back_char_y = 25; $bbox2 = array(); $bbox2[0] = 0; $bbox2[2] = 0; foreach ($chars2 as $char2) { $back_char_angle = rand(-20, 20); $back_char_size = rand(15, 20); $back_char_y = rand(0, 40); imagettftext($im, $back_char_size, $back_char_angle, $back_char_x, $back_char_y, $greylight, $font, $char2); $bbox2 = imagettfbbox($back_char_size, $back_char_angle, $font, $char2); $back_char_x = $back_char_x + abs($bbox2[2] - $bbox2[0]) + 3; } $front_char_size = 20; $front_char_angle = 0; $front_char_x = 10; $front_char_y = 25; $bbox = array(); $bbox[0] = 0; $bbox[2] = 0; // Add the text foreach ($chars as $char) { $front_char_angle = rand(-20, 20); //$front_char_size = rand(15, 20); imagettftext($im, $front_char_size, $front_char_angle, $front_char_x, $front_char_y, $black, $font, $char); $bbox = imagettfbbox($front_char_size, $front_char_angle, $font, $char); $front_char_x = $front_char_x + abs($bbox[2] - $bbox[0]) + 3; } // Using imagepng() results in clearer text compared with imagejpeg() imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im); break; case 0: default: $image = imagecreatefrompng(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'background.png'); $greylight = imagecolorallocate($image, 199, 199, 199); $black = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0); imagestring($image, 5, 8, 14, $back_chars, $greylight); imagestring($image, 5, 5, 11, $front_chars, $black); imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); break; } exit; }
function validateinstall() { $domain = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), '', \GCore\Libs\Url::domain()); $this->set('domain', $domain); if (!empty($this->data['license_key'])) { $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); $fields = ''; $update_fld = 'validated'; if ($this->data['pid'] == 18) { $update_fld = 'validated_paypal'; } if ($this->data['pid'] == 7) { $update_fld = 'validated_authorize'; } if ($this->data['pid'] == 31) { $update_fld = 'validated_2checkout'; } //$postfields = array(); unset($this->data['option']); unset($this->data['act']); foreach ($this->data as $key => $value) { $fields .= "{$key}=" . urlencode($value) . "&"; } $target_url = ''; $output = '-'; if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $output = file_get_contents($target_url . '&' . rtrim($fields, "& ")); } else { if (function_exists('curl_version')) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $target_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, rtrim($fields, "& ")); $output = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } } if ($output == '-') { $session->setFlash('error', 'Validation error, Could not connect to the remote server, your host does not have neither the CURL nor the allow_url_fopen.'); $this->redirect(r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms')); } $validstatus = $output; if ($validstatus == 'valid') { parent::_settings('chronoforms'); $this->data['Chronoforms'][$update_fld] = 1; $result = parent::_save_settings('chronoforms'); if ($result) { $session->setFlash('success', 'Validated successfully.'); $this->redirect(r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms')); } else { $session->setFlash('error', 'Validation error.'); } } else { if ($validstatus == 'invalid') { parent::_settings('chronoforms'); $this->data['Chronoforms'][$update_fld] = 0; $result = parent::_save_settings('chronoforms'); $session->setFlash('error', 'Validation error, you have provided incorrect data.'); $this->redirect(r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms')); } else { if (!empty($this->data['instantcode'])) { $step1 = base64_decode(trim($this->data['instantcode'])); $step2 = str_replace(substr(md5(str_replace('www.', '', strtolower($matches[2]))), 0, 7), '', $step1); $step3 = str_replace(substr(md5(str_replace('www.', '', strtolower($matches[2]))), -strlen(md5(str_replace('www.', '', strtolower($matches[2])))) + 7), '', $step2); $step4 = str_replace(substr($this->data['license_key'], 0, 10), '', $step3); $step5 = str_replace(substr($this->data['license_key'], -strlen($this->data['license_key']) + 10), '', $step4); //echo (int)$step5;return; //if((((int)$step5 + (24 * 60 * 60)) > strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')))||(((int)$step5 - (24 * 60 * 60)) < strtotime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s')))){ if ((int) $step5 < strtotime("now") + 24 * 60 * 60 and (int) $step5 > strtotime("now") - 24 * 60 * 60) { parent::_settings('chronoforms'); $this->data['Chronoforms'][$update_fld] = 1; $result = parent::_save_settings('chronoforms'); if ($result) { $session->setFlash('success', 'Validated successfully.'); $this->redirect(r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms')); } else { $session->setFlash('error', 'Validation error.'); } } else { $session->setFlash('error', 'Validation error, Invalid instant code provided.'); $this->redirect(r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms')); } } else { if (!empty($this->data['serial_number'])) { $blocks = explode("-", trim($this->data['serial_number'])); $hash = md5($this->data['pid'] . $this->data['license_key'] . str_replace('www.', '', $domain) . $blocks[3]); if (substr($hash, 0, 7) == $blocks[4]) { parent::_settings('chronoforms'); $this->data['Chronoforms'][$update_fld] = 1; $result = parent::_save_settings('chronoforms'); if ($result) { $session->setFlash('success', 'Validated successfully.'); $this->redirect(r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms')); } else { $session->setFlash('error', 'Validation error.'); } } else { $session->setFlash('error', 'Serial number invalid!'); } } $session->setFlash('error', 'Validation error, please try again using the Instant Code, or please contact us on'); $this->redirect(r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms')); } } } } }
function dispatch($content_only = false) { Event::trigger('on_before_dispatch', $this); $session = Base::getSession(); reset: //if no action set, set it to index if (strlen(trim($this->action)) == 0) { $this->action = 'index'; } //set admin path $site = ''; if ($this->site == 'admin') { $site = '\\Admin'; } //load the extension class $controller = !empty($this->controller) ? '\\Controllers\\' . Str::camilize($this->controller) : '\\' . Str::camilize($this->extension); $extension = !empty($this->extension) ? '\\Extensions\\' . Str::camilize($this->extension) : ''; $classname = '\\GCore' . $site . $extension . $controller; $this->tvout = strlen(Request::data('tvout', null)) > 0 ? Request::data('tvout') : $this->tvout; //set referer if (!$content_only) { if (!($this->controller == 'users' and ($this->action == 'login' or $this->action == 'logout' or $this->action == 'register')) and (!empty($this->extension) or !empty($this->controller)) and $this->tvout == 'index') { //$session->set('_referer', Url::current()); } else { //$session->set('_referer', 'index.php'); } } $G_User = $session->get('user', array()); //check permissions /* $J_User = \JFactory::getUser(); if(empty($J_User->groups) OR empty($G_User['groups']) OR (array_values($J_User->groups) !== $G_User['groups']) OR empty($G_User['inheritance'])){ $user_session = array(); $user_session['id'] = $J_User->id; $user_session['name'] = $J_User->name; $user_session['username'] = $J_User->username; $user_session['email'] = $J_User->email; $user_session['last_login'] = $J_User->lastvisitDate; $user_session['logged_in'] = !$J_User->guest; $user_session['guest'] = $J_User->guest; $user_session['groups'] = empty($J_User->groups) ? array(1) : array_values($J_User->groups); $user_session['inheritance'] = array(); if(!empty($J_User->groups)){ //sort groups $groups = \GCore\Admin\Models\Group::getInstance()->find('all', array('order' => 'Group.parent_id ASC')); if(!empty($groups)){ reloop: foreach($groups as $group){ //if this group exists in the user's groups or its inheitance then add its parent_id if(in_array($group['Group']['id'], $user_session['groups']) OR in_array($group['Group']['id'], $user_session['inheritance'])){ $user_session['inheritance'][] = $group['Group']['parent_id']; } } //find the number of occurances of each group in the inheritane $groups_counted = array_count_values($user_session['inheritance']); //if the count of root parent (0 parent_id) is less than the count of user's groups then not all pathes have been found, reloop if((count($user_session['groups']) AND !isset($groups_counted[0])) OR $groups_counted[0] < count($user_session['groups'])){ goto reloop; }else{ $user_session['inheritance'] = array_unique($user_session['inheritance']); } } } if($session->get('user', array()) !== $user_session){ $session->clear('acos_permissions'); } $session->set('user', array_merge($session->get('user', array()), $user_session)); } */ //set timezone date_default_timezone_set(get_option('timezone_string')); //site title \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('site_title', get_bloginfo('name')); /*if(!Authorize::authorized($classname, $this->action)){ if($content_only){ return; } $this->redirect(r_('index.php?cont=users&act=login')); }*/ //if the extension class not found or the action function not found then load an error if (!class_exists($classname) or !in_array($this->action, get_class_methods($classname)) and !in_array('__call', get_class_methods($classname)) or substr($this->action, 0, 1) == '_') { $this->controller = 'errors'; $this->action = 'e404'; //reset the controller //$classname = '\GCore\Controllers\Errors'; $this->buffer = 'Page not found'; \GCore\Libs\Env::e404(); //we need the rendered content only if ($content_only) { return; } } //load language file if (!empty($extension)) { Lang::load($site . $extension); } //set theme $doc = Document::getInstance($this->site, $this->thread); $doc->theme = 'bootstrap3'; //$theme = \GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance(); //load class and run the action ${$classname} = new $classname($this->site, $this->thread); ob_start(); $continue = ${$classname}->_initialize(); //check and read cache if (!empty(${$classname}->cache)) { if (!is_array(${$classname}->cache)) { ${$classname}->cache = array(); } if (empty(${$classname}->cache['time'])) { ${$classname}->cache['time'] = Base::getConfig('app_cache_expiry', 900); } if (empty(${$classname}->cache['title'])) { ${$classname}->cache['title'] = File::makeSafe($classname . '_' . $this->action); } else { ${$classname}->cache['title'] = File::makeSafe(${$classname}->cache['title']); } if (empty(${$classname}->cache['key'])) { ${$classname}->cache['key'] = 'cached_view'; } else { ${$classname}->cache['key'] = 'cached_view_' . ${$classname}->cache['key']; } $cache = Cache::getInstance(${$classname}->cache['title'], array('expiration' => ${$classname}->cache['time'])); $cached_view = $cache->get(${$classname}->cache['key']); $cached = false; if (!empty($cached_view)) { $cached = true; $continue = false; echo $cached_view; } } if ($continue !== false) { ${$classname}->{$this->action}(); if ($this->reset === true) { $this->reset = false; goto reset; } //initialize and render view $view = new View(); $view->initialize(${$classname}); $view->renderView($this->action); } //get the action output buffer $this->buffer = ob_get_clean(); //check and save cache if (!empty(${$classname}->cache) and !$cached) { $cache = Cache::getInstance(${$classname}->cache['title'], array('expiration' => ${$classname}->cache['time'])); $cache->set(${$classname}->cache['key'], $this->buffer); } //finalize ob_start(); ${$classname}->_finalize(); $this->buffer .= ob_get_clean(); //now load the theme files $theme = \GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance(); $doc->_('gtabs'); $doc->_('gsliders'); $doc->_('gmodal'); $doc->_('gdropdown'); ob_start(); ?> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $('[data-g-toggle="tab"]').closest('.nav').gtabs({ 'pane_selector':'.tab-pane', 'tab_selector':'[data-g-toggle="tab"]', }); $('[data-g-toggle="collapse"]').closest('.panel-group').gsliders({ 'pane_selector':'.panel-collapse', 'tab_selector':'[data-g-toggle="collapse"]', 'active_pane_class':'in', }); $('[data-g-toggle="modal"]').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $modal = $($(this).data('g-target')); $modal.gmodal({ 'close_selector' : '[data-g-dismiss="modal"]', }); $modal.gmodal('open'); }); $('.gdropdown').gdropdown(); $('[data-g-toggle="dropdown"]').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().find('.gdropdown').gdropdown('toggle'); }); }); <?php $js = ob_get_clean(); $doc->addJsCode($js); if ($this->tvout != 'ajax' and strpos($doc->theme, 'bootstrap3') !== false) { $this->buffer = '<div class="gbs3">' . $this->buffer . '</div>'; } //Event::trigger('on_after_dispatch'); }
function save() { $this->save_model = $this->pmodel; $result = parent::_save(); if ($result) { if ($this->Request->get('save_act') == 'apply') { $this->redirect(r_('index.php?ext=chronoconnectivity&cont=lists&act=edit&ccname=' . $this->connection['Connection']['title'] . '&gcb=' . $this->pmodel->id)); } else { $this->redirect(r_('index.php?ext=chronoconnectivity&cont=lists&act=index&ccname=' . $this->connection['Connection']['title'])); } } else { $this->edit(); $this->view = 'edit'; $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); $session->setFlash('error', \GCore\Libs\Arr::flatten($this->pmodel->errors)); } }
public static function initialize($plathform = '', $params = array()) { switch ($plathform) { default: //CONSTANTS \GCore\C::set('GCORE_FRONT_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . DS); \GCore\C::set('GCORE_ADMIN_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'admin' . DS); //initialize language \GCore\Libs\Lang::initialize(); //SET ERROR CONFIG if ((int) Libs\Base::getConfig('error_reporting') != 1) { error_reporting((int) Libs\Base::getConfig('error_reporting')); } if ((bool) Libs\Base::getConfig('debug') === true) { \GCore\Libs\Error::initialize(); } //timezone date_default_timezone_set(Libs\Base::getConfig('timezone', 'UTC')); break; } if ($plathform == 'joomla') { $mainframe = \JFactory::getApplication(); \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_host', $mainframe->getCfg('host')); $dbtype = $mainframe->getCfg('dbtype') == 'mysqli' ? 'mysql' : $mainframe->getCfg('dbtype'); \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_type', $dbtype); \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_name', $mainframe->getCfg('db')); \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_user', $mainframe->getCfg('user')); \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_pass', $mainframe->getCfg('password')); \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_prefix', $mainframe->getCfg('dbprefix')); \GCore\C::set('GSITE_PLATFORM', 'joomla'); \GCore\C::set('GCORE_FRONT_URL', \JFactory::getURI()->root() . 'libraries/cegcore/'); \GCore\C::set('GCORE_ADMIN_URL', \JFactory::getURI()->root() . 'libraries/cegcore/admin/'); \GCore\C::set('GCORE_ROOT_URL', \JFactory::getURI()->root()); \GCore\C::set('GCORE_ROOT_PATH', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DS); $lang = \JFactory::getLanguage(); \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('site_language', $lang->getTag()); } else { if ($plathform == 'wordpress') { global $wpdb; \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_host', DB_HOST); $dbtype = 'mysql'; \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_type', $dbtype); \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_name', DB_NAME); \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_user', DB_USER); \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_pass', DB_PASSWORD); \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('db_prefix', $wpdb->prefix); \GCore\C::set('GSITE_PLATFORM', 'wordpress'); \GCore\C::set('GCORE_FRONT_URL', plugins_url() . '/' . $params['component'] . '/cegcore/'); \GCore\C::set('GCORE_ADMIN_URL', plugins_url() . '/' . $params['component'] . '/cegcore/admin/'); \GCore\C::set('GCORE_ROOT_URL', site_url() . '/'); \GCore\C::set('GCORE_ROOT_PATH', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . DS); \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('site_language', get_bloginfo('language')); //change the default page parameter string because WP uses the param "page" \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('page_url_param_name', 'page_num'); if (function_exists('wp_magic_quotes')) { $stripslashes_wp = function (&$value) { $value = stripslashes($value); }; array_walk_recursive($_GET, $stripslashes_wp); array_walk_recursive($_POST, $stripslashes_wp); array_walk_recursive($_COOKIE, $stripslashes_wp); array_walk_recursive($_REQUEST, $stripslashes_wp); } } else { \GCore\C::set('GSITE_PLATFORM', ''); \GCore\C::set('GCORE_FRONT_URL', \GCore\Libs\Url::root()); \GCore\C::set('GCORE_ADMIN_URL', \GCore\Libs\Url::root() . 'admin/'); \GCore\C::set('GCORE_ROOT_URL', \GCore\C::get('GCORE_FRONT_URL')); \GCore\C::set('GCORE_ROOT_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . DS); } } \GCore\C::set('GSITE_PATH', \GCore\C::get('GCORE_' . strtoupper(GCORE_SITE) . '_PATH')); \GCore\C::set('GSITE_URL', \GCore\C::get('GCORE_' . strtoupper(GCORE_SITE) . '_URL')); }
function _paginate() { $model_class = !empty($this->paginate_model) ? $this->paginate_model : null; if (empty($model_class)) { $alias = $this->get_main_model(); if (!empty($alias)) { $model_class = $this->{$alias}; } else { return; } } $prefix = ''; if (!empty($this->paginate_prefix)) { $prefix = '.' . $this->paginate_prefix; } //check if we should process pagination if (!empty($model_class) and in_array('\\GCore\\Helpers\\Paginator', $this->helpers) or in_array('\\GCore\\Helpers\\Paginator', array_keys($this->helpers))) { $session = Base::getSession(); $k = array_search('\\GCore\\Helpers\\Paginator', $this->helpers); if ($k !== false) { unset($this->helpers[$k]); } $page = Request::data(\GCore\Libs\Base::getConfig('page_url_param_name', 'page'), $session->get(get_class($this) . $prefix . '.' . $model_class->alias . '.page', 1)); $page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page; $active_limit = !empty($model_class->page_limit) ? $model_class->page_limit : Base::getConfig('list_limit', 30); $limit = Request::data('limit', $session->get(get_class($this) . $prefix . '.' . $model_class->alias . '.limit', $active_limit)); if ($limit == 0 or $limit > Base::getConfig('max_list_limit', 1000)) { $limit = Base::getConfig('max_list_limit', 1000); } if (!empty($model_class->limit)) { $limit = $model_class->limit; } if (!empty($model_class->page)) { $page = $model_class->page; } $offset = ($page - 1) * (int) $limit; $total = !empty($this->paginate_total) ? $this->paginate_total : $model_class->find('count', array('cache' => true)); $bad_page = false; if ($offset >= $total) { //$page = ceil($total/$limit); $bad_page = true; $page = ceil($total / $limit); $offset = $limit * ($page - 1); } $page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page; $offset = $offset < 0 ? 0 : $offset; $this->helpers['\\GCore\\Helpers\\Paginator']['limit'] = $limit; $this->helpers['\\GCore\\Helpers\\Paginator']['page'] = $page; $this->helpers['\\GCore\\Helpers\\Paginator']['offset'] = $offset; $this->helpers['\\GCore\\Helpers\\Paginator']['page_param'] = \GCore\Libs\Base::getConfig('page_url_param_name', 'page'); if (!$bad_page) { $session->set(get_class($this) . $prefix . '.' . $model_class->alias . '.page', $page); } $session->set(get_class($this) . $prefix . '.' . $model_class->alias . '.limit', $limit); $this->helpers['\\GCore\\Helpers\\Paginator']['total'] = $total; //page (limit and offset) should be set after the count query $model_class->page = $page; $model_class->page_limit = $limit; } }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = !empty($form->actions_config[$action_id]) ? $form->actions_config[$action_id] : array(); $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); //$doc->_('forms'); //check fields validation /* if(!empty($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'])){ $validations = array(); foreach($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'] as $k => $field){ if(!empty($field['validation'])){ foreach($field['validation'] as $rule => $rule_data){ $validations[$rule][] = $field['name'].(strlen(trim($rule_data)) > 0 ? ':'.$rule_data : ':'); } } if(!empty($field['inputs'])){ foreach($field['inputs'] as $fn => $field_input){ if(!empty($field_input['validation'])){ foreach($field_input['validation'] as $rule => $rule_data){ $validations[$rule][] = $field_input['name'].(strlen(trim($rule_data)) > 0 ? ':'.$rule_data : ':'); } } } } } foreach($validations as $rule => &$fields){ $fields = implode("\n", $fields); } $form->execute('client_validation', array('rules' => $validations)); } */ $theme = ''; if ($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'bootstrap3') { $theme = 'bootstrap3'; } else { if ($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'semantic1') { $theme = 'semantic1'; } else { if ($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'gcoreui') { $theme = 'gcoreui'; } else { if ($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'none') { $theme = 'none'; } } } } $doc->theme = $theme; \GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance(); if ($form->params->get('tight_layout', 0)) { $doc->addCssCode(' .gbs3 .gcore-form-row{margin-bottom:5px;} .gcore-form-row .gcore-line-td{margin:0;} '); } //check fields events if (!empty($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'])) { $events_codes = array(); $events_codes[] = 'jQuery(document).ready(function($){'; foreach ($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'] as $k => $field) { if (!empty($field['id']) and !empty($field['events'])) { if ($field['type'] == 'dropdown') { $change_event = 'change'; } else { $change_event = 'click'; } $_f = '$("[name=\'' . $field['name'] . '\']").on("' . $change_event . '", function(){'; $_l = '});'; $_m = array(); foreach ($field['events'] as $k => $event_data) { if (strlen($event_data['action']) and strlen($event_data['target'])) { $_m[] = $this->create_event($field, $event_data, $form); } } if (!empty($_m)) { $events_codes[] = $_f . "\n" . implode("\n", $_m) . "\n" . $_l; } } if (!empty($field['inputs'])) { foreach ($field['inputs'] as $fn => $field_input) { if (!empty($field_input['id']) and !empty($field_input['events'])) { if ($field_input['type'] == 'dropdown') { $change_event = 'change'; } else { $change_event = 'click'; } $_f = '$("[name=\'' . $field_input['name'] . '\']").on("' . $change_event . '", function(){'; $_l = '});'; $_m = array(); foreach ($field_input['events'] as $k => $event_data) { if (strlen($event_data['action']) and strlen($event_data['target'])) { $_m[] = $this->create_event($field_input, $event_data, $form); } } if (!empty($_m)) { $events_codes[] = $_f . "\n" . implode("\n", $_m) . "\n" . $_l; } } } } } $events_codes[] = '});'; if ((bool) $form->params->get('jquery', 1) === true) { $doc->_('jquery'); } $form->execute('js', array('content' => implode("\n", $events_codes))); } ob_start(); eval('?>' . $form->form['Form']['content']); $output = ob_get_clean(); //select the page to display $form_pages = explode('<!--_CHRONOFORMS_PAGE_BREAK_-->', $output); $active_page_index = (int) $config->get('page', 1) - 1; $output = $form_pages[$active_page_index]; //get current url $current_url = \GCore\Libs\Url::current(); if ((bool) $config->get('relative_url', 1) === false) { $current_url = r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms'); } //generate <form tag $form_tag = '<form'; $form_action = strlen($config->get('action_url', '')) > 0 ? $config->get('action_url', '') : \GCore\Libs\Url::buildQuery($current_url, array('chronoform' => $form->form['Form']['title'], 'event' => $config->get('submit_event', 'submit'))); $form_tag .= ' action="' . r_($form_action) . '"'; //get method $form_method = $config->get('form_method', 'post'); if ($config->get('form_method', 'post') == 'file') { $form_tag .= ' enctype="multipart/form-data"'; $form_method = 'post'; } $form_tag .= ' method="' . $form_method . '"'; $form_tag .= ' name="' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . '"'; $form_id = 'chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title']; $form_tag .= ' id="' . $form_id . '"'; $form_tag .= ' class="' . $config->get('form_class', 'chronoform') . ($theme == 'bootstrap3' ? ' form-horizontal' : '') . '"'; if ($config->get('form_tag_attach', '')) { $form_tag .= $config->get('form_tag_attach', ''); } $form_tag .= '>'; if (empty($theme)) { $doc->_('forms'); } /* if($theme == 'bootstrap3'){ $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('bootstrap'); //echo '<div class="gcore chronoform-container">'; } */ if (strpos($output, 'data-wysiwyg="1"') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('editor'); $doc->addJsCode('jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $(\'*[data-wysiwyg="1"]\').each(function(){ tinymce.init({"selector":"#"+$(this).attr("id")}); }); });'); } if (strpos($output, 'validate[') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('gvalidation'); $doc->addJsCode('jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $("#chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . 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'").find(":input[class*=validate]").each(function(){ if($(this).attr("class").indexOf("required") >= 0 || $(this).attr("class").indexOf("group") >= 0){ if($(this).closest(".gcore-subinput-container").length > 0){ var required_parent = $(this).closest(".gcore-subinput-container"); }else if($(this).closest(".gcore-form-row").length > 0){ var required_parent = $(this).closest(".gcore-form-row"); } if(required_parent.length > 0){ var required_label = required_parent.find("label"); if(required_label.length > 0 && !required_label.first().hasClass("required_label")){ required_label.first().addClass("required_label"); required_label.first().html(required_label.first().html() + " ' . $required_icon . '"); } } } }); });'); } } if (strpos($output, 'data-tooltip') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('gtooltip'); $doc->addJsCode('jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $("#chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . '").find(":input").each(function(){ if($(this).data("tooltip") && $(this).closest(".gcore-input").length > 0 && $(this).closest(".gcore-input").next(".input-tooltip").length < 1){ var $tip = $(\'<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle input-tooltip" style="float:left; padding:7px 0px 0px 7px;"></i>\').attr("title", $(this).data("tooltip")); $(this).closest(".gcore-input").after($tip); } }); $("#chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . ' .input-tooltip").gtooltip("hover"); });'); } if (strpos($output, 'data-load-state') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->addJsCode('jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $("#chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . '").find(\':input[data-load-state="disabled"]\').prop("disabled", true); $("#chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . '").find(\':input[data-load-state="hidden"]\').css("display", "none"); $("#chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . '").find(\':input[data-load-state="hidden_parent"]\').each(function(){ if($(this).closest(".gcore-subinput-container").length > 0){ $(this).closest(".gcore-subinput-container").css("display", "none"); }else if($(this).closest(".gcore-form-row").length > 0){ $(this).closest(".gcore-form-row").css("display", "none"); } }); });'); } if (strpos($output, 'data-inputmask=') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('jquery.inputmask'); $doc->addJsCode('jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $(":input").inputmask(); });'); } if (strpos($output, 'data-gdatetimepicker') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('gdatetimepicker'); $doc->addJsCode('jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $(\'*[data-gdatetimepicker="1"]\').gdatetimepicker(); });'); } if ((bool) $config->get('ajax_submit', 0) === true) { $doc->_('jquery'); $ajax_url = \GCore\Libs\Url::buildQuery($form_action, array('tvout' => 'ajax')); $doc->addJsCode(' jQuery(document).ready(function($){ function chrono_ajax_submit(){ $("#' . $form_id . '").submit(function(){ var overlay = $("<div/>").css({ "position": "fixed", "top": "0", "left": "0", "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "background-color": "#000", "filter": "alpha(opacity=50)", "-moz-opacity": "0.5", "-khtml-opacity": "0.5", "opacity": "0.5", "z-index": "10000", "background-image":"url(\\"' . \GCore\Helpers\Assets::image('loading-small.gif') . '\\")", "background-position":"center center", "background-repeat":"no-repeat", }); $("#' . $form_id . '").append(overlay); $.ajax({ "type" : "POST", "url" : "' . r_($ajax_url) . '", "data" : $("#' . $form_id . '").serialize(), "success" : function(res){ $("#' . $form_id . '").replaceWith(res); chrono_ajax_submit(); }, }); return false; }); } chrono_ajax_submit(); }); '); } echo $form_tag; //if ajax then display system messages inside the form if ((bool) $config->get('ajax_submit', 0) === true) { $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); $doc->addCssFile('system_messages'); $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); $types = $session->getFlash(); echo \GCore\Helpers\Message::render($types); } //add fields values $output = \GCore\Helpers\DataLoader::load($output, $form->data); //show output echo $output; echo '</form>'; /*if($theme == 'bootstrap3'){ echo '</div>'; }*/ }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = !empty($form->actions_config[$action_id]) ? $form->actions_config[$action_id] : array(); $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); $form_id = 'chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title']; //$doc->_('forms'); //check fields validation /* if(!empty($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'])){ $validations = array(); foreach($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'] as $k => $field){ if(!empty($field['validation'])){ foreach($field['validation'] as $rule => $rule_data){ $validations[$rule][] = $field['name'].(strlen(trim($rule_data)) > 0 ? ':'.$rule_data : ':'); } } if(!empty($field['inputs'])){ foreach($field['inputs'] as $fn => $field_input){ if(!empty($field_input['validation'])){ foreach($field_input['validation'] as $rule => $rule_data){ $validations[$rule][] = $field_input['name'].(strlen(trim($rule_data)) > 0 ? ':'.$rule_data : ':'); } } } } } foreach($validations as $rule => &$fields){ $fields = implode("\n", $fields); } $form->execute('client_validation', array('rules' => $validations)); } */ $theme = $form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3'); /*if($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'bootstrap3'){ $theme = 'bootstrap3'; }else if($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'bootstrap3_pure'){ $theme = 'bootstrap3_pure'; }else if($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'semantic1'){ $theme = 'semantic1'; }else if($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'gcoreui'){ $theme = 'gcoreui'; }else if($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'none'){ $theme = 'none'; }*/ $doc->theme = $theme; \GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance(); if ($form->params->get('tight_layout', 0)) { $doc->addCssCode(' .gbs3 .gcore-form-row{margin-bottom:5px;} .gcore-form-row .gcore-line-td{margin:0;} '); } if ($form->params->get('rtl_support', 0)) { $doc->addCssCode(' #' . $form_id . '.chronoform{direction:rtl;} '); if ($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'bootstrap3') { $doc->addCssCode(' #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-label-left{ float:right !important; min-width:160px; max-width:160px; padding-left:7px; text-align:right !important; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-label-top{ display:block; text-align:right !important; float:none !important; width:auto !important; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-form-row > .gcore-label-checkbox{ float:right !important; min-width:160px; padding-right:7px; padding-top: 1px !important; text-align:right !important; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-subinput-container{ float:right; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-multiple-column .gcore-checkbox-item, .gcore-multiple-column .gcore-radio-item{ float: right; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-multiple-column .gcore-checkbox-item:not(:first-child), .gcore-multiple-column .gcore-radio-item:not(:first-child){ padding-right: 5px; } '); } if ($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'gcoreui') { $doc->addCssCode(' #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-label-left { min-width: 150px !important; max-width: 150px !important; display: inline-block; white-space: normal; float: right !important; padding: 1px; padding-right: 10px !important; font-weight: bold; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-input-container { float: right; overflow: auto; display: inline-block; white-space: normal; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-line-tr .gcore-input{ float:right; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-subinput-container { margin-bottom: 3px; overflow: auto; float: right; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-subinput-container:not(:first-child) { padding-right: 4px; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-subinput-container-wide { display: inline-block; margin: 0px 3px 3px 0px; float: right; overflow: auto; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-radio-item, #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-checkbox-item { float: right; margin: 0px 6px 6px 0px; white-space: nowrap; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-single-column .gcore-radio-item, #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-single-column .gcore-checkbox-item { clear: right; } '); } } if ($form->params->get('labels_right_aligned', 0)) { $doc->addCssCode(' #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-label-left{ text-align:' . ($form->params->get('rtl_support', 0) ? 'left' : 'right') . ' !important; } '); } if ($form->params->get('labels_auto_width', 0)) { $doc->addCssCode(' #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-label-left{ min-width: 0px !important; max-width: none !important; width: auto !important; } '); } if ($form->params->get('js_validation_language', '') == '') { $lang = strtolower(\GCore\Libs\Base::getConfig('site_language')); $js_lang_tag = explode('-', $lang); $form->params->set('js_validation_language', $js_lang_tag[0]); } $events_codes = array(); //check fields events if (!empty($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'])) { //$events_codes = array(); $pageload_events_codes = array(); //$events_codes[] = 'jQuery(document).ready(function($){'; $events_codes[] = 'function chronoforms_fields_events(){'; foreach ($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'] as $k => $field) { if (!empty($field['id']) and !empty($field['events'])) { if ($field['type'] == 'dropdown') { $change_event = 'change'; } else { $change_event = 'click'; } $_f = '$("[name=\'' . $field['name'] . '\']").on("' . $change_event . '", function(){'; $_l = '});'; $_m = array(); foreach ($field['events'] as $k => $event_data) { if (strlen($event_data['action']) and strlen($event_data['target'])) { $_m[] = $this->create_event($field, $event_data, $form); } } if (!empty($_m)) { $events_codes[] = $_f . "\n" . implode("\n", $_m) . "\n" . $_l; $pageload_events_codes[] = implode("\n", $_m); } } if (!empty($field['inputs'])) { foreach ($field['inputs'] as $fn => $field_input) { if (!empty($field_input['id']) and !empty($field_input['events'])) { if ($field_input['type'] == 'dropdown') { $change_event = 'change'; } else { $change_event = 'click'; } $_f = '$("[name=\'' . $field_input['name'] . '\']").on("' . $change_event . '", function(){'; $_l = '});'; $_m = array(); foreach ($field_input['events'] as $k => $event_data) { if (strlen($event_data['action']) and strlen($event_data['target'])) { $_m[] = $this->create_event($field_input, $event_data, $form); } } if (!empty($_m)) { $events_codes[] = $_f . "\n" . implode("\n", $_m) . "\n" . $_l; $pageload_events_codes[] = implode("\n", $_m); } } } } } //check new fields events if (!empty($form->form['Form']['extras']['jsevents'])) { $jsevents_codes = array(); foreach ($form->form['Form']['extras']['jsevents'] as $k => $jsevent_info) { if (empty($jsevent_info['source'])) { continue; } //$source = $this->get_field_selector($jsevent_info['source'], $form); $target = !empty($jsevent_info['target']) ? $this->get_field_selector($jsevent_info['target'], $form) : ''; $event_trigger = $this->get_event_trigger($jsevent_info, $form); $type = $jsevent_info['type']; $jsevent_class = '\\GCore\\Admin\\Extensions\\Chronoforms\\Events\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($type) . '\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($type); $jsevents_codes[] = str_replace('__FUNCTION__', $jsevent_class::output($target, $jsevent_info, $form), $event_trigger); } $events_codes = array_merge($events_codes, $jsevents_codes); } $events_codes[] = '}'; $events_codes[] = 'chronoforms_fields_events();'; $events_codes[] = 'function chronoforms_pageload_fields_events(){'; $events_codes[] = implode("\n", $pageload_events_codes); $events_codes[] = '}'; $events_codes[] = 'chronoforms_pageload_fields_events();'; //$form->execute('js', array('content' => implode("\n", $events_codes))); } ob_start(); eval('?>' . $form->form['Form']['content']); $output = ob_get_clean(); $form_content = $output; //select the page to display $form_pages = explode('<!--_CHRONOFORMS_PAGE_BREAK_-->', $output); $active_page_index = (int) $config->get('page', 1) - 1; $output = $form_pages[$active_page_index]; //get current url $current_url = \GCore\Libs\Url::current(); if ((bool) $config->get('relative_url', 1) === false) { $current_url = r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms'); } //generate <form tag $form_tag = '<form'; $form_action = strlen($config->get('action_url', '')) > 0 ? $config->get('action_url', '') : \GCore\Libs\Url::buildQuery($current_url, array('chronoform' => $form->form['Form']['title'], 'event' => $config->get('submit_event', 'submit'))); $form_tag .= ' action="' . r_($form_action, (bool) $config->get('xhtml_url', 0)) . '"'; //get method $form_method = $config->get('form_method', 'post'); if ($config->get('form_method', 'post') == 'file') { $form_tag .= ' enctype="multipart/form-data"'; $form_method = 'post'; } $form_tag .= ' method="' . $form_method . '"'; $form_tag .= ' name="' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . '"'; //$form_id = 'chronoform-'.$form->form['Form']['title']; $form_tag .= ' id="' . $form_id . '"'; $form_tag .= ' class="' . $config->get('form_class', 'chronoform') . ($theme == 'bootstrap3' ? ' form-horizontal' : '') . '"'; if ($config->get('form_tag_attach', '')) { $form_tag .= ' ' . trim($config->get('form_tag_attach', '')); } $form_tag .= '>'; if (empty($theme)) { $doc->_('forms'); } /* if($theme == 'bootstrap3'){ $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('bootstrap'); //echo '<div class="gcore chronoform-container">'; } */ $js_scripts = array(); if (strpos($output, 'data-wysiwyg="1"') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('editor'); $js_scripts[] = '$(\'*[data-wysiwyg="1"]\').each(function(){ tinymce.init({"selector":"#"+$(this).attr("id")}); });'; } if (strpos($form_content, 'validate[') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('gtooltip'); $doc->_('gvalidation', array('lang' => $form->params->get('js_validation_language', 'en'))); $js_scripts[] = '$("#' . $form_id . '").gvalidate();'; $js_scripts[] = ' $("#' . $form_id . '").find(":input").on("invalid.gvalidation", function(){ var field = $(this); if(":hidden")){ if(field.closest(".tab-pane").length > 0){ var tab_id = field.closest(".tab-pane").attr("id"); $(\'a[href="#\'+tab_id+\'"]\').closest(".nav").gtabs("get").show($(\'a[href="#\'+tab_id+\'"]\')); } if(field.closest(".panel-collapse").length > 0){ var slider_id = field.closest(".panel-collapse").attr("id"); $(\'a[href="#\'+slider_id+\'"]\').closest(".panel-group").gsliders("get").show($(\'a[href="#\'+slider_id+\'"]\')); } } if("wysiwyg") == "1"){"gvalidation-target", field.parent()); } }); $("#' . $form_id . '").on("success.gvalidation", function(e){ if($("#' . $form_id . '").data("gvalidate_success")){ var gvalidate_success = $("#' . $form_id . '").data("gvalidate_success"); if(gvalidate_success in window){ window[gvalidate_success](e, $("#' . $form_id . '")); } } }); $("#' . $form_id . '").on("fail.gvalidation", function(e){ if($("#' . $form_id . '").data("gvalidate_fail")){ var gvalidate_fail = $("#' . $form_id . '").data("gvalidate_fail"); if(gvalidate_fail in window){ window[gvalidate_fail](e, $("#' . $form_id . '")); } } }); '; if ($config->get('required_labels_identify', 1)) { if (strpos($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3'), 'bootstrap3') !== false) { $required_icon = '<i class=\'fa fa-asterisk\' style=\'color:#ff0000; font-size:9px; vertical-align:top;\'></i>'; } else { $required_icon = '<span style=\'color:#ff0000; font-size:12px; vertical-align:top;\'>*</span>'; } $js_scripts[] = ' function chronoforms_validation_signs(formObj){ formObj.find(":input[class*=validate]").each(function(){ if($(this).attr("class").indexOf("required") >= 0 || $(this).attr("class").indexOf("group") >= 0){ var required_parent = []; if($(this).closest(".gcore-subinput-container").length > 0){ var required_parent = $(this).closest(".gcore-subinput-container"); }else if($(this).closest(".gcore-form-row, .form-group").length > 0){ var required_parent = $(this).closest(".gcore-form-row, .form-group"); } if(required_parent.length > 0){ var required_label = required_parent.find("label"); if(required_label.length > 0 && !required_label.first().hasClass("required_label")){ required_label.first().addClass("required_label"); required_label.first().html(required_label.first().html() + " ' . $required_icon . '"); } } } }); } chronoforms_validation_signs($("#chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . '")); '; } } if (strpos($form_content, 'data-tooltip') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('gtooltip'); if (strpos($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3'), 'bootstrap3') !== false) { $tip_icon = '<i class=\'fa fa-exclamation-circle input-tooltip\' style=\'color:#2693FF; padding-left:5px;\'></i>'; } else { $tip_icon = '<span style=\'color:#ff0000; font-size:12px; vertical-align:top;\'>!</span>'; } $js_scripts[] = ' function chronoforms_data_tooltip(formObj){ formObj.find(":input").each(function(){ if($(this).data("tooltip") && $(this).closest(".gcore-input, .gcore-input-wide").length > 0){ var tipped_parent = []; if($(this).closest(".gcore-subinput-container").length > 0){ var tipped_parent = $(this).closest(".gcore-subinput-container"); }else if($(this).closest(".gcore-form-row, .form-group").length > 0){ var tipped_parent = $(this).closest(".gcore-form-row, .form-group"); } if(tipped_parent.length > 0){ var tipped_label = tipped_parent.find("label"); if(tipped_label.length > 0 && !tipped_label.first().hasClass("tipped_label")){ tipped_label.first().addClass("tipped_label"); var $tip = $("' . $tip_icon . '"); $"content", $(this).data("tooltip")); tipped_label.first().append($tip); } } } }); formObj.find(".input-tooltip").gtooltip(); } chronoforms_data_tooltip($("#chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . '")); '; } if (strpos($form_content, 'data-load-state') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $js_scripts[] = ' function chronoforms_data_loadstate(formObj){ formObj.find(\':input[data-load-state="disabled"]\').prop("disabled", true); formObj.find(\'*[data-load-state="hidden"]\').css("display", "none"); formObj.find(\':input[data-load-state="hidden_parent"]\').each(function(){ if($(this).closest(".gcore-subinput-container").length > 0){ $(this).closest(".gcore-subinput-container").css("display", "none"); }else if($(this).closest(".gcore-form-row").length > 0){ $(this).closest(".gcore-form-row").css("display", "none"); } }); } chronoforms_data_loadstate($("#chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . '")); '; } if (strpos($output, 'data-inputmask=') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('jquery.inputmask'); $js_scripts[] = '$(":input").inputmask();'; } if (strpos($output, 'data-gdatetimepicker') !== false or strpos($output, 'data-fieldtype="gdatetimepicker"') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('gdatetimepicker'); $js_scripts[] = ' $(\'*[data-gdatetimepicker-format]\').each(function(){ $(this).data("format", $(this).data("gdatetimepicker-format")); }); '; //for old data attributes $js_scripts[] = '$(\'*[data-gdatetimepicker="1"]\').gdatetimepicker();'; //for old data attributes $js_scripts[] = '$(\'*[data-fieldtype="gdatetimepicker"]\').gdatetimepicker();'; $js_scripts[] = ' $(":input").on("select_date.gdatetimepicker", function(){ if($(this).data("on_date_selected")){ var on_date_selected = $(this).data("on_date_selected"); if(on_date_selected in window){ window[on_date_selected]($(this)); } } }); '; } if (strpos($output, 'multiplier-container') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $js_scripts[] = ' $(".multiplier-container").each(function(){ if(typeof($(this).data("hide_first")) != "undefined"){ $(this).find(".multiplier-contents").first().hide(); } if(typeof($(this).data("disable_first")) != "undefined"){ $(this).find(".multiplier-contents").first().find(":input").prop("disabled", true); } if($(this).find(".multiplier-contents").length > 1){ var counter = $(this).find(".multiplier-contents").length; $(this).data("count", counter); } }); $(".multiplier-container").find(".multiplier-add-button").on("click", function(){ var multiplier_container = $(this).closest(".multiplier-container"); var multiplier_clone = multiplier_container.find(".multiplier-contents").first().clone(); multiplier_clone.find(".multiplier-remove-button").first().css("display", "");; multiplier_clone.find(":input").prop("disabled", false); if(typeof("replacer")) != "undefined"){ var counter = parseInt("count")); var multiplier_clone = multiplier_clone.wrap("<p>").parent().html().replace(new RegExp("replacer"), "g"), counter);"count", counter + 1); } multiplier_container.find(".multiplier-contents").last().after(multiplier_clone); }); $(document).on("click", ".multiplier-remove-button", function(){ $(this).closest(".multiplier-contents").remove(); }); '; } if ((bool) $config->get('ajax_submit', 0) === true) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('gtooltip'); $doc->_('gvalidation', array('lang' => $form->params->get('js_validation_language', 'en'))); $ajax_url = \GCore\Libs\Url::buildQuery($form_action, array('tvout' => 'ajax')); $js_scripts[] = ' function chrono_ajax_submit(){ $(document).on("click", "#' . $form_id . ' :input[type=submit]", function(event){ $("#' . $form_id . '").append("<input type=\'hidden\' name=\'"+$(this).attr("name")+"\' value=\'"+$(this).val()+"\' />"); }); var files; $("input[type=file]").on("change", function(event){ files =; }); $(document).on("submit", "#' . $form_id . '", function(event){ var overlay = $("<div/>").css({ "position": "fixed", "top": "0", "left": "0", "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "background-color": "#000", "filter": "alpha(opacity=50)", "-moz-opacity": "0.5", "-khtml-opacity": "0.5", "opacity": "0.5", "z-index": "10000", "background-image":"url(\\"' . \GCore\Helpers\Assets::image('loading-small.gif') . '\\")", "background-position":"center center", "background-repeat":"no-repeat", }); if(!$("#' . $form_id . '").hasClass("form-overlayed")){ $("#' . $form_id . '").append(overlay); $("#' . $form_id . '").addClass("form-overlayed"); } var form_action = $("#' . $form_id . '").prop("action"); var sep = (form_action.indexOf("?") > -1) ? "&" : "?"; var ajax_url = form_action + sep + "tvout=ajax"; //data processing $.ajax({ "type" : "POST", "url" : ajax_url, "data" : $("#' . $form_id . '").serialize(), "success" : function(res){ $("#' . $form_id . '").replaceWith(res); $("#' . $form_id . '").gvalidate(); chronoforms_fields_events(); chronoforms_validation_signs($("#' . $form_id . '")); chronoforms_data_tooltip($("#' . $form_id . '")); chronoforms_data_loadstate($("#' . $form_id . '")); if(typeof chronoforms_pageload_fields_events == "function"){ chronoforms_pageload_fields_events(); } //chrono_ajax_submit();//this line duplicates submissions, should be removed }, }); return false; }); } chrono_ajax_submit(); '; } $js_scripts[] = implode("\n", $events_codes); if (!empty($js_scripts)) { $doc->addJsCode('jQuery(document).ready(function($){ ' . implode("\n", $js_scripts) . ' });'); } if ((bool) $config->get('add_form_tags', 1) === true) { echo $form_tag; } //if ajax then display system messages inside the form if ((bool) $config->get('ajax_submit', 0) === true) { $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); $doc->addCssFile('system_messages'); $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); $types = $session->getFlash(); echo \GCore\Helpers\Message::render($types); } //add fields values $output = \GCore\Helpers\DataLoader::load($output, $form->data); $output = \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($output, $form->data, array('repeater' => 'repeater')); //show output echo $output; if ((bool) $config->get('add_form_tags', 1) === true) { echo '</form>'; } }
function __construct($domain = 'gcore', $params = array('expiration' => 0)) { $this->expiration = !empty($params['expiration']) ? $params['expiration'] : \GCore\Libs\Base::getConfig('app_cache_expiry', 900); $this->domain = $this->__safe_id($domain); }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); ob_start(); eval('?>' . $config->get('template', '')); $body = ob_get_clean(); $others = array(); //get recipient $tos = array(); if (strlen(trim($config->get('to', '')))) { $tos = explode(',', \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer(trim($config->get('to', '')), $form->data)); } if (strlen(trim($config->get('dto', '')))) { $dtos = explode(',', trim($config->get('dto', ''))); foreach ($dtos as $dto) { $d_email = explode(',', $form->data($dto)); $tos = array_merge((array) $d_email, $tos); } } $ccs = array(); if (strlen(trim($config->get('cc', '')))) { $ccs = explode(',', \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer(trim($config->get('cc', '')), $form->data)); } if (strlen(trim($config->get('dcc', '')))) { $dccs = explode(',', trim($config->get('dcc', ''))); foreach ($dccs as $dcc) { $d_email = explode(',', $form->data($dcc)); $ccs = array_merge((array) $d_email, $ccs); } } $others['cc'] = $ccs; $bccs = array(); if (strlen(trim($config->get('bcc', '')))) { $bccs = explode(',', \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer(trim($config->get('bcc', '')), $form->data)); } if (strlen(trim($config->get('dbcc', '')))) { $dbccs = explode(',', trim($config->get('dbcc', ''))); foreach ($dbccs as $dbcc) { $d_email = explode(',', $form->data($dbcc)); $bccs = array_merge((array) $d_email, $bccs); } } $others['bcc'] = $bccs; //subject $subject = trim($config->get('subject', '')) ? \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($config->get('subject', ''), $form->data) : $form->data($config->get('dsubject', '')); //from $others['from_name'] = trim($config->get('from_name', '')) ? \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($config->get('from_name', ''), $form->data) : $form->data($config->get('dfrom_name'), null); $others['from_email'] = trim($config->get('from_email', '')) ? \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($config->get('from_email', ''), $form->data) : $form->data($config->get('dfrom_email'), null); //reply to $others['reply_name'] = trim($config->get('reply_name', '')) ? \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($config->get('reply_name', ''), $form->data) : $form->data($config->get('dreply_name'), null); $others['reply_email'] = trim($config->get('reply_email', '')) ? \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($config->get('reply_email', ''), $form->data) : $form->data($config->get('dreply_email'), null); $others['type'] = $config->get('email_type', 'html'); $form->data['ip_address'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if ($others['type'] == 'html') { if ($config->get('append_ip_address', 1)) { $body = $body . "<br /><br />" . "IP: {ip_address}"; } $body = \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($body, $form->data, array('replace_null' => true, 'nl2br' => true, 'repeater' => 'repeater')); } else { if ($config->get('append_ip_address', 1)) { $body = $body . "\n\n" . "IP: {ip_address}"; } $body = \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($body, $form->data, array('replace_null' => true, 'repeater' => 'repeater')); } //attach $attachments = array(); if (strlen(trim($config->get('attach', '')))) { ob_start(); $attach_fields = eval('?>' . trim($config->get('attach', ''))); ob_end_clean(); if (is_array($attach_fields)) { $attachs = array_keys($attach_fields); foreach ($form->files as $name => $file) { if (in_array($name, $attachs)) { if (\GCore\Libs\Arr::is_assoc($file)) { $attachments[] = array_merge($attach_fields[$name], array('path' => $file['path'])); } else { foreach ($file as $fi => $fv) { //$attachments[] = $fv['path']; $attachments[] = array_merge($attach_fields[$name], array('path' => $fv['path'])); } } } } } else { $attachs = explode(',', trim($config->get('attach', ''))); foreach ($form->files as $name => $file) { if (in_array($name, $attachs)) { if (\GCore\Libs\Arr::is_assoc($file)) { $attachments[] = $file['path']; } else { foreach ($file as $fi => $fv) { $attachments[] = $fv['path']; } } } } } } //load global settings $settings = $form::_settings(); if (!empty($settings['mail'])) { if (!empty($settings['mail']['smtp']) and empty($settings['mail']['mail_method'])) { $settings['mail']['mail_method'] = 'smtp'; } foreach ($settings['mail'] as $k => $v) { \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig($k, $v); } } //encrypt the email if ($config->get('encrypt_enabled', 0) == 1 and class_exists('Crypt_GPG')) { $mySecretKeyId = trim($config->get('gpg_sec_key', '')); //Add Encryption key here $gpg = new Crypt_GPG(); $gpg->addEncryptKey($mySecretKeyId); $body = $gpg->encrypt($body); } $sent = \GCore\Libs\Mailer::send($tos, $subject, $body, $attachments, $others); if ($sent) { $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "An email with the details below was sent successfully:"; } else { $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "An email with the details below could NOT be sent:"; } $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "To:" . implode(", ", $tos); $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "Subject:" . $subject; $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "From name:" . $others['from_name']; $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "From email:" . $others['from_email']; $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "CC:" . implode(", ", $ccs); $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "BCC:" . implode(", ", $bccs); $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "Reply name:" . $others['reply_name']; $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "Reply email:" . $others['reply_email']; $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "Attachments:"; $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = $attachments; $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "Body:\n" . $body; }
function dispatch($content_only = false) { Event::trigger('on_before_dispatch', $this); $session = Base::getSession(); reset: //if no action set, set it to index if (strlen(trim($this->action)) == 0) { $this->action = 'index'; } //set admin path $site = ''; if ($this->site == 'admin') { $site = '\\Admin'; } //load the extension class $controller = !empty($this->controller) ? '\\Controllers\\' . Str::camilize($this->controller) : '\\' . Str::camilize($this->extension); $extension = !empty($this->extension) ? '\\Extensions\\' . Str::camilize($this->extension) : ''; $classname = '\\GCore' . $site . $extension . $controller; $this->tvout = strlen(Request::data('tvout', null)) > 0 ? Request::data('tvout') : $this->tvout; //set referer if (!$content_only) { if (!($this->controller == 'users' and ($this->action == 'login' or $this->action == 'logout' or $this->action == 'register')) and (!empty($this->extension) or !empty($this->controller)) and $this->tvout == 'index') { //$session->set('_referer', Url::current()); } else { //$session->set('_referer', 'index.php'); } } $G_User = $session->get('user', array()); //check permissions $J_User = \JFactory::getUser(); if (empty($J_User->groups) or empty($G_User['groups']) or array_values($J_User->groups) !== $G_User['groups'] or empty($G_User['inheritance'])) { $user_session = array(); $user_session['id'] = $J_User->id; $user_session['name'] = $J_User->name; $user_session['username'] = $J_User->username; $user_session['email'] = $J_User->email; $user_session['last_login'] = $J_User->lastvisitDate; $user_session['logged_in'] = !$J_User->guest; $user_session['guest'] = $J_User->guest; $user_session['groups'] = empty($J_User->groups) ? array(1) : array_values($J_User->groups); $user_session['inheritance'] = array(); if (!empty($J_User->groups)) { //sort groups $groups = \GCore\Admin\Models\Group::getInstance()->find('all', array('order' => 'Group.parent_id ASC')); $valid_groups = array_intersect($user_session['groups'], \GCore\Libs\Arr::getVal($groups, array('[n]', 'Group', 'id'))); if (!empty($groups) and $valid_groups) { reloop: foreach ($groups as $group) { //if this group exists in the user's groups or its inheitance then add its parent_id if (in_array($group['Group']['id'], $user_session['groups']) or in_array($group['Group']['id'], $user_session['inheritance'])) { $user_session['inheritance'][] = $group['Group']['parent_id']; } } //find the number of occurances of each group in the inheritane $groups_counted = array_count_values($user_session['inheritance']); //if the count of root parent (0 parent_id) is less than the count of user's groups then not all pathes have been found, reloop if (count($user_session['groups']) and !isset($groups_counted[0]) or $groups_counted[0] < count($user_session['groups'])) { goto reloop; } else { $user_session['inheritance'] = array_unique($user_session['inheritance']); } } } if ($session->get('user', array()) !== $user_session) { $session->clear('acos_permissions'); } $session->set('user', array_merge($session->get('user', array()), $user_session)); } //copy some config $mainframe = \JFactory::getApplication(); //set timezone date_default_timezone_set($mainframe->getCfg('offset')); //site title \GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('site_title', $mainframe->getCfg('sitename')); //$lang = \JFactory::getLanguage(); //\GCore\Libs\Base::setConfig('site_language', $lang->getTag()); /*if(!Authorize::authorized($classname, $this->action)){ if($content_only){ return; } $this->redirect(r_('index.php?cont=users&act=login')); }*/ //if the extension class not found or the action function not found then load an error if (!class_exists($classname) or !in_array($this->action, get_class_methods($classname)) and !in_array('__call', get_class_methods($classname)) or substr($this->action, 0, 1) == '_') { $this->controller = 'errors'; $this->action = 'e404'; //reset the controller //$classname = '\GCore\Controllers\Errors'; $this->buffer = 'Page not found'; \GCore\Libs\Env::e404(); \JError::raiseError(404, $this->buffer); //we need the rendered content only if ($content_only) { return; } } //load language file if (!empty($extension)) { Lang::load($site . $extension); } //set theme $doc = Document::getInstance($this->site, $this->thread); $doc->theme = 'bootstrap3'; $theme = \GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance(); //load class and run the action ${$classname} = new $classname($this->site, $this->thread); ob_start(); $continue = ${$classname}->_initialize(); //check and read cache if (!empty(${$classname}->cache)) { if (!is_array(${$classname}->cache)) { ${$classname}->cache = array(); } if (empty(${$classname}->cache['time'])) { ${$classname}->cache['time'] = Base::getConfig('app_cache_expiry', 900); } if (empty(${$classname}->cache['title'])) { ${$classname}->cache['title'] = File::makeSafe($classname . '_' . $this->action); } else { ${$classname}->cache['title'] = File::makeSafe(${$classname}->cache['title']); } if (empty(${$classname}->cache['key'])) { ${$classname}->cache['key'] = 'cached_view'; } else { ${$classname}->cache['key'] = 'cached_view_' . ${$classname}->cache['key']; } $cache = Cache::getInstance(${$classname}->cache['title'], array('expiration' => ${$classname}->cache['time'])); $cached_view = $cache->get(${$classname}->cache['key']); $cached = false; if (!empty($cached_view)) { $cached = true; $continue = false; echo $cached_view; } } if ($continue !== false) { ${$classname}->{$this->action}(); if ($this->reset === true) { $this->reset = false; goto reset; } //initialize and render view $view = new View(); $view->initialize(${$classname}); $view->renderView($this->action); } //get the action output buffer $this->buffer = ob_get_clean(); //check and save cache if (!empty(${$classname}->cache) and !$cached) { $cache = Cache::getInstance(${$classname}->cache['title'], array('expiration' => ${$classname}->cache['time'])); $cache->set(${$classname}->cache['key'], $this->buffer); } //finalize ob_start(); ${$classname}->_finalize(); $this->buffer .= ob_get_clean(); if ($this->tvout != 'ajax' and $doc->theme == 'bootstrap3') { $this->buffer = '<div class="gbs3">' . $this->buffer . '</div>'; } //Event::trigger('on_after_dispatch'); }
function translate($data = '') { $_f = function ($e) { $cs = explode('=', $e, 2); return array_map('trim', $cs); }; $site_lang = \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize(str_replace('-', '_', strtolower(\GCore\Libs\Base::getConfig('site_language')))); if (!empty($this->form['Form']['extras']['locales'])) { foreach ($this->form['Form']['extras']['locales'] as $l => $lang_data) { $tag = $lang_data['lang_tag']; $tag_cap = \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($tag); if ($tag_cap == $site_lang) { $lines = explode("\n", $lang_data['strings']); $strings = array_map($_f, $lines); $texts = \GCore\Libs\Arr::getVal($strings, array('[n]', 0)); if (!empty($lang_data['strict'])) { $texts = array_map(function ($text) { return '[' . $text . ']'; }, $texts); } $locales = \GCore\Libs\Arr::getVal($strings, array('[n]', 1)); $data = str_replace($texts, $locales, $data); } } } return $data; }