예제 #1
 public static function render($module, $container = false)
     $site = $module['site'] == 'admin' ? '\\Admin' : '';
     $mod_class = '\\GCore' . $site . '\\Modules\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($module['type']) . '\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($module['type']);
     $mod_params = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($module['params']);
     $class = new $mod_class();
     //initialize and render view
     $view = new \GCore\Libs\View();
     $output = ob_get_clean();
     //check the returned output settings
     if ($container === false) {
         //do nothing, we are returning plain output
     } elseif ($container === true) {
         $output = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $output, array('class' => 'module-body'));
         if ((bool) $mod_params->get('show_title') === true) {
             $output = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('h3', $module['title'], array('class' => 'module-title')) . "\n" . $output;
         $output = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $output, array('class' => 'module' . (strlen($mod_params->get('class_sfx', '')) > 0 ? ' ' . $mod_params->get('class_sfx', '') : '')));
     } elseif (is_callable($container)) {
         //some function provided: callback/lambada/anonymous
         $output = $container($output, $module);
     return $output;
예제 #2
 public static function message_wrap($ul, $type)
     $type_container = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('dd', $ul, array('class' => $type . ' message'));
     $header = '';
     //\GCore\Helpers\Html::container('dt', \GCore\Libs\Lang::_(strtoupper($type)), array('class' => $type));
     return \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('dl', $header . $type_container, array('class' => 'system-message'));
예제 #3
 public function display($connection, $area = 'front', $rows = array())
     $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance();
     //display header
     $custom_headers = array();
     if (!empty(\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$headers)) {
         foreach (\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$headers as $k => $header) {
             $custom_headers[$k] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container($header['tag'], $header['text'], $header['atts']);
     eval('?>' . $connection['Connection']['extras'][$area]['blocks']['custom']['header']);
     $header = ob_get_clean();
     $header = $this->view->Lister->prepare($connection, $header);
     $header = \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($header, $custom_headers, array('exploder' => '*'));
     echo $this->view->Lister->translate($connection, \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($header, $rows));
     //display rows
     foreach ($rows as $c_r_k => $row) {
         eval('?>' . $connection['Connection']['extras'][$area]['blocks']['custom']['body']);
         $body = ob_get_clean();
         if (isset(\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$cells_data[$c_r_k])) {
             $body = \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($body, \GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$cells_data[$c_r_k], array('exploder' => '*'));
         echo $this->view->Lister->translate($connection, \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($body, $row));
     //display footer
     eval('?>' . $connection['Connection']['extras'][$area]['blocks']['custom']['footer']);
     $footer = ob_get_clean();
     $footer = $this->view->Lister->prepare($connection, $footer);
     $footer = \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($footer, $custom_headers, array('exploder' => '*'));
     echo $this->view->Lister->translate($connection, \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($footer, $rows));
예제 #4
 function execute(&$form, $action_id)
     $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id];
     $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config);
     $field = $config->get('field', '');
     $data_path = $config->get('data_path', '');
     $value = $config->get('value_key', 'value');
     $prepend = $config->get('prepend_value', true);
     $text = $config->get('text_key', 'text');
     $level = $config->get('level_key', '');
     $labels = $config->get('labels', 'L1,L2,L3,L4');
     $limit = $config->get('limit', 999);
     $placeholder = $config->get('placeholder', 'Procurar...');
     $res = array();
     if (!empty($field) && !empty($data_path) && !empty($text) && !empty($value)) {
         $treeList = self::mount_tree($form->data[$data_path], $value, $prepend, $text, $level);
         self::mount_list($treeList, explode(',', $labels), $value, $text, $res);
         $list = implode("\n", $res);
         $clean_attrbs = array('type' => 'button', 'value' => 'Limpar', 'id' => 'limpar');
         $search_attrbs = array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'busca', 'id' => 'busca', 'placeholder' => $placeholder, 'size' => '20');
         $clean = \GCore\Helpers\Html::_concat($clean_attrbs, array_keys($clean_attrbs), '<input ', ' />');
         $search = \GCore\Helpers\Html::_concat($search_attrbs, array_keys($search_attrbs), '<input ', ' />');
         $arvore = '<div id="arvore">' . $list . '</div>';
         $c_busca = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $search . $clean, array('id' => 'c_busca'));
         $modal_div = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $c_busca . $arvore, array('id' => 'modal_arvore', 'style' => array('display' => 'none')));
         $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance();
         $fieldKey = $this->getFieldKey($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'], $field);
         $campo = $form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'][$fieldKey];
         $condicoes = $config->get('conditions', "");
         if (!empty($condicoes)) {
             $condicoes = explode("\n", $condicoes);
             foreach ($condicoes as $condicao) {
                 $condicao = explode("::", $condicao);
                 // $condicao[0]: Condição; $condicao[1]: Mensagem
                 $elseifs = ' else if (' . $condicao[0] . ')' . '{ alert("' . $condicao[1] . '"); event.preventDefault(); return false; }';
         } else {
             $elseifs = '';
         $opcoes = array('{field}' => $field, '{fieldID}' => $campo['id'], '{label}' => $campo['label']['text'], '{limit}' => empty($limit) || is_null($limit) ? 999 : $limit, '{condicoes}' => $elseifs);
         $form->form['Form']['content'] = str_replace('<div id="modal_tree" style="display: none;"></div>', $modal_div, $form->form['Form']['content']);
     //        echo 'Field name: ' . $field . '<br/>';
     //        echo 'Chave: ' . array_search($field, array_column($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'], 'name'));
예제 #5
파일: table.php 프로젝트: BillVGN/PortalPRP
 public function display($connection, $area = 'front', $rows = array())
     $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance();
     $tds = array();
     $trs = array();
     $ths = array();
     //display header
     eval('?>' . $connection['Connection']['extras'][$area]['blocks']['table']['header']);
     $header = ob_get_clean();
     $header = $this->view->Lister->translate($connection, $this->view->Lister->prepare($connection, $header));
     echo \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($header, $rows);
     $thead = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('thead', implode("\n", $ths), array());
     $tbody = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('tbody', implode("\n", $trs), array());
     if (!empty(\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$columns)) {
         $trs = \GCore\Helpers\DataTable::trs();
         $tbody = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('tbody', implode("\n", $trs), array());
         foreach (\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$headers as $k => $header) {
             $th_tag = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container($header['tag'], $header['text'], $header['atts']);
             $ths[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('th', $th_tag, array('class' => 'th-' . $k));
         $thead = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('thead', \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('tr', implode("\n", $ths)), array());
     $table = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('table', $thead . $tbody, array('class' => 'table table-hover table-censored', 'id' => 'gcore_table_list__#'));
     $table = \GCore\Helpers\DataLoader::load($table, \GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$cells_data);
     //show table
     echo $this->view->Lister->translate($connection, $table);
     //display footer
     eval('?>' . $connection['Connection']['extras'][$area]['blocks']['table']['footer']);
     $footer = ob_get_clean();
     $footer = $this->view->Lister->translate($connection, $this->view->Lister->prepare($connection, $footer));
     echo \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($footer, $rows);
     //echo '</div>';
예제 #6
 function _renderHeader()
     $chunks = array($this->doc->getBase(), $this->doc->getMeta(), $this->doc->getTitle(), $this->doc->getFavicon());
     //add css files list
     foreach ($this->doc->cssfiles as $cssfile) {
         $chunks[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::_concat($cssfile, array_keys($cssfile), '<link ', ' />');
     //add css code list
     foreach ($this->doc->csscodes as $media => $codes) {
         $chunks[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('style', implode("\n", $codes), array('type' => 'text/css', 'media' => $media));
     //add js files list
     foreach ($this->doc->jsfiles as $jsfile) {
         $chunks[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::_concat($jsfile, array_keys($jsfile), '<script ', '></script>');
     //add js code list
     foreach ($this->doc->jscodes as $type => $codes) {
         $chunks[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('script', implode("\n", $codes), array('type' => $type));
     foreach ($this->doc->headertags as $k => $code) {
         $chunks[] = $code;
     return implode("\n", array_filter($chunks));
예제 #7
 function build_action_display($action, $events, $root, $configs)
     $actions_output = array();
     $pcs = explode('_', $action);
     $id = $pcs[count($pcs) - 1];
     unset($pcs[count($pcs) - 1]);
     $name = implode('_', $pcs);
     $action_class = '\\GCore\\Admin\\Extensions\\Chronoforms\\Actions\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($name) . '\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($name);
     if (class_exists($action_class) and isset($action_class::$title)) {
         $action_class = new $action_class();
         $actions_output[] = $action_label = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('label', $action_class::$title.'<font style="color:#f00"> ('.$id.')</font>', array(
         	'class' => 'action_label'
         	$actions_output[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('label', '<font style="color:#888"> - '.$configs[$id]['action_label'].'</font>', array(
         		'class' => 'action_label'
         $icons_code = '<span class="edit_icon action_icon label label-primary" title="Edit">Edit</span><span class="drag_icon action_icon label label-warning" title="Drag">Drag</span><span class="delete_icon action_icon label label-danger" title="Delete">Delete</span>';
         $action_icons = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $icons_code, array('id' => 'action_icons_' . $id, 'class' => 'action_icons pull-right'));
         $action_title = '<div class="pull-left action-title-labels"><span class="form_action_label label label-primary">' . $action_class::$title . '</span><span style="" class="label label-info action_icon_number">' . $id . '</span>' . (!empty($configs[$id]['action_label']) ? '<span style="" class="label action_label_label">' . $configs[$id]['action_label'] . '</span>' : '') . '</div>';
         $actions_output[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $action_title . $action_icons . '<div class="clearfix"></div>', array('class' => 'panel-heading'));
         //add footer with some diagnostics
         if ($this->view->vars['chronoforms_settings']->get('wizard.display_diagnostics', 1)) {
             if (method_exists($action_class, 'config_check')) {
                 $footer_contents = '<span class="label label-default label_diagnostics"><i class="fa fa-puzzle-piece fa-lg"></i></span>';
                 $check_result = $action_class::config_check(isset($configs[$id]) ? $configs[$id] : array());
                 foreach ($check_result as $text => $bool) {
                     if ($bool === true) {
                         $class = 'label-success';
                         $icon_class = 'fa-check';
                         $footer_contents .= '<span class="label ' . $class . '">' . $text . '&nbsp;<i class="fa ' . $icon_class . ' fa-lg"></i></span>';
                     } else {
                         if ($bool === false) {
                             $class = 'label-danger';
                             $icon_class = 'fa-times';
                             $footer_contents .= '<span class="label ' . $class . '">' . $text . '&nbsp;<i class="fa ' . $icon_class . ' fa-lg"></i></span>';
                         } else {
                             if ($bool === -1) {
                                 $class = 'label-warning';
                                 $icon_class = 'fa-exclamation';
                                 $footer_contents .= '<span class="label ' . $class . '">' . $text . '&nbsp;<i class="fa ' . $icon_class . ' fa-lg"></i></span>';
                             } else {
                                 $class = 'label-info';
                                 $icon_class = 'fa-gear';
                                 $footer_contents .= '<span class="label ' . $class . '"><i class="fa ' . $icon_class . ' fa-lg"></i>&nbsp;' . $text . '&nbsp;' . $bool . '</span>';
                 $actions_output[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $footer_contents, array('class' => 'panel-heading action_diagnostics_area'));
         $action_dna = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $root . '[' . $action . ']" alt="ghost" class="events_dna" value="">';
         $action_events = array();
         if (!empty($events)) {
             foreach ($events as $event => $info) {
                 $event_dna = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $root . '[' . $action . '][' . $event . ']" alt="ghost" class="events_dna" value="">';
                 if ($event == 'success' or isset($action_class->events_status[$event]) and $action_class->events_status[$event] == 'success') {
                     $e_cl = 'good_event alert alert-success';
                     $label_class = 'form_event_label label label-success';
                 } else {
                     if ($event == 'fail' or isset($action_class->events_status[$event]) and $action_class->events_status[$event] == 'fail') {
                         $e_cl = 'bad_event alert alert-danger';
                         $label_class = 'form_event_label label label-danger';
                     } else {
                         $e_cl = 'normal_event alert alert-info';
                         $label_class = 'form_event_label label label-info';
                 $event_label = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('label', 'On ' . trim($event), array('class' => $label_class));
                 $event_container = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $event_label . $event_dna . $this->build($info, $root . '[' . $action . '][' . $event . ']', $configs), array('id' => 'cfactionevent_' . $name . '_' . $id . '_' . $event, 'class' => 'form_event ' . $e_cl));
                 $action_events[] = $event_container;
         $action_class::config(isset($configs[$id]) ? $configs[$id] : array());
         $action_config = ob_get_clean();
         $action_config = str_replace('{N}', $id, $action_config);
         $body_contents = $action_dna . implode("\n", $action_events) . $action_config;
         if (empty($this->config)) {
             $body_contents = $action_dna . implode("\n", $action_events);
         $actions_output[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $body_contents, array('class' => 'panel-body'));
         //$actions_output[] = $action_clear = '<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>';
         $container = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', implode("\n", $actions_output), array('id' => 'cfaction_' . $name . '_element_' . $id, 'class' => 'cfaction_' . $name . '_element_view wizard_element form_action panel panel-default', 'item_id' => $name));
         return $container;
     return '';
예제 #8
 function paginator_full_nav($first, $prev, $numbers, $next, $last)
     $full = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('ul', $first . $prev . $numbers . $next . $last, array('class' => 'pagination pagination-sm gcore-pagination', 'style' => 'margin:0px; padding:0px; height:auto;'));
     return $full;
예제 #9
    public static function getHeader()
        $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance();
        static $used;
        if (!isset($used)) {
            $used = array();
        $chunks = array();
        $chunks[] = '
		<script type="text/javascript">
		if("undefined"==typeof window.jQuery){}else{
			var gcore_jQuery_bak = window.jQuery;
			var gcore_$_bak = window.$;
		if("undefined"==typeof gcore_jQuery){}else{
			window.jQuery = gcore_jQuery;
			window.$ = gcore_$;
        //add css files list
        foreach ($doc->cssfiles as $k => $cssfile) {
            $used['cssfiles'][$k] = true;
            $chunks[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::_concat($cssfile, array_keys($cssfile), '<link ', '>');
        //add css code list
        foreach ($doc->csscodes as $media => $codes) {
            $chunks[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('style', implode("\n", $codes), array('type' => 'text/css', 'media' => $media));
            foreach ($doc->csscodes[$media] as $k => $code) {
        //add js files list
        foreach ($doc->jsfiles as $k => $jsfile) {
            /*if(strpos($jsfile['src'], 'jquery.js') !== false){
            			$document = \JFactory::getDocument();
            $used['jsfiles'][$k] = true;
            $chunks[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::_concat($jsfile, array_keys($jsfile), '<script ', '></script>');
        //add js code list
        foreach ($doc->jscodes as $type => $codes) {
            $chunks[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('script', implode("\n", $codes), array('type' => $type));
            foreach ($doc->jscodes[$type] as $k => $code) {
        foreach ($doc->headertags as $k => $code) {
            $chunks[] = $code;
        $chunks[] = '
		<script type="text/javascript">
		if("undefined"==typeof gcore_jQuery){
			var gcore_jQuery = window.jQuery;
			var gcore_$ = window.$;
		if("undefined"==typeof gcore_jQuery_bak){}else{
			window.jQuery = gcore_jQuery_bak;
			window.$ = gcore_$_bak;
        return implode("\n", array_filter($chunks));
예제 #10
 function paginator_full_nav($first, $prev, $numbers, $next, $last)
     $full = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $first . $prev . $numbers . $next . $last, array('class' => 'ui pagination menu small'));
     return $full;
예제 #11
 public function getList($lang = array())
     $dropdown = \GCore\Helpers\Html::input('limit', array('type' => 'dropdown', 'values' => $this->limit, 'class' => 'SS', 'onchange' => "jQuery(this).closest('form').submit();", 'options' => array(5 => 5, 10 => 10, 15 => 15, 20 => 20, 30 => 30, 50 => 50, 100 => 100, \GCore\Libs\Base::getConfig('max_list_limit', 1000) => self::l_('PAGINATOR_ALL', $lang))));
     //$text = sprintf(self::l_('PAGINATOR_SHOW_X_ENTRIES', $lang), $dropdown);
     $full = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $dropdown, array('class' => 'gcore-datatable-list'));
     return $full;
예제 #12
 public static function data_table__r($content = '')
     return \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $content, array('class' => 'gcore-datatable-box-right'));
예제 #13
 function build_action_display($action, $events, $root, $configs)
     $actions_output = array();
     $pcs = explode('_', $action);
     $id = $pcs[count($pcs) - 1];
     unset($pcs[count($pcs) - 1]);
     $name = implode('_', $pcs);
     $action_class = '\\GCore\\Admin\\Extensions\\Chronoforms\\Actions\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($name) . '\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($name);
     if (class_exists($action_class) and isset($action_class::$title)) {
         $action_class = new $action_class();
         $actions_output[] = $action_label = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('label', $action_class::$title.'<font style="color:#f00"> ('.$id.')</font>', array(
         	'class' => 'action_label'
         	$actions_output[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('label', '<font style="color:#888"> - '.$configs[$id]['action_label'].'</font>', array(
         		'class' => 'action_label'
         $icons_code = '<span class="edit_icon action_icon label label-primary" title="Edit">Edit</span><span class="drag_icon action_icon label label-warning" title="Drag">Drag</span><span class="delete_icon action_icon label label-danger" title="Delete">Delete</span>';
         $action_icons = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $icons_code, array('id' => 'action_icons_' . $id, 'class' => 'action_icons pull-right'));
         $action_title = '<div class="pull-left"><span class="form_action_label label label-primary">' . $action_class::$title . '</span><span style="" class="label label-info action_icon_number">' . $id . '</span></div>';
         $actions_output[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $action_title . $action_icons . '<div class="clearfix"></div>', array('class' => 'panel-heading'));
         $action_dna = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $root . '[' . $action . ']" alt="ghost" class="events_dna" value="">';
         $action_events = array();
         if (!empty($events)) {
             foreach ($events as $event => $info) {
                 $event_dna = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $root . '[' . $action . '][' . $event . ']" alt="ghost" class="events_dna" value="">';
                 if ($event == 'success' or isset($action_class->events_status[$event]) and $action_class->events_status[$event] == 'success') {
                     $e_cl = 'good_event alert alert-success';
                     $label_class = 'form_event_label label label-success';
                 } else {
                     if ($event == 'fail' or isset($action_class->events_status[$event]) and $action_class->events_status[$event] == 'fail') {
                         $e_cl = 'bad_event alert alert-danger';
                         $label_class = 'form_event_label label label-danger';
                     } else {
                         $e_cl = 'normal_event alert alert-info';
                         $label_class = 'form_event_label label label-info';
                 $event_label = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('label', 'On ' . trim($event), array('class' => $label_class));
                 $event_container = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $event_label . $event_dna . $this->build($info, $root . '[' . $action . '][' . $event . ']'), array('id' => 'cfactionevent_' . $name . '_' . $id . '_' . $event, 'class' => 'form_event ' . $e_cl));
                 $action_events[] = $event_container;
         $action_config = ob_get_clean();
         $action_config = str_replace('{N}', $id, $action_config);
         $body_contents = $action_dna . implode("\n", $action_events) . $action_config;
         if (empty($this->config)) {
             $body_contents = $action_dna . implode("\n", $action_events);
         $actions_output[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $body_contents, array('class' => 'panel-body'));
         //$actions_output[] = $action_clear = '<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>';
         $container = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', implode("\n", $actions_output), array('id' => 'cfaction_' . $name . '_element_' . $id, 'class' => 'cfaction_' . $name . '_element_view wizard_element form_action panel panel-default', 'item_id' => $name));
         return $container;
     return '';