$e = NULL;
try {
    $listing = $souk->buy($listing->id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $e = $e->getMessage();
Tap::is($e, 'bid only', 'when buying bid-only, fails');
$listing = $souk->bid($listing->id, 1);
Tap::is($listing->bid, 1, 'bid works fine, tho');
$listing = Souk($app, $seller_id)->auction(array('bid' => 0, 'reserve' => 5, 'item_id' => $item_id));
$listing = Souk($app, $buyer_id)->bid($listing->id, 5);
Tap::is($listing->bid, 5, 'without enable_proxy, bid is set, not stepped');
$listing = Souk($app)->close($listing->id);
Tap::is($listing->buyer, 0, 'when reserve isnt met, bidder doesnt win listing');
Tap::is($listing->closed, 1, 'even tho reserve wasnt met, closing still ends the bidding.');
Time::offset(86400 * 30);
$id = 0;
$ct = 0;
while ($listings = Souk($app)->pending(0, 5, $id)) {
    foreach ($listings as $id) {
        //Tap::debug('pending: ' . $id );
Tap::cmp_ok($ct, '>=', 1, "found at least 1 item in pending: {$ct} found");
//print "\n\n";
if (!isset($seller_id)) {
    $seller_id = uniqueUserId();
if (!isset($buyer_id)) {
    $buyer_id = uniqueUserId();
if (!isset($item_id)) {
    $item_id = uniqueNumber(1, 100000);
$souk = souk($app, $seller_id);
$listings = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= 16; $i++) {
    $listing = $souk->auction(array($i % 2 == 0 ? 'bid' : 'price' => ($i * 10 + 1) % 9, 'item_id' => $item_id));
    $listings[$listing->id] = $listing;
    Time::offset(3600 * 12 + 91);
$ids = souk($app)->search(array('sort' => 'expires_soon', 'item_id' => $item_id, 'seller' => $seller_id));
Tap::cmp_ok(count($ids), '>', 12, 'search expires_soon found results');
$found = TRUE;
foreach ($ids as $id) {
    if (isset($listings[$id])) {
    $found = FALSE;
Tap::ok($found, 'returned only rows we created');
$owned = TRUE;
foreach ($ids as $id) {
예제 #3
function advanceCurrentTime($secs = 1)
use Gaia\Time;
if (!isset($extra_tests)) {
    $extra_tests = 0;
Tap::plan(27 + $extra_tests);
Tap::ok($skein instanceof Skein\Iface, 'created new skein object, implements expected interface');
$id = $skein->add($data = array('foo' => mt_rand(1, 100000000)));
Tap::ok(ctype_digit($id), 'added data, got back an id');
Tap::is($skein->get($id), $data, 'read back the data I stored');
Tap::is($skein->get(array($id)), array($id => $data), 'multi-get interface works too');
$data = array('foo' => mt_rand(1, 100000000));
$skein->store($id, $data);
Tap::is($skein->get($id), $data, 'stored the data with new values, get returns what I wrote');
$batch = array($id => $data);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    Time::offset(86400 * 5);
    $id = $skein->add($data = array('foo' => mt_rand(1, 100000000)));
    $batch[$id] = $data;
$ids = array_keys($batch);
$res = $skein->get($ids);
Tap::is($res, $batch, 'added a bunch of keys and read them back using get( ids ) interface');
Tap::is($skein->ids(array('limit' => 100)), $ids, 'got the keys back in ascending order');
Tap::is($res = $skein->ids(array('sort' => 'ascending', 'limit' => 5)), array_slice($ids, 0, 5), 'got the keys back in ascending order, limit 5');
Tap::is($res = $skein->ids(array('sort' => 'ascending', 'limit' => 5, 'start_after' => $ids[5])), array_slice($ids, 6, 5), 'got the keys back in ascending order, limit 5, starting after the 5th id');
Tap::is($res = $skein->ids(array('limit' => 1)), array($ids[0]), 'with limit 1, got back the 1st id');
$ids = array_reverse($ids);
Tap::is($skein->ids(array('sort' => 'descending', 'limit' => 100)), $ids, 'got the keys back in descending order');
Tap::is($res = $skein->ids(array('sort' => 'descending', 'limit' => 5)), array_slice($ids, 0, 5), 'got the keys back in descending order, limit 5');
Tap::is($res = $skein->ids(array('sort' => 'descending', 'limit' => 5, 'start_after' => $ids[5])), array_slice($ids, 5, 5), 'got the keys back in descending order, limit 5, starting with the 5th id');
Tap::is($res = $skein->ids(array('sort' => 'descending', 'limit' => 1)), array($ids[0]), 'with limit 1, got back the last id');
Tap::ok($res, 'checked each key and got back what I wrote');
$ret = $cache->get(array_keys($data));
$res = TRUE;
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
    if ($ret[$k] != $v) {
        $res = FALSE;
Tap::ok($res, 'grabbed the keys all at once, got what I wrote');
$k = 'gaia/cache/test/' . microtime(TRUE) . '/' . mt_rand(1, 10000);
Tap::ok($cache->add($k, 1, 10), 'adding a non-existent key');
Tap::ok(!$cache->add($k, 1, 10), 'second time, the add fails');
if ($skip_expiration_tests || !method_exists($cache, 'ttlEnabled') || !$cache->ttlEnabled()) {
    Tap::ok(TRUE, 'skipping expire test');
} else {
    Tap::ok($cache->add($k, 1, 10), 'after expiration time, add works');
Tap::ok($cache->replace($k, 1, 10), 'replace works after the successful add');
Tap::ok($cache->delete($k), 'successfully deleted the key');
Tap::ok(!$cache->replace($k, 1, 10), 'replace fails after key deletion');
Tap::ok($cache->add($k, 1, 10), 'add works after key deletion');
Tap::ok($cache->replace($k, 1, 10), 'replace works after key is added');
$k = 'gaia/cache/test/' . microtime(TRUE) . '/' . mt_rand(1, 10000);
Tap::ok($cache->get($k) === NULL, 'cache get on a non-existent key returns NULL (not false)');
$k = 'gaia/cache/test/' . microtime(TRUE) . '/' . mt_rand(1, 10000);
Tap::is($cache->increment($k, 1), FALSE, 'increment a new key returns (bool) FALSE');
Tap::is($cache->decrement($k, 1), FALSE, 'decrement a new key returns (bool) FALSE');
Tap::cmp_ok($cache->set($k, 'test'), '===', TRUE, 'setting a key returns bool TRUE');
Tap::cmp_ok($cache->replace($k, 'test1'), '===', TRUE, 'replacing a key returns bool TRUE');
Tap::cmp_ok($cache->{$k} = '11', '===', '11', 'setting using the magic method property approach returns value');
if (!isset($buyer_id)) {
    $buyer_id = uniqueUserId();
if (!isset($item_id)) {
    $item_id = uniqueNumber(1, 100000);
$souk = souk($app, $seller_id);
$listing = $souk->auction(array('price' => 10, 'bid' => 0, 'item_id' => $item_id));
$read = $souk->get($listing->id);
Tap::is($listing, $read, 'new auction is readable before transaction is committed, while in the transaction');
$read = $souk->get($listing->id);
Tap::is($read, NULL, 'after transaction rollback, no entry found');
$souk = souk($app, $seller_id);
$listing = $souk->auction(array('price' => 10, 'bid' => 0, 'item_id' => $item_id));
Time::offset(86400 * 15);
$listing = $souk->close($listing->id);
Tap::is($listing->closed, 1, 'creating and closing a listing works inside a transaction');
//print "\n\n";