public function setUp() { $files = \Fuel\Core\File::read_dir(APPPATH . 'tests/files', 1); foreach ($files as $file => $val) { \Fuel\Core\File::delete_dir(APPPATH . 'tests/files' . DS . $file); } $this->pass = Model_Pass::forge(array('name' => 'test name', 'description' => 'desc', 'logo_text' => 'sample', 'barcode_message' => 'message', 'barcode_format' => 0, 'offer_label' => 'samaplelabel', 'offer_value' => 'samplevalue')); $this->pass->save(); \Fuel\Core\Config::set('pass.files_dir', APPPATH . 'tests/files'); $this->path = \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pass.files_dir'); $this->manager = new Pass_File_Manager($this->pass); \Fuel\Core\File::copy(APPPATH . 'tests/certificate.p12', $this->manager->file_path('certificate.p12')); }
public function test_generate_zip() { $manager = new Pass_File_Manager($this->pass); \Fuel\Core\File::copy(APPPATH . 'tests/certificate.p12', $manager->file_path('certificate.p12')); $cert_password = ''; $manager->generate_file('pass.json', $this->pass->pass_json()); $manager->generate_file('manifest.json', $this->pass->manifest($manager->files())); $cert = new Certificate($manager->file_path('certificate.p12')); $signature = $cert->signature($manager->file_path('manifest.json'), $manager->file_path('signature')); $manager->generate_file('signature', $signature); $this->assertTrue($manager->generate_zip()); $this->assertFileExists($manager->pkpass_path()); }
public function run() { $FoursquareClient = new \Foursquare\Client(); $file_content = File::read(DOCROOT . 'data/NY.csv', true); $data = Format::forge($file_content, 'csv')->to_array(); $valid_counties = array(); $valid_counties[] = 'BRONX'; $valid_counties[] = 'QUEENS'; $valid_counties[] = 'KINGS'; $valid_counties[] = 'NEW YORK'; $valid_counties[] = 'RICHMOND'; $i = 0; $j = 0; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($value['County'], $valid_counties)) { continue; } $i++; if ($i > 300) { break; } $match = $FoursquareClient->getVenueMapping($value['Latitude'], $value['Longitude'], $value['Store_Name']); if ($this->hasMatches($match, &$j)) { $this->logMatches($value, $match, $matches, $j, $i); continue; } $this->CliOutput('write', 'Stripping chars from Store_Name: ' . $value['Store_Name']); // remove numbers from store name $value['Store_Name'] = trim(preg_replace("/[0-9]/", "", $value['Store_Name'])); $match = $FoursquareClient->getVenueMapping($value['Latitude'], $value['Longitude'], $value['Store_Name']); if ($this->hasMatches($match, &$j)) { $this->logMatches($value, $match, $matches, $j, $i); continue; } $this->CliOutput('error', 'No match for ' . $value['Store_Name'] . ' ' . $value['Address'] . ' ' . $value['City'] . ' ' . $value['Zip5']); } $this->CliOutput('write', 'Matches: ' . $j . '/' . $i); }
/** * Update cat. background to database * * @param integer $id cat. id * @param string $img cat. background-img * @param string $old old background * @return boolean * * @access public * @since 1.0 * @version 1.0 * @author Nguyen Van Hiep * @author Dao Anh Minh */ public static function save_bg($id, $img, $old = false) { try { if (!empty($old) and \Fuel\Core\File::exists(DOCROOT . 'assets/img/cat/' . $old)) { File::delete(DOCROOT . 'assets/img/cat/' . $old); } DB::update('cat')->value('bg', $img)->where('id', $id)->execute(); File::delete(DOCROOT . 'assets/img/cat/temp/' . $img); DB::commit_transaction(); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { DB::rollback_transaction(); return false; } }
public function action_image($id = null, $name = null) { $pass = Model_Pass::find($id); $manager = new Pass_File_Manager($pass); $path = $manager->file_path($name . '.png'); $body = null; if (file_exists($path)) { $info = \Fuel\Core\File::file_info($path); $body = file_get_contents($path); } return Response::forge($body, 200, array('Content-Type' => 'image/png', 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate', 'Content-Length' => $info['size'])); }
public function action_create($what = null) { is_null($what) and \Fuel\Core\Response::redirect('filemanager'); try { if (\Fuel\Core\Input::method() == 'POST') { if ($what == 'dir') { $dir = \Fuel\Core\File::create_dir('/var/www/html/' . $this->_dir . '/', \Fuel\Core\Input::post('dir_name'), 0777); if ($dir) { \Fuel\Core\Response::redirect('filemanager'); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } \Fuel\Core\Response::redirect('filemanager'); }
public function remove_file($path = null) { if (file_exists($path)) { if (\Fuel\Core\File::delete($path)) { return true; } else { $this->error = 'Could not delete ' . $path; return false; } } else { return true; } }
public static function delete_photo($type, $photo_name) { $image_config = Config::get('app.image'); switch ($type) { case 'photo': $path = Config::get('app.path.root_photo'); foreach ($image_config[$type] as $version => $size) { if (File::exists($path . $version . '/' . $photo_name)) { File::delete($path . $version . '/' . $photo_name); } } break; default: break; } }
/** * Xóa ngôn ngữ * * @param string $lang_dir_name language folder name * * @access public * @author Dao Anh Minh */ public function action_delete($lang_dir_name = null) { $lang_path = APPPATH . "lang/{$lang_dir_name}"; if (is_null($lang_dir_name) or !is_dir($lang_path) or $lang_dir_name == 'vi') { Session::set_flash('error', 'Ngôn ngữ không tồn tại'); } else { \Fuel\Core\File::delete_dir($lang_path, true); Session::set_flash('success', 'Xóa ngôn ngữ thành công'); } Response::redirect('admin/language'); }
public function action_remove($path) { try { \Fuel\Core\File::delete_dir($path); } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } }