예제 #1
파일: Detail.php 프로젝트: forkcms/forkcms
  * Load the data, don't forget to validate the incoming data
 private function getData()
     // validate incoming parameters
     if ($this->URL->getParameter(1) === null) {
     // get by URL
     $this->record = FrontendFaqModel::get($this->URL->getParameter(1));
     // anything found?
     if (empty($this->record)) {
     // overwrite URLs
     $this->record['category_full_url'] = FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Faq', 'Category') . '/' . $this->record['category_url'];
     $this->record['full_url'] = FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Faq', 'Detail') . '/' . $this->record['url'];
     // get tags
     $this->record['tags'] = FrontendTagsModel::getForItem('Faq', $this->record['id']);
     // get settings
     $this->settings = $this->get('fork.settings')->getForModule('Faq');
     // reset allow comments
     if (!$this->settings['allow_feedback']) {
         $this->record['allow_feedback'] = false;
     // ge status
     $this->status = $this->URL->getParameter(2);
     if ($this->status == FL::getAction('Success')) {
         $this->status = 'success';
     if ($this->status == FL::getAction('Spam')) {
         $this->status = 'spam';
예제 #2
파일: Detail.php 프로젝트: bwgraves/forkcms
  * Load the data, don't forget to validate the incoming data
 private function getData()
     // validate incoming parameters
     if ($this->URL->getParameter(1) === null) {
     // fetch record
     $this->record = FrontendTagsModel::get($this->URL->getParameter(1));
     // validate record
     if (empty($this->record)) {
     // fetch modules
     $this->modules = FrontendTagsModel::getModulesForTag($this->record['id']);
     // loop modules
     foreach ($this->modules as $module) {
         // get the ids of the items linked to the tag
         $otherIds = (array) $this->get('database')->getColumn('SELECT other_id
              FROM modules_tags
              WHERE module = ? AND tag_id = ?', array($module, $this->record['id']));
         // set module class
         $class = 'Frontend\\Modules\\' . $module . '\\Engine\\Model';
         // get the items that are linked to the tags
         $items = (array) FrontendTagsModel::callFromInterface($module, $class, 'getForTags', $otherIds);
         // add into results array
         if (!empty($items)) {
             $this->results[] = array('name' => $module, 'label' => FL::lbl(\SpoonFilter::ucfirst($module)), 'items' => $items);
예제 #3
  * Parse
 private function parse()
     // get categories
     $tags = FrontendTagsModel::getAll();
     // we just need the 10 first items
     $tags = array_slice($tags, 0, 10);
     // build link
     $link = FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Tags', 'Detail');
     // any tags?
     if (!empty($tags)) {
         // loop and reset url
         foreach ($tags as &$row) {
             $row['url'] = $link . '/' . $row['url'];
     // assign comments
     $this->tpl->assign('widgetTagsTagCloud', $tags);
예제 #4
  * Get tags for current "page"
 private function getTags()
     // get page id
     $pageId = $this->getContainer()->get('page')->getId();
     // array of excluded records
     $this->exclude[] = array('module' => 'Pages', 'other_id' => $pageId);
     // get tags for page
     $tags = (array) FrontendTagsModel::getForItem('pages', $pageId);
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $this->tags = array_merge((array) $this->tags, (array) $tag['name']);
     // get page record
     $record = (array) FrontendNavigation::getPageInfo($pageId);
     // loop blocks
     foreach ((array) $record['extra_blocks'] as $block) {
         // set module class
         $class = 'Frontend\\Modules\\' . $block['module'] . '\\Engine\\Model';
         if (is_callable(array($class, 'getIdForTags'))) {
             // get record for module
             $record = FrontendTagsModel::callFromInterface($block['module'], $class, 'getIdForTags', $this->URL);
             // check if record exists
             if (!$record) {
             // add to excluded records
             $this->exclude[] = array('module' => $block['module'], 'other_id' => $record['id']);
             // get record's tags
             $tags = (array) FrontendTagsModel::getForItem($block['module'], $record['id']);
             foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                 $this->tags = array_merge((array) $this->tags, (array) $tag['name']);
예제 #5
파일: Model.php 프로젝트: forkcms/forkcms
  * Get related items based on tags
  * @param int $id
  * @param int $limit
  * @return array
 public static function getRelated($id, $limit = 5)
     $relatedIDs = (array) FrontendTagsModel::getRelatedItemsByTags((int) $id, 'Faq', 'Faq');
     // there are no items, so return an empty array
     if (empty($relatedIDs)) {
         return array();
     $link = FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Faq', 'Detail');
     $items = (array) FrontendModel::getContainer()->get('database')->getRecords('SELECT i.id, i.question, m.url
          FROM faq_questions AS i
          INNER JOIN meta AS m ON i.meta_id = m.id
          WHERE i.language = ? AND i.hidden = ? AND i.id IN(' . implode(',', $relatedIDs) . ')
          ORDER BY i.question
          LIMIT ?', array(LANGUAGE, 'N', (int) $limit), 'id');
     foreach ($items as &$row) {
         $row['full_url'] = $link . '/' . $row['url'];
     return $items;
예제 #6
파일: Detail.php 프로젝트: bwgraves/forkcms
  * Load the data, don't forget to validate the incoming data
 private function getData()
     // validate incoming parameters
     if ($this->URL->getParameter(1) === null) {
     // load revision
     if ($this->URL->getParameter('revision', 'int') != 0) {
         // get data
         $this->record = FrontendBlogModel::getRevision($this->URL->getParameter(1), $this->URL->getParameter('revision', 'int'));
         // add no-index, so the draft won't get accidentally indexed
         $this->header->addMetaData(array('name' => 'robots', 'content' => 'noindex, nofollow'), true);
     } else {
         // get by URL
         $this->record = FrontendBlogModel::get($this->URL->getParameter(1));
     // anything found?
     if (empty($this->record)) {
     // get comments
     $this->comments = FrontendBlogModel::getComments($this->record['id']);
     // get tags
     $this->record['tags'] = FrontendTagsModel::getForItem('Blog', $this->record['id']);
     // get settings
     $this->settings = $this->get('fork.settings')->getForModule('Blog');
     // overwrite URLs
     $this->record['category_full_url'] = FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Blog', 'Category') . '/' . $this->record['category_url'];
     $this->record['full_url'] = FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Blog', 'Detail') . '/' . $this->record['url'];
     $this->record['allow_comments'] = $this->record['allow_comments'] == 'Y';
     $this->record['comments_count'] = count($this->comments);
     // reset allow comments
     if (!$this->settings['allow_comments']) {
         $this->record['allow_comments'] = false;
예제 #7
파일: Model.php 프로젝트: bwgraves/forkcms
  * Get related items based on tags
  * @param int $id    The id of the item to get related items for.
  * @param int $limit The maximum number of items to retrieve.
  * @return array
 public static function getRelated($id, $limit = 5)
     $id = (int) $id;
     $limit = (int) $limit;
     // get the related IDs
     $relatedIDs = (array) FrontendTagsModel::getRelatedItemsByTags($id, 'Blog', 'Blog', $limit);
     // no items
     if (empty($relatedIDs)) {
         return array();
     // get link
     $link = FrontendNavigation::getURLForBlock('Blog', 'Detail');
     // get items
     $items = (array) FrontendModel::getContainer()->get('database')->getRecords('SELECT i.id, i.title, m.url
          FROM blog_posts AS i
          INNER JOIN meta AS m ON i.meta_id = m.id
          WHERE i.status = ? AND i.language = ? AND i.hidden = ? AND i.publish_on <= ? AND i.id IN(' . implode(',', $relatedIDs) . ')
          ORDER BY i.publish_on DESC, i.id DESC
          LIMIT ?', array('active', FRONTEND_LANGUAGE, 'N', FrontendModel::getUTCDate('Y-m-d H:i') . ':00', $limit), 'id');
     // loop items
     foreach ($items as &$row) {
         $row['full_url'] = $link . '/' . $row['url'];
     return $items;
예제 #8
  * Get the data
 private function getData()
     // validate incoming parameters
     if ($this->URL->getParameter(1) === null) {
     // get information
     $this->record = FrontendCatalogModel::get($this->URL->getParameter(1));
     $this->comments = FrontendCatalogModel::getComments($this->record['id']);
     $this->specifications = FrontendCatalogModel::getProductSpecifications($this->record['id']);
     $this->tags = FrontendTagsModel::getForItem('Catalog', $this->record['id']);
     $this->settings = $this->get('fork.settings')->getForModule('Catalog');
     $this->files = FrontendCatalogModel::getFiles($this->record['id']);
     $this->videos = FrontendCatalogModel::getVideos($this->record['id']);
     $this->relatedProducts = FrontendCatalogModel::getRelatedProducts($this->record['id']);
     $this->brand = FrontendCatalogModel::getBrand($this->record['brand_id']);
     $this->record['allow_comments'] = $this->record['allow_comments'] == 'Y';
     $this->record['brand'] = $this->brand;
     $this->record['image'] = FrontendMediaHelper::getFromModule('Catalog', $this->record['id'], 0, 1, 'product');
     $this->record['images'] = FrontendMediaHelper::getFromModule('Catalog', $this->record['id'], 0, 0, 'product');
     // reset allow comments
     if (!$this->settings['allow_comments']) {
         $this->record['allow_comments'] = false;
     // check if record is not empty
     if (empty($this->record)) {
     //--Get all the categories
     $this->categoriesTree = FrontendCatalogModel::getCategoriesTree(0, $this->record['category_id']);
예제 #9
파일: Index.php 프로젝트: forkcms/forkcms
  * Load the data from the database.
 private function getData()
     $this->tags = FrontendTagsModel::getAll();