public function run($uploadId, $userId = 2, $groupId = 2, $jobId = 1, $args = "")
     $GLOBALS['userId'] = $userId;
     $GLOBALS['jobId'] = $jobId;
     $GLOBALS['groupId'] = $groupId;
     $matches = array();
     $opts = array();
     if (preg_match("/-r([0-9]*)/", $args, $matches)) {
         $opts['r'] = $matches[1];
     $GLOBALS['extraOpts'] = $opts;
     $container = M::mock('Container');
     $GLOBALS['container'] = $container;
     $fgetsMock = M::mock(\Fossology\Lib\Agent\FgetsMock::classname());
     $fgetsMock->shouldReceive("fgets")->with(STDIN)->andReturn($uploadId, false);
     $GLOBALS['fgetsMock'] = $fgetsMock;
     $exitval = 0;
     include dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/agent/decider.php';
     $output = ob_get_clean();
     return array(true, $output, $exitval);
 public function run($uploadId, $userId = 2, $groupId = 2, $jobId = 1, $args = "")
     $GLOBALS['userId'] = $userId;
     $GLOBALS['jobId'] = $jobId;
     $GLOBALS['groupId'] = $groupId;
     /* these appear not to be used by the reuser: mock them to something wrong
     $this->clearingEventProcessor = M::mock(LicenseRef::classname());
     $this->decisionTypes = M::mock(LicenseRef::classname());
     $this->agentLicenseEventProcessor = M::mock(LicenseRef::classname());
     $container = M::mock('Container');
     $GLOBALS['container'] = $container;
     $fgetsMock = M::mock(\Fossology\Lib\Agent\FgetsMock::classname());
     $fgetsMock->shouldReceive("fgets")->with(STDIN)->andReturn($uploadId, false);
     $GLOBALS['fgetsMock'] = $fgetsMock;
     $exitval = 0;
     include dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/agent/reuser.php';
     $output = ob_get_clean();
     return array(true, $output, $exitval);