예제 #1
         assert_equal_xml($xml, $expected);
     it('should be an UTF-8 XML-1.0 document with a stylesheet and a root element', function () use($stylesheet) {
         $xml = new FluidXml(['stylesheet' => 'http://servo-php.org/fluidxml']);
         $expected = $stylesheet . "\n" . "<doc/>";
         assert_equal_xml($xml, $expected);
     it('should be an UTF-8 XML-1.0 document with a stylesheet and no root element', function () use($stylesheet) {
         $xml = new FluidXml(['root' => null, 'stylesheet' => 'http://servo-php.org/fluidxml']);
         $expected = $stylesheet;
         assert_equal_xml($xml, $expected);
     it('should throw invoking not existing method', function () {
         $xml = new FluidXml();
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $actual = $e;
         assert_is_a($actual, \Exception::class);
 describe('.dom', function () {
     it('should return the associated DOMDocument instace', function () {
         $xml = new FluidXml();
         $actual = $xml->dom();
         assert_is_a($actual, \DOMDocument::class);
 describe('.namespace', function () {
     it('should be fluid', function () {