public function rememberUser(ResponseInterface $response, $userId) { $token = AccessToken::generate($userId); $token->lifetime = 60 * 60 * 24 * 14; $token->save(); return $this->remember($response, $token->id); }
/** * @param Request $request * @return JsonResponse|EmptyResponse */ public function handle(Request $request) { $actor = $request->getAttribute('actor'); $Referer = $request->getHeader('Referer'); $params = array_only($request->getParsedBody(), ['identification', 'password']); $response = $this->apiClient->send(TokenController::class, $actor, [], $params); if ($response->getStatusCode() === 200) { $data = json_decode($response->getBody()); $session = $request->getAttribute('session'); $this->authenticator->logIn($session, $data->userId); $token = AccessToken::find($data->token); event(new UserLoggedIn($this->users->findOrFail($data->userId), $token)); $response = FigResponseCookies::set($response, SetCookie::create("lastLoginName")->withValue($request->getParsedBody()['identification'])->withPath('/')); $response = $this->rememberer->remember($response, $token); } elseif ($response->getStatusCode() === 401) { $responseNew = $this->apiClient->send(PingxxTokenController::class, $actor, [], $params); if ($responseNew->getStatusCode() === 200) { $data = json_decode($responseNew->getBody()); $session = $request->getAttribute('session'); $this->authenticator->logIn($session, $data->userId); $token = AccessToken::find($data->token); event(new UserLoggedIn($this->users->findOrFail($data->userId), $token)); $responseNew = FigResponseCookies::set($responseNew, SetCookie::create("lastLoginName")->withValue($request->getParsedBody()['identification'])->withPath('/')->withDomain('')); $responseNew = $this->rememberer->remember($responseNew, $token); return $responseNew; } else { return $response; } } return $response; }
private function collectGarbage() { if ($this->hitsLottery()) { AccessToken::whereRaw('last_activity <= ? - lifetime', [time()])->delete(); $earliestToKeep = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 24 * 60 * 60); EmailToken::where('created_at', '<=', $earliestToKeep)->delete(); PasswordToken::where('created_at', '<=', $earliestToKeep)->delete(); AuthToken::where('created_at', '<=', $earliestToKeep)->delete(); } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __invoke(Request $request, Response $response, callable $out = null) { $id = array_get($request->getCookieParams(), 'flarum_remember'); if ($id) { $token = AccessToken::find($id); if ($token) { $token->touch(); $session = $request->getAttribute('session'); $session->set('user_id', $token->user_id); } } return $out ? $out($request, $response) : $response; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) { $body = $request->getParsedBody(); $identification = array_get($body, 'identification'); $password = array_get($body, 'password'); $user = $this->users->findByIdentification($identification); if (!$user || !$user->checkPassword($password)) { throw new PermissionDeniedException(); } $token = AccessToken::generate($user->id); $token->save(); return new JsonResponse(['token' => $token->id, 'userId' => $user->id]); }
/** * @param Request $request * @return JsonResponse|EmptyResponse */ public function handle(Request $request) { $actor = $request->getAttribute('actor'); $params = array_only($request->getParsedBody(), ['identification', 'password']); $response = $this->apiClient->send(TokenController::class, $actor, [], $params); if ($response->getStatusCode() === 200) { $data = json_decode($response->getBody()); $session = $request->getAttribute('session'); $this->authenticator->logIn($session, $data->userId); $token = AccessToken::find($data->token); event(new UserLoggedIn($this->users->findOrFail($data->userId), $token)); $response = $this->rememberer->remember($response, $token); } return $response; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __invoke(Request $request, Response $response, callable $out = null) { $headerLine = $request->getHeaderLine('authorization'); $parts = explode(';', $headerLine); if (isset($parts[0]) && starts_with($parts[0], $this->prefix)) { $id = substr($parts[0], strlen($this->prefix)); if (isset($parts[1]) && ApiKey::valid($id)) { $actor = $this->getUser($parts[1]); } elseif ($token = AccessToken::find($id)) { $token->touch(); $actor = $token->user; } if (isset($actor)) { $request = $request->withAttribute('actor', $actor); } } return $out ? $out($request, $response) : $response; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request) { $body = $request->getParsedBody(); $identification = array_get($body, 'identification'); $password = array_get($body, 'password'); $lifetime = array_get($body, 'lifetime', 3600); $data = 'email=' . $identification . '&password='******'', $data); $body = $pingxx_request->vpost(); $result = json_decode($body, false); if ($result->status) { $username = explode("@", $identification)[0]; $user = User::register($username, $identification, $password); $user->activate(); if (isset($token)) { foreach ($token->payload as $k => $v) { $user->{$k} = $v; } } $user->create_from = '来自Ping++ Dashboard账户中心'; $user->save(); if (isset($token)) { $token->delete(); } $token = AccessToken::generate($user->id, $lifetime); $token->save(); $response = new JsonResponse(['token' => $token->id, 'userId' => $user->id, 'status' => $result->status]); foreach ($pingxx_request->cookies as $Pcookie) { $cookie_info = explode('=', explode(";", $Pcookie)[0]); if (count($cookie_info) == 2) { $cookie_key = trim($cookie_info[0]); $cookie_value = trim($cookie_info[1]); $response = FigResponseCookies::set($response, SetCookie::create($cookie_key)->withValue($cookie_value)->withPath('/')->withDomain('')); } } return $response; } else { throw new PermissionDeniedException($result->data->message); } }
public function rememberUser(ResponseInterface $response, $userId) { $token = AccessToken::generate($userId); return $this->remember($response, $token); }
/** * @param Request $request * @throws SingleSOException * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface|RedirectResponse */ public function createCodeResponse(Request $request) { $session = $request->getAttribute('session'); // Load settings or fail. $authSettings = SingleSO::settingsAuth($this->settings, true); // Get parameters. $params = $request->getQueryParams(); $code = array_get($params, 'code'); $state = array_get($params, 'state'); // Get the state from the URL or fail. if (!$state) { throw new SingleSOException(['No state parameter supplied.']); } // Check the state against the session and remove or throw. $stateData = $this->sessionStateValid($session, $state); $this->sessionStateRemove($session); // Get user info from supplied token. $userInfo = SingleSO::getOauthUserInfo($authSettings['endpoint_url'], ['code' => $code, 'client_id' => $authSettings['client_id'], 'client_secret' => $authSettings['client_secret'], 'redirect_uri' => $this->getRedirectURI()], $authSettings['endpoint_ip_forced'] ? $authSettings['endpoint_ip_forced'] : null); // Ensure a user for the info. $actor = $request->getAttribute('actor'); $user = SingleSO::ensureUser($userInfo, $this->events, $actor); // Create the redirect response, with redirect from state if set. $response = new RedirectResponse($this->expandRedirect($stateData)); // Authenticate user on the current session. $session = $request->getAttribute('session'); $this->authenticator->logIn($session, $user->id); // Generate remember me token (3600 is the time Flarum uses). $token = AccessToken::generate($user->id, 3600); $token->save(); // Trigger the login event. $this->events->fire(new UserLoggedIn($user, $token)); // Attach the token as a remember me cookie unless using auto-login. // If using auto-login, let the auth server handled remembering. if (!$authSettings['global_cookie']) { $response = $this->rememberer->remember($response, $token); } // Return the redirect response. return $response; }