예제 #1
  * @param string $year
  * @param string $month
  * @param bool   $shared
  * @return \Illuminate\View\View
 public function month($year = '2014', $month = '1', $shared = false)
     $start = new Carbon($year . '-' . $month . '-01');
     $subTitle = trans('firefly.reportForMonth', ['month' => $start->formatLocalized($this->monthFormat)]);
     $subTitleIcon = 'fa-calendar';
     $end = clone $start;
     $incomeTopLength = 8;
     $expenseTopLength = 8;
     if ($shared == 'shared') {
         $shared = true;
         $subTitle = trans('firefly.reportForMonthShared', ['month' => $start->formatLocalized($this->monthFormat)]);
     $accounts = $this->helper->getAccountReport($start, $end, $shared);
     $incomes = $this->helper->getIncomeReport($start, $end, $shared);
     $expenses = $this->helper->getExpenseReport($start, $end, $shared);
     $budgets = $this->helper->getBudgetReport($start, $end, $shared);
     $categories = $this->helper->getCategoryReport($start, $end, $shared);
     $balance = $this->helper->getBalanceReport($start, $end, $shared);
     $bills = $this->helper->getBillReport($start, $end);
     Session::flash('gaEventCategory', 'report');
     Session::flash('gaEventAction', 'month');
     Session::flash('gaEventLabel', $start->format('F Y'));
     return view('reports.month', compact('start', 'shared', 'subTitle', 'subTitleIcon', 'accounts', 'incomes', 'incomeTopLength', 'expenses', 'expenseTopLength', 'budgets', 'balance', 'categories', 'bills'));
예제 #2
  * @param            $report_type
  * @param Carbon     $start
  * @param Carbon     $end
  * @param Collection $accounts
  * @return View
 public function defaultMonth($report_type, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts)
     $incomeTopLength = 8;
     $expenseTopLength = 8;
     // get report stuff!
     $accountReport = $this->helper->getAccountReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     $incomes = $this->helper->getIncomeReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     $expenses = $this->helper->getExpenseReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     $budgets = $this->helper->getBudgetReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     $categories = $this->helper->getCategoryReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     $balance = $this->helper->getBalanceReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     $bills = $this->helper->getBillReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     // and some id's, joined:
     $accountIds = [];
     /** @var Account $account */
     foreach ($accounts as $account) {
         $accountIds[] = $account->id;
     $accountIds = join(',', $accountIds);
     // continue!
     return view('reports.default.month', compact('start', 'end', 'report_type', 'accountReport', 'incomes', 'incomeTopLength', 'expenses', 'expenseTopLength', 'budgets', 'balance', 'categories', 'bills', 'accountIds', 'report_type'));
예제 #3
  * @param            $reportType
  * @param Carbon     $start
  * @param Carbon     $end
  * @param Collection $accounts
  * @return View
 public function defaultMonth($reportType, Carbon $start, Carbon $end, Collection $accounts)
     $incomeTopLength = 8;
     $expenseTopLength = 8;
     // get report stuff!
     $accountReport = $this->helper->getAccountReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     // done (+2)
     $incomes = $this->helper->getIncomeReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     // done (+3)
     $expenses = $this->helper->getExpenseReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     // done (+1)
     $budgets = $this->helper->getBudgetReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     // done (+5)
     $categories = $this->helper->getCategoryReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     // done (+1) (20)
     $balance = $this->helper->getBalanceReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     // +566
     $bills = $this->helper->getBillReport($start, $end, $accounts);
     // and some id's, joined:
     $accountIds = join(',', $accounts->pluck('id')->toArray());
     // continue!
     return view('reports.default.month', compact('start', 'end', 'reportType', 'accountReport', 'incomes', 'incomeTopLength', 'expenses', 'expenseTopLength', 'budgets', 'balance', 'categories', 'bills', 'accountIds', 'reportType'));