getLastNotification() 공개 메소드

Get last notification of the current entity.
public getLastNotification ( $toId, $entity, Closur\Closure $filterScope = null ) : mixed
$filterScope Closur\Closure
리턴 mixed
  * Get last notification of the
  * given entity
  * @param         $to_id
  * @param Closure $filterScope
  * @return mixed
 public function getLastNotification($to_id, Closure $filterScope = null)
     return $this->notifynderRepo->getLastNotification($to_id, $this->entity, $filterScope);
예제 #2
 /** @test */
 public function it_get_last_notification_of_the_current_entity(NotificationDB $notificationRepo)
     $id = 1;
     $notificationRepo->getLastNotification($id, null, null)->shouldBeCalled()->willReturn(new Notification());
  * Get last notification of the
  * given entity
  * @param $to_id
  * @return mixed
 public function getLastNotification($to_id)
     return $this->notifynderRepo->getLastNotification($to_id, $this->entity);