  * @param mixed $groupId
  * @throws \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Exceptions\BadStateException If type group contains types
  * @throws \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Exceptions\NotFoundException If type group with id is not found
 public function deleteGroup($groupId)
     if ($this->backend->count('Content\\Type', array('groupIds' => $groupId))) {
         throw new BadStateException('$groupId', "Group {$groupId} still contains Types and can not be deleted");
     $this->backend->delete('Content\\Type\\Group', $groupId);
  * Removes a relation by relation Id.
  * @param mixed $relationId
  * @param int $type {@see \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Relation::COMMON,
  *                 \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Relation::EMBED,
  *                 \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Relation::LINK,
  *                 \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Relation::FIELD}
  * @throws \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Exceptions\NotFoundException if relation to be removed is not found.
 public function removeRelation($relationId, $type)
     $requestedRelation = $this->backend->find("Content\\Relation", array("id" => $relationId));
     if (empty($requestedRelation)) {
         throw new NotFoundException("Content\\Relation", "id: " . $relationId);
     $this->backend->delete("Content\\Relation", $relationId);
  * Delete a language
  * @throws \LogicException If language could not be deleted
  * @param mixed $id
 public function delete($id)
     $versions = $this->backend->find('Content\\VersionInfo', array('languageIds' => $id));
     if (!empty($versions)) {
         throw new LogicException("Deleting language logic error, some content still references that language and therefore it can't be deleted");
     $this->backend->delete('Content\\Language', $id);
  * Removes url aliases.
  * Autogenerated aliases are not removed by this method.
  * @param \eZ\Publish\SPI\Persistence\Content\UrlAlias[] $urlAliases
  * @return boolean
 public function removeURLAliases(array $urlAliases)
     foreach ($urlAliases as $index => $urlAlias) {
         if (!$urlAlias instanceof UrlAlias) {
             throw new \eZ\Publish\Core\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException("\$urlAliases[{$index}]", 'Expected UrlAlias instance');
         if (!$urlAlias->isCustom) {
         $this->backend->delete('Content\\UrlAlias', $urlAlias->id);
  * Removes a location from its $locationId (but not its descendants)
  * Content which looses its main Location will get the first
  * of its other Locations assigned as the new main Location.
  * If content has no location left, it's removed from backend
  * @param mixed $locationId
 public function delete($locationId)
     $location = $this->load($locationId);
     $this->backend->delete('Content\\Location', $locationId);
     $remainingLocations = $this->backend->find('Content\\Location', array('contentId' => $location->contentId));
     // If no remaining location for associated content, remove the content as well
     // Else, update the mainLocationId if needed
     if (empty($remainingLocations)) {
         try {
         } catch (NotFound $e) {
     } else {
         $this->backend->update('Content\\ContentInfo', $location->contentId, array('mainLocationId' => $remainingLocations[0]->id));
  * Deletes a object state. The state of the content objects is reset to the
  * first object state in the group.
  * @param mixed $stateId
 public function delete($stateId)
     // We need to load the object state as we need $groupId
     $objectState = $this->load($stateId);
     // Find all content for the current $stateId
     $contentList = $this->getObjectStateContentList($stateId);
     // Delete the state
     $this->backend->delete('Content\\ObjectState', $stateId);
     // Update the priorities of the group states if there are any more states in the group
     $groupStates = $this->loadObjectStates($objectState->groupId);
     if (empty($groupStates)) {
     $priority = 0;
     foreach ($groupStates as $groupState) {
         $this->backend->update('Content\\ObjectState', $groupState->id, array("priority" => $priority));
     // Now reassign content from old state to the first state in the group
     $firstObjectState = current($this->backend->find("Content\\ObjectState", array("priority" => 0)));
     $existingContent = $this->getObjectStateContentList($firstObjectState->id) + $contentList;
     $existingContent = array_values(array_unique($existingContent));
     $this->backend->update('Content\\ObjectState', $firstObjectState->id, array("_contentId" => $existingContent));
  * Test deleting content which does not exist
  * @expectedException \eZ\Publish\Core\Base\Exceptions\NotFoundException
  * @covers eZ\Publish\Core\Persistence\InMemory\Backend::delete
  * @group inMemoryBackend
 public function testDeleteNotFound()
     $this->backend->delete("Content\\VersionInfo", 999);
  * @see eZ\Publish\SPI\Persistence\Content\Location\Trash\Handler
 public function deleteTrashItem($trashedId)
     $vo = $this->loadTrashItem($trashedId);
     $this->backend->delete('Content\\Location\\Trashed', $trashedId);
  * @see eZ\Publish\SPI\Persistence\Content\Section\Handler
 public function delete($id)
     $this->backend->delete('Content\\Section', $id);
  * removes an url wildcard
  * @throws \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Exceptions\NotFoundException if the url wild card was not found
  * @param mixed $id
 public function remove($id)
     $this->backend->delete('Content\\UrlWildcard', $id);
예제 #11
  * Delete the specified role
  * @param mixed $roleId
 public function deleteRole($roleId)
     $this->backend->delete('User\\Role', $roleId);
     $this->backend->deleteByMatch('User\\Policy', array('roleId' => $roleId));
     $this->backend->deleteByMatch('User\\RoleAssignment', array('roleId' => $roleId));
예제 #12
  * Test deleting content with a wrong type.
  * @param mixed $type Wrong type to delete
  * @expectedException eZ\Publish\Core\Base\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentValue
  * @dataProvider providerForWrongType
  * @covers eZ\Publish\Core\Persistence\InMemory\Backend::delete
 public function testDeleteWrongType($type)
     $this->backend->delete($type, 1);