public function testGetInfo() { $quotes = new AssetQuotes(); $quotes->setVendor('yahoo'); // stock symbols must seperated by url encode commas $data = $quotes->getInfo('aapl%2Cmcd'); // confirm the $data is of length 2 and first quote is for AAPL $this->assertTrue(count($data) === 2 && isset($data[0]['symbol']) && $data[0]['symbol'] === 'AAPL'); }
public function show() { /** * get a list of OR single stock symbols from the front end * symbols should be seperated by URL encoded commas */ $symbols = Input::get('symbols'); if ($symbols === null || $symbols === '') { return array('status' => 400, 'message' => 'missing symbols paramater'); } $quotes = new AssetQuotes(); // optional ability to set an API thirdparty vendor, like YAHOO, Markit, ect $vendor = Input::get('vendor'); // set the vendor if an over ride was given if ($vendor !== null && !$quotes->setVendor($vendor)) { return array('status' => 400, 'message' => 'invalid vendor'); } return $quotes->getInfo($symbols); }